
--Author's Point of View--

 On a peaceful day, in New York lives a teenage girl, lying on her bed for already a total of 4 years, she remained unconscious ever since the car accident in South Korea as she was on a business trip with her father, Soonji Go.

It all began with a small argument when the girl met her older sister and dear female friend after some time and then, unfortunate things just rapidly came along.

This time around, Ivy would be managing the family's business as her husband is always out on his business trips with their other company employees.

Traveling the entire world to negotiate or expand Main Tech even more by establishing projects to promote the products they release.

Ivy had gone up to see her daughter before heading off to work.

She unlocked the door and quietly entered the girl's bedroom.

However, the bed was empty and fixed but the girl was nowhere in sight, the mother looked around to see if her daughter was still nearby, luckily, Ivy noticed that the balcony doorway was left widely opened, as the 16-year-old girl sat next to the stone fence, facing the cloudy sky.

The mother hurriedly walked towards her and caused the girl to look her way, and upon seeing the woman, she stood up but looked to be unfamiliar with everything surrounding her including the very people she encountered.

It turns out that the girl had just woken up this early morning with her head aching nonstop, so Ivy called for her doctor to check on her daughter's condition.

While the doctor was asking her questions that she should know, unfortunately, she was diagnosed with amnesia.

Ivy was walking back and forth, worried about what to do once she went to inform her husband about their daughter who returned with no memories, the mother faced the girl and attempted to confirm whether or not she remembered anything.

"Do you not recall a single thing?" she asks hesitantly, but her daughter could not say a word, so she closed her mouth again as she couldn't quite comprehend what the woman meant.

Ivy took the girl's hand in hers before asking another time.

"Do you still not trust me? I won't tell him, I promise you that." she tried to gain information concerning the accident that occurred 4 years ago.

Ivy was certainly worried about everyone her husband crossed paths with because Soonji isn't someone who you can trust at all, Ivy Go does love the man.

However, there's no reason she can't suspect him from doing anything especially since he was the only one with their daughter on the day of the accident.

The girl finally came up with the proper words to say to her mother and that they'd understand one another better than earlier after Ivy confirmed that her child doesn't remember a thing.

It is then decided for the girl to look around their mansion and know more about herself or how she is likely to live.

--Her Point of View--

From the moment I awoke from my sleep, it seemed like our family wasn't the affectionate type since no one other than my 'mother' was around the time I was said to regain consciousness.

Nothing seemed to be off about who I am, and my belongings are mostly branded that it feels as if I would not even lack anything

Plus, my name is also oddly too sweet for the way I am acting.

'Doesn't it all just seem too perfect or probably not?'

Starting from the well-designed walls to a circular ceiling exposing the bright sun above the interiors of the furniture which seem to be made of boreal wood along with all the silky curtains but also fluffy cushions.

And the bed mattress that is in sync with all these expensive yet unused clothes of mine and these aesthetic photographs of sceneries in an album. I must've taken these myself, saying from the photograph of 2 shadows that the other one looks like mine.

I looked at the shadow as the sun was lightening up the whole room right before hearing a yell come from way below this floor it seemed unsurprising for me to react much, but I ignored it as it felt usual.

Once it came to an end, I then went towards a desk filled with what looked like gadgets untouched for some time now, a mirror which was covered up by cloth.

I gasped witnessing the sight as I uncovered the cloth from on top of the mirror where I saw what a faceless person I am.

I immediately stepped away from the mirror, dropping it on the bare floor while I felt my face and the feeling of doing so reminded me of... Fear? 'I guess that is another thing about me that would probably remain temporarily unknown for now.'

I left the bedroom and headed out to explore the residence, quickly walking past the busy hall filled with many housemaids doing their tasks from one room to the other.

Seeing the crowded place made me feel dizzy as well as anxious but it only took a moment before I resumed on my way.

Although they looked fine to be around, I didn't feel any better about approaching them. 'Seems like I wasn't much of a social person back then.'


As days passed by, I learned a lot more about the family including myself, Honey Lou.

Starting from the day I woke up, it has only been about a week yet they already told me to begin my studies and homeschooling is the only option they gave me.

Ivy stated that our family is widely known. Hence, it is necessary for me to stay hidden from the public, especially since both the Go and Lee families are famous for being wealthy, and noble, and have the cleanest reputations in the business industry.

Honey Lou can't do anything to attract the public's attention whether it be good or bad.

Father would always be out on his business trips so it will be very peaceful here at home and free from his 'sensitive' side as Ivy said, while my younger brother, Soojin Go is currently in Germany with a trusted business partner.

He was sent there to do as our father had told him to, such as learning to be a 'true man' who would stand firm on top of the 'tower'.

And mother would handle everything here in New York, for instance, Main Tech since my father is away, surely someone must manage it all.

Since there was not much to say about our lonely home, I dropped my head on the desk, bored from the same day like any other day. Even though I have been in a coma for 4 years, they never really bothered to make time for me, not even a single call...

'And that is another thing that I have observed in this family, that they seem pretty distant.'

Not that I want us to gather as one whole family ever since the first time I met with my father who almost forgot he had a daughter.

Now here I am, finishing my 1-hour long bath, and am just about to have breakfast all by myself since my mother is out again, doing what needs to be done.

As I did mention not so long ago about me not lacking anything in life...

These past few days have already turned into a loop and nothing seems to be exciting for me to look forward to but at least I have my things to do unlike theirs.

Going over the photo album as I do every day already become a habit for me.

I also understood the use of recording voices and backing up files on my laptop from the phone now and then which I was able to use due to the fingerprint sensor though I still couldn't do anything to change the pin I put up on the lock screen and despite that fact...

I found out about PLUM the AI that I created myself.

PLUM is programmed to assist me in identifying one's presence around me because I never really told anyone about the disability I was born with called Face Blindness.

Nor do I plan to tell anyone else about it since I do know that revealing my weakness is something I'll regret soon enough.

I continued how I did things for a month until the time I was somehow interrupted by a soft yet audible knock on my door just as I was submitting my schoolwork, I stumbled on my way to the door to unlock it knowing who it was by the sound they made.

I then gave way for Ivy, expecting news after a week of being alone except for the fact that we have lots of housemaids who'd never really interacted much with me, she walked in as I followed behind trying not to be clumsy for once in my life.

After a moment of silence, she finally spoke up about what she planned to tell me though I didn't expect her to make up her mind in the first place I was still glad that she did this for my sake and was not only concerned about my father and her son.

Fortunately, she was able to convince her husband, and I am speechless about him not bothering to prepare anything for me overseas, it's like I am not even welcome anyway, although I did tell them that I haven't regained my memories yet.

'There sure are plenty of doubts within this family of ours.'