Chapter 93: Yota's Inner thoughts.

[This chapter is more of an information chapter and is boring so don't waste your coins]

Robert and Yota we're walking in the forest. Right now they are heading toward the direction of the Golden Alpaca tribe. 

Previously when five beasts attacked him he killed four of them and left one alive for questioning. 

After asking questions Robert knew their purpose. 

They wanted to Kill Yota! 

According to that guy, the Wind Coyote tribe have been wanting to kill the genius of the Golden Alpaca tribe and that genius is Yota.

The Wind Coyote tribe, just like the Golden Alpaca tribe, is a powerful tribe residing near the Lynx river. 

Both of them have been enemies for years and their overall strength is equal. There are many frictions between them but overall no large-scale war has erupted for some unknown reason.