Chapter 102: Eat First and Pay later scheme.

The spiritual beasts brought by Rion we're stunned after hearing Robert.

They were brought here by Rion after he said that there is an opportunity here. 

After hearing Robert's word they were moved for a while then there was a wave of disbelief in their mind after hearing the price. 

If it's free then they are more than willing to try but paying for that makes it completely different.

Although the price is not much for them they are not so stupid to give it to anyone for any unfathomable reason.

After all, they do not know Robert and it's hard to believe his words. 

Blood awakening? Increasing cultivation? Achieve this by just eating some food?

"Young Master Rion, what do you mean by this? Wasn't there an opportunity?"

"Yes, they are asking for spiritual herbs!"

"Is this a scam? Because I can not believe their words."


Everyone brought by Rion did not answer Robert but looked at Rion and asked.