Chapter One: Meeting God and Wishes

In a dark, dark place, there is a small spot of light, if you come close to her, you can see a picture of a little girl who seems to be sleeping, and after a while she opens her eyes and looks confused and does not know where she is until suddenly a voice came from afar

The Unknown voice : you woke up finally my baby

Dong'er: Who are you?

The Unknown Voice : I am what humans call God , the Supreme, the ruler of the multiverse, or whatever you like to call me

Dong'er: So sir, where am I now?

God: You are now in the void or what you call the area between heaven and hell

Dong`er : So where am I going now Heaven or Hell?

God: You will not go to this or that

Dong'er: So what do I do now?

God: Because your death partly because of me So I will gave you an opportunity for rencaranition and a chance to get a number of wishes through this luck wheel.

He says pointing to a big wheel of fortune with different numbers on it behind him

Dong Air: Can I really be reincarnation?

Asked Dong`er, floundering with joy, as Dong`er before her death was a big fanatic otaku and one of her most admired novels is Earth Spirit or Douluo Dalo part 1 .

God: Yes, I will give you the chance of reincarnation in any world you want, which also includes the worlds of animation and anime

Dong'er: Well I want to reincarnate in Douluo Dalo Part 1 as Bibi Dong

God: Ok, now let's see how many wishes you will get

He says and the wheel of fortune begins to spin and soon stops at the number 10

God: Well, you have ten wishes. What do you want now?

Dong'er: 1- I want four Martial Souls with level 30 Innate Strength power , which is

- Primordial Immemorial Phoenix who controls the fire element that is higher than the absolute fire element and has the ability to reborn from ashes and be born from a drop of blood

- Samsara immortal eyes with High affinity for space-time, which has the ability to devour energy, refine it and store it, and has the ability after storage, as the concentration of time inside is 100 times slower than outside, and immortal herbs can be cultivated with it 100 time faster than outside , but the soul force cannot be cultivated in it for me, but professions such as Blacksmithing and Alchimist and others can be practiced inside and keep things made can extract it outside.

- Ice Jade Scorpion Ruler with Snow and Ice Elementals who are higher than the Extreme Elements

- I want the two original souls of Bibi Dong to be fused into one soul called Spider Ruler and have a human form similar to an adult Bibi Dong body and control the death and soul elements at their highest level and make them free from the evil spirit and have the aura of a ruler around them with all three breeds of monsters in their purest form and mixed In the lineage of the primitive being who is the root of everything and all humans and beasts

Secondly, I want the primitive body with 7 hearts like Meliodas of the Seven Deadly Sins, the highest physical quality and upgradeable, the highest elemental affinity like the affinity of elves to the elements and nature, and I want the primitive soul that is indestructible except from a spiritual attack on the same level of the soul and mental strength is very strong and my body can absorb any rings Spiritual at any age and my body can accommodate 24 spiritual bones where each soul has 6 bones of its own and they do not overlap with each other, but they can be used with each other and when I collect the 24 spiritual bones I will transform them into a divine outfit higher than the king of God`s peak

Third, I want to be the son of Destiny in douluo Dalu and it instead of Tang San, and I don't want him to reincarnate into Douluo continent ، I want all his knowledge and techniques, all medical knowledge with acupuncture points, poisons, herbs and I want to upgrade his cultivation techniques, movement, hands, hidden weapons, and eyes to a high level and scalable in the future

for technique of cultivation developed to be dedicated to my four spirit with no bottlenecks in cultivation، where technology is grown pure spiritual strength and mental strength, body and elements and help me to intensify spiritual gems and the heart of elements

Fourth, I want a system like the following

Status: From her name, I want to know my status and the status of anyone I look at

Inventory: Non-living items can be stored inside

Missions: Allows me daily missions and important missions at every option important to me

Store: Everything in the multiverse can be purchased from it with store points that I will get from quests where there are soul bones, spiritual rings, minerals, immortal herbs and other items

Gasha: Gasha function or random draw where I can buy Gasha tickets or give gifts from missions

Travel through time and space: where I can travel to other worlds and travel through time

Finally, I want to build my own body and rincarnate as a 6-year-old into the eyes of ice and fire, and I don't want anyone to know about it, not even Dugo Bo or any god of this world

God: Although your requests are a bit over the top, they are reasonable as to where you're going and will doing in future، Now choose your body shape and I 'll let you go .

Says the god and Dong`er begin to modify the shape of her body where her hair red light beautiful but gives the appearance of a stylish and eyes ocienley blue and her face like jade and had some of the flecks of light which adds to it`s charm and beauty with a nice nose and rosy lips and has a body full with workin broad filled and waist Thin and abundant chest tightened at puberty

Dong'er: Ok I'm done and thank you for everything

God: ok baby good luck in your new life

He says and waves his hands and opens a gate and my soul is drawn inside and I lose consciousness

After an unknown period, Dong-er wakes up in a place with herbs around her and has a fountain that is half red, radiating hot, half blue, radiating cold.

( Ding..... the system is binding )

(1 %)

(50 %)

(90 %)

(100 %)

( welcome host )

Dong'er: Hello, let me name you first so that I can talk to you easily and Don't call me host, just call me Dong'er

( Ding….Done... Dong`er)

Dong'er: Let's call you nana and I don't want Ding's voice anymore

( Positive The system name has been changed)

( The hidden mission has been completed )

Description: Change the system name once it is bound to the host

Reward: Gasha's Wheel of Fortune Chance, 10,000 System Points, and Hidden Beginner's Pack

Dong'er: Wow good stuff but first let's awaken my martial soul Nana

Nana: ok dong`er

( Soul awakening begins )

After that, Dong'er felt intense heat, coldness, emptiness, time stopped around her, her soul tremble, death calmed down, her spirits released, and the ghost of a majestic phoenix with an arrogant aura and a thick fire element around her appeared ، next to her a scorpion the same size of the phoenix appeared next to her ، and it`s body is made of pure crystal jade and exudes extreme cold and has an intense aura that does not lose the phoenix ،Then a beautiful looking human figure with jet-black hair and deep eyes exudes death ، and finally her eyes of contrasting colors glow as they exude a strong space-time fluctuation that makes space tremble and time stagnant.

After a while, she draws the spirits inside her body, then opens her eyes again, stands up.