|The Bloody Fight On A Friday Night|

"Gosh, what took you people so long?" asked Ji Eun, she took a sip on her cup before walking back in, refilling her drink since she somehow felt problematic nowadays.

'And there he is.'

Sihyeon thought as she noticed Sora's time had come, she left the girl's sight whilst figuring if Song was already there.

"He should be here by now, the antagonist for tonight won't wait for him." she slowly spoke as she watched the door, checking if a cyan-haired boy had arrived.

But unluckily, he was still taking his time.

Sihyeon went out to find him, anxious because the scene was about to start and she needed to change it.

"Well, I have to check again..." Sihyeon spoke out loud as she left the place and went back out once more to make sure that the knight in shining armor was on time.

After a couple of minutes, the girl eventually spotted the cyan-haired male.

Walking very slowly toward the entrance, she immediately went back in and stayed put on her new lookout spot.

'Okay, now I need to find Hyunjoo.'

The show had begun as the others gathered with their conversations, the senior student who had barely attended his classes walked up to Sora.

Implying that she accepted the drink he was offering.

She didn't know what else to do, she lowered her head and kept quiet, ignoring him as she waited till he left her just like what she had done the night before.

'He was the same guy, huh?' Sihyeon thought.

"Take it or there will be something else much worse than this."

He leaned in, reminding her as he sat right next to Sora, constantly trying to make her drink even though it was against her will.

She looked up to face him but her eyes caught something on the ceiling so Sora hesitated to do as she was told, she slowly took the beverage to avoid getting the others involved.

'What the..?' Sihyeon noticed.

"Hey, bro!" a very loud call caught everyone's attention whilst a red-headed boy walked inside to join the party alongside his friend Song.

They all cheered but Sihyeon, on the other hand, took them apart so that her plan could be perfectly done.

"Woah, girl! I am just here to party." Hyunjoo followed her.

"Listen, can you please not get in my way?"

The older girl snickered as she sent Song to look for Sora, Sihyeon knew that she shouldn't tell him directly about what he was supposed to do.

Since it would jinx the plan she prepared beforehand.

"Just do it, end of discussion." she said, pushing him away from them.

--Moon Hyunjoo's Point of View--

As soon as I delivered the last package I had for the day, I immediately turned my motorbike around to head over to that party which was originally just for me but...

'She ruined her only chance.'

Anyway, moving on from that idea.

Once I safely arrived at the exact location, I kind of heard someone mumbling loudly yet I couldn't understand what they were saying.

I glanced around to find my friend, dragging himself towards the entrance so I quickly removed my helmet as I looked around the place.

But before I got off my ride, indeed I had to fix my hair and check out my reflection in the side mirror, smirking at the dazzling face I had.

'FYI, I'm not a complete narcissist, only slight...'

I've always and will continue to respect the people who acknowledge everything about me, and on top of that list is being born this way.

'A perfect human being, that is what I am.'

I chuckled at my comment to boost my self-esteem right as I began walking after grabbing my duffle bag and swinging it on my right shoulder whilst calling for Song.

"Hey, bro!" he waited for me as I ran over.

We did our ritual handshake before walking in together.

"The party is lacking something..."

I casually stated as Sihyeon-noona pulled the both of us apart, she pulled me over to the side while demanding my best friend to search for Sora.

Speaking of her, it has been a while since we've talked.

Everyone near the entrance had placed all of their attention on me, I picked up a drink from the table before resuming my sentence, or review regarding the party.

"Obviously, it's me." they laughed along after feeling tense since I was interrupted earlier, they thought that the party wasn't good enough to impress me and give the host a chance to go on a date, at least once.

'I am the best in this category.'

Usually, they would try to win my heart by throwing the biggest and coolest parties and I have to say...

'They're trying very hard to reach my standards, and this isn't only about the party that I'm discussing but including the fact that the person who wins here will become my girlfriend.'

Well, I'm not quite sure about that since someone has already won, unfortunately, she wasn't made for me in this life, after all, someone else is destined to be with her.

'And who exactly said that..?'

"Woah, girl! I am just here to party."

