|The Kind of Secrets That Can Destroy|

--Kim Sihyeon's Point of View--

"No one must know..."

I locked up my friend inside her mother's bedroom, trying not to feel any more guilt for her. 'It's time that I leave it all to fate, she's not a little girl anymore.'

Whatever is bound to happen, it will happen.

"This can't be!" her voice trembled even more...

"This is the answer." her words filled in the emptiness of her memories after so long, she has finally come to remember why no one is supposed to know.

'Why no one should know.'

--Author's Point of View--

 Honey Lou fell on her knees and rejected the memories that came flooding in her train of thoughts, the subconscious re-entering the conscious state of mind.

In other words, she was retrieving all that she had hoped for a long time now, however, Honey regretted it.

"No, no, no! I can't let this happen." she was gasping for air as it became hard to breathe getting overwhelmed by the continuous flashbacks of her so-called bright past as a child of billionaires.

She fainted and her body rested on the ground as the party went on without her ever being discovered.

Since no one uses or dares to open and enter through the door of her birth mother's room, she was left unconscious.

Shivering like a lifeless person with her mind still processing everything.

The lights were switched off, the mess was cleared out by the housemaids, and the girl in the bedroom remained.

 (The Next Day) Honey Lou awoke from her slumber after hours went by, there was no sign of another soul around.

"Mom." she called, but no one answered.

Tears streamed vertically like a river gushing endlessly, she comforted herself, curling into a ball of yarn as if she was also a combination of mixed-colored strings of yarn.

Symbolizing her confused state of mind that is entangled altogether at the same time.

"I need a hug..." she wrapped one of her arms around her shoulders, the other one she placed around her waist for comfort and warmth, barely able to get up the second after that. She merely spat out a word as she was supporting herself and left.

 "Let me at least have some strength to lean on myself." her words seemed like they didn't make any sense from afar or even in the ears of another individual.

"If I am not deserving of having someone to help me in situations like this, at least, this should do it." she spoke in an inaudible way.

The night became deep as the rain began to pour down from a rather clear and illuminating atmosphere above them all.

Honey gathered the remainder of her energy and courage to walk out of that house filled with people who betrayed her.

A house filled with the people whom she put her trust in despite having trust issues.

 She left the place before anyone could even discover her presence there, the girl held onto her chest that was throbbing so awfully like the lava turning into molten rocks.

Without realizing that her necklace was unlatched and that she had dropped it back inside her birth mother's room.

Her thoughts had nothing else running but a long and endless trip down memory lane, playing back to back like a knife stabbing her brain till it bleeds out.

Honey Lou walked down the streets, it wasn't filled with that many people, and yet, not one person that she encountered was able to notice her dead eyes.

It was as if she was alive, at the same time, walking like the undead.

'Who do I blame for all of this..?'

 Honey Lou arrived at the doorstep of her house, the gate was placed on the ground at the side near where it was built.

"They left without a word..." she whispered with a smile that made her tears start streaming like the flow of a river once again just when she thought it was finally over.

'Don't I ever run out of tears?' she questioned under the heavy rain.

The girl entered her home, and the water from the rain didn't stop dropping from her soaking clothes after walking in the rainy weather.

 Just then, a knock on the door resonated throughout the house but Honey Lou did not budge from behind the door, she stood there motionless from the memories that she regained. "Catherine! This is Yun Oh, are you home??"

Her black-haired friend, also known as, Yun Oh, kept on banging on the door so loudly even with the rain getting heavier as time passed by.

At this point, Honey Lou seemed like a ghost still lurking inside of a house where someone else now lives, locking him up outside like he was the one trespassing.

The guy whipped out his phone from the pocket of his jeans, dialing the number that he received from Honey's father as a way to communicate with her or rather, to determine whether or not she truly was home. "------" it rang. 

--Cho Jihyun's Point of View--

"Please, stop it!" I screamed as soon as I reached my mother slapping my friend who clearly deserved it.

"Didn't I say no?" my mother, Lee Haejin, replied with her raging face just like when she used to scold me for having boys at home.

'I honestly never thought that life would turn out this way for us.'

But since it turned out to be this way... "Mom, cut it out! I am trying to celebrate my birthday even if it's already late, this isn't just a party!"

I yelled at her for letting it slip from her mind, the day she gave birth to me.

How could she forget??

"You promised to yourself that you would coddle me, raise me the way you want, and even shape me into the perfect girl like you did to your daughters."

 She looked surprised to hear that coming from me, her third daughter, the daughter that she conceived after getting married for the second time...

"Where did you... How do you know that?" she was at a loss for words, speechless is what you would normally call it, something that I like to do to people.

'Make them go silent.'

"That's right! I know about your past life, Mom!" I revealed to her, exposing the fact that I had my reasons as to why I hated that girl even more nowadays, Honey Lou is my half-sister, an older sister...

"You're a cheater, mom." I declared.

 "I did not cheat on anyone! And you do not get to use my past against me without knowing what I went through." she grabbed my shoulders, squeezing them from the anger and despair that she felt as a mother fighting with her little duplicate such as her daughter.

'Am I even her daughter?' if she didn't cheat on anyone, that is...

"Fine, I'll let you continue your little party till late at night but once it ends..." she lifted her index finger, trying to stay as composed and rational as ever to avoid even more drama.

"We'll talk about this." she pushed her hair back, walked away with her hands on her hips, returned to her car, and drove off without saying anything more.

"Well, that was so interesting to watch." Ