Chapter 80: Dual Core and making a house.

Seeing their serious faces White Fang's aunt said with a chuckle, "In Forgot to mention it, Except for the Blood Core and Spiritual Core you can form another type of Core; Dual Core. In this type, you form both of the cores at the same time. But for this you should have a strong Soul and body otherwise your soul will fall apart even before the formation is complete. Menna and White Fang have this Core. You can ask them about this." 

"Uh Dual-core us essentially forming two types of the core at the same time. One needs to have a stronger soul to control the energy and a stronger body to bear the energy. For this, you need a large number of spiritual materials." White Fang saw that everyone was looking at her and said.

"Not only that you need to have strong will too because during the breakthrough you will experience an unimaginable amount of pain." Menna said with her mouth stuffed. While talking about this her face showed a trace of fear.