Chapter 84: A house build successfully!

Robert did not know what happened to the bird emperor and others. 

Currently, he is working with Molly to create a house! Yes, he is working to create a house.

As everyone knows, building a house is very laborious.

The initial investment and work are huge, and once it is built, it is difficult to make any changes.

So before building a house it's necessary to make plans. It's good that he was a friend of an architecture student in his previous life so he knows some knowledge on how to make a house, at least it's better than nothing. 

He built the taotie restaurant based on this knowledge. Previously it took a long time to make the Restaurant because there were few skilled workers. 

But now it's different because he has a lot of people who can help him. Molly beside him is an example. He is skilled with a sword so he can help with many things.