|The Bonds of Having Your Friends and Family Around|

--Sora Young's Point of View--

"Cham~ Cham~ Cham!" we continuously played as we were waiting outside Honey's room since she was gonna be discharged today.

At first, I was excited to hear that before I remembered her problems, and the other things that had been bothering her for a while now.

Despite getting the same climax in the game that I like playing, I just can't help but feel more upset about what happened a week ago...

'The silent treatment that we're receiving from Honey is simply heartbreaking for me.'

I can't stand it.

But what if I don't save her then..?

I believe that ignoring the main character in the game can benefit me in getting a different ending because as they said about the alternative endings.

There comes a price to pay for what the player does within the game such as the items used, the enemies, etc.

"What seems to be the problem here?" Jay-Oppa had asked, casually taking a seat behind me on the sofa while Dan, Song, and I were on the floor.

I didn't want to ruin the mood and turn it upside down since things were already too serious at the moment for everyone so I brought up another topic which is the strategy that I will be using on the One-Life game this time.

'This will be quite thrilling!'

All because of one simple thing you do, everything else will keep on making twists or turns and not in the way that we thought they would end up.

It is kind of a bummer that the main character does not get a happy ending but I did hear that they're planning for a prequel or sequel game as well.

I am quite uncertain about the consequences there'll be for me in the end because even games can be really hard to move on from including movies, in some cases.

And this game is not an exception.

Without Honey being around, the world would probably be filled with fog, darkness, and a lot more things that are not exactly good for any of us.

I can't seem to spread any motivational quotes to my friends, family members, and strangers if they do take me seriously...

Having these kinds of thoughts running in my mind is heavily troubling me.

"I've seen all the endings, I'll teach you what to do."

As Song stated those words to me, he also pushed Dan aside like he always does to our friends, and grabbed the phone from my hand, resetting the entire game data.

"Hey!" I attempted to retrieve the object but since he was quick to get up on his feet, the months of hard work had come to nothing.

"You could have just... You know, what? Nevermind."

I crossed my arms and fixed my sitting on this white cold floor since he was making me feel very uncomfortable.

"Wait..? Even the beginning of the 1st chapter in the game is different, how did you do that?" I asked with wide eyes, staring at the phone.

He stared at me as he began moving the person he was playing in the game.

Boasting for no reason...

We both sat there in silence, minding our weird tactics when it came to games.

His eyes weren't paying attention as to where his character was headed while I was just focusing on the different details.

"I have never actually played this before." he spoke as he died on the spot, he hadn't even left the huge room yet, or as we call it the spawn point at the start.

'There isn't a monster inside the room so how in the world did he die at the beginning?!' he dropped my phone on the ground as he walked out.

"Where are you going? You said that you'll teach me, clueless idiot!"

I raised my voice from the way that he has been treating me so far, it's not like I'm asking him to date me.

'I am so head over heels for that cyan-haired Prince Charming, what exactly do I like about him? Nothing good, in particular.'


I went home after seeing Honey all healthy and lively today.

She'll be moving in with Haesu-eonni for the time being since it is still quite unsafe for her to do things on her own such as the dishes, or her laundry.

And pretty much everything else there is to do when you own a house.

Honey didn't agree but she also didn't refuse anyway.

However I am curious as to why Yua didn't follow me to the hospital today, or in other words, the reason she wasn't able to come with us this time...

Something was also burning from the inside of our house, and that made me assume that she slept in again last night after we tried experimenting with the game's alternative ending but I didn't think that she would stay up until late midnight.

"Yeah, I am just about to go there after having breakfast. You should come too, we'll be talking about our little get-together this school break."

I heard an audible response from Yua while she was on the phone talking to someone as her mouth was fully stuffed.

The kitchen was messy with all the burnt pizzas she heated up in the air fryer, seriously, she was using the air fryer in the wrong way, she shouldn't have...

'Just chill, Young.' I approached her with my arms crossed while she simply stood there on the phone, eating the pizzas, and staring at me in disbelief.

I honestly do not know why that is, she ignored my presence and continued clearing the dining table but before she was about to leave the area, I still waited until she realized the fact that there would be no one to visit at the hospital from now on.

Since Honey has already been discharged earlier.

"Just eat up."

She stated and I scoffed, she raised an eyebrow looking at me from head to toe but she is kind of naive, at times.

So I indirectly told her that she was the only one who should eat all of these.

"You slept in, didn't you?"

I talked back as she checked her phone, reading the messages about our plans for the break. "Seriously..?" she replied, shaking the thought off as she left already.

"Oh, well."

--Lee Haesu's Point of View--

My mom drove me to the hospital, picking up Honey since she is totally fine now and will be moving in with us in the meantime after taking her time to get well.

But one thing that I can't comprehend...

As the other guys were still transferring her belongings to our house, I assisted my sister over to the sofa so that she could rest after the ride in the sunny weather.

Our friends willingly helped us but there is this one person who I'm very worried about, and it is Dan, he definitely has another motive.

'Whether or not is he in love with my sister, I still can't fully trust him...' his family business is really struggling overseas right now which indicates that he needs money, correct?

'He's very materialistic.'

I am sure that I'm not wrong about this one.

Dan is trying to win her trust because of something, and I do not want to make a huge fuss about him since he is a friend of mine as well...

After all, I've also got my sister with me so there's nothing to worry about.

For now, I guess.

My cousin, Yeonju came running down the spiral staircase.

Asking why my sister was there.

"You didn't warn me about her staying with us! And for an entire week??" it is not like he even owns this place just because we're related by blood.

I never even wanted to accept him, in the first place...

"Just deal with it."

I solely replied to him, ignoring his complaints as I saw that my mom was looking extra fancy tonight, and this couldn't only be a dinner date with her female friends.

It was literally a date.

"Mom... Who's the lucky man?"

I asked, wanting to know more about my possible future dad.

"Oh, shut it. I am only going there because my old colleague set me up." she spoke shyly, checking out her outfit and makeup for the last time before leaving us three here, giving us each kiss marks on the cheeks except for Yeonju.

He dodged it very nicely.

"Anyway, I want dumplings and pork cutlets for dinner tonight, can you ask the chef in the kitchen to serve that for me? He still hates seeing me."

"That is all your fault! And don't ask me to do you any favors, it is not like you do what I ask you to." I replied, wanting to get back at him for shrinking my favorite oversized hoodie even when I CLEARLY told him how to do it properly...

"Don't bring back the past, that was a year ago!" he remarked.

"Are you seriously telling me to forget about it?! I was sent to Japan because of your actions which happened not long ago, it was only last month when you did that. You are way ahead of yourself."

The bickering between us cousins went on for hours till dinner time, we were scolded by our chef just as mom had told him to do so.

Knowing that Yeonju and my relationship was worse than Honey's.