I was startled by Sihyeon-noona but still, I followed her.

The fun didn't last that long because of Sihyeon-noona, she stood beside me as she began speaking. "Listen, can you please not get in my way?"

My older friend snickered as she told Song not to ask any questions nor complain as to why she was sending him to find Sora.

"Is this important..?" I wondered.

She hesitantly faced me before pointing at the center of the room.

It was Sora with Shin Haru who is a senior student at our school.

But I heard that he has been repeating the very same year over and over again for who knows how long and why...

"Why did you place me here, instead of elsewhere?"

"I'm sorry to say this." she started her sentence as she looked away, avoiding having eye contact with me for some odd reason yet I already knew that her answer would hurt me, she never lies but always sugarcoats her words to hide the truth.

'You never know when she's trying to warn you.'

She did not finish the sentence but I found out what she meant by those words, I had to be the one in pain, witnessing as the girl I liked kissed back a stranger.

She used me for the plan to successfully change for the greater good, she placed me in the front row seat where I could clearly see them.

I wanted to pull them apart so I clenched my fists as the glass I held broke into pieces, cutting many wounds on my palm but I didn't care.

It hurt more on the inside rather than the outer side.

"Please." my friend held onto my other hand as she looked down to see the broken glass, scattered everywhere. "If you ruin this!"

"Things will go bad for every single one of us, you wouldn't want that, or would you?"

I was angry, it didn't matter if I got into a fight with my other friend, I just...

'She must be terrified.' Sora is too kind and true to be treated like this.

"Song will help her, he doesn't know his feelings." Sihyeon-noona added as she pulled me back to her side, telling me to wait and just watch it happen.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I heard Song scream at that senior student as he pulled Sora away from my other friend, they were about to leave the area but Sora wouldn't go with him, things weren't going as I thought they would because...

"Someone else is moving here." Sihyeon whispered once she realized that something was off around us, she looked around but found no one suspicious.

Haru-Hyung laughed right before getting back up on his feet as he motioned his group to come closer, we were about to head to where they are until, the ceiling blocked us.

The boys from my school moved closer to hold onto Sora while Song fell on the ground inside the cylindrical glass with Haru-Hyung.

Everyone gathered around to see the fight, the others in our group had also tried sneaking through the crowd to help our friend in need since this was totally unfair.

"Come fight me! You so-called Prince."

Haru-Hyung pulled Song by the collar and began punching him mercilessly yet he wasn't fighting back, the other people around should be stopping them by now...

'This is why I don't hang out with them.'

I looked at Sora, seeing as her eyes were filled with tears upon the sight of her crush in pain without any courage or motivation to return the same favor to his opponent.

"I taught you how to punch but why aren't you doing it??" I yelled in frustration as I stood on top of a table, the only thing separating us right now was the cylinder glass.

'I won't let my friend's plan be easily wrecked like this.' I thought.

"Only I can do that." Sihyeon-noona knew what I was thinking of doing and then, she too did her best to protect our friends from harm, she called for the others while I made sure that Sora was not in the hands of our rivals...

I meant the students from my school and not the ones in Seoul Global High.

Yeonju came running towards one of the guys while Sungyeon-Hyung attempted to keep the crowd from getting closer since this might end up bloody messy.

"All of you just leave already before you get involved in this as well!"

Jay-Hyung had led the people out of this property, meaning that this party was over as soon as a group fight broke out between the two schools.

"Oh, I love this!" said Haesu-noona.

Soon enough, Haesu-noona joined the fight along with Yua and Min-Hyung, either they continued it or simply tried ending the commotion we had.

And I, on the other hand, looked for a way to help Song be freed from the glass so that I could avenge the love of my life for the harassment Shin Haru did.

Since things had gone rogue tonight, there is no chance that I'm letting this guy get away with what he had done to her and the rest of our friends.

He deserves to suffer and be arrested for everything wrong he committed, especially preying on defenseless people.

Screams of pain and shouts of anger could be heard throughout the entire house, and drips of blood also stained the walls as none of us stopped what we were doing.

Until the very moment that we heard the owner speak.