Chapter 119: Train them!

Looking at their proud faces Robert became curious as he wanted to ask further about this but he was stopped by Rosy.

"Okay! Now it's not the time to chat about these things." Rosy regained her calm expression and said to the Overlord Turtle.

"You know right because of your negligence so many spiritual beasts were killed? You know what would happen if the alliance found out about this?" 

After the Overlord turtle heard this his face collapsed as he muttered anxiously, "Yes! How can I forget about this? If the alliance knew about this then…"

Looking at his anxious expression a crafty smile appeared on Rosy's face as she said, "I can take care of this matter…"

Hearing this the panicked Overlord Turtle stopped as he looked at Rosy with a dazed expression, "Senior, will you take care of this?"

"Yes, but in return, you have to promise me something." Rosy looked at him with narrowed eyes and said.