Chapter 146: The problem was solved by a chicken butt?

Robert saw a little Marshal coming toward them and immediately became alert. What will happen next?

Although he was thinking hard his hands did not stop as he continued to bake the chicken that the Bird Emperor found.

As there were no condiments he looked for supporting ingredients in the surroundings but sadly he did not find anything that's why he could only bake chicken like this.

Although the taste would not be good it's still alright. At Least it's better than uncooked raw food.

When Little Marshal was near them he greeted him with a smile, "You are here! Since we were waiting I thought it was better to cook something and fill up the stomach. Would you like to join us?"

The Little Marshal outrightly wanted to reject this offer. Joke! Why would he eat their food? 

But when he was near them he smelled a delicious aroma from the baked chicken. It's the type of aroma he has never smelled before thus his original decision was shaken.