Chapter 132: Yo! its seems that your tribe has lot of pride now.

Robert walked along with Overlord Turtle with a look of contemplation. The Overlord Turtle has stated methods other than bloodline awakening which heavily relies on talent and level of the bloodline.

Body refinement, soul, and spiritual compression….

Out of these three methods, a spiritual beast can become stronger even if they don't have high talent…

Of course, there are other options too like getting the blood essence of a high-ranking Spiritual creature and upgrading your bloodline level. In this process, your talent will upgrade too. This was the case with Slither.

But the blood essence of one beast is not suitable for everyone. So everyone would need different types of blood essence and in huge quantities too.

The time and energy required for this are astronomical… It's impossible for the current Taotie restaurant. So he can only choose from the remaining three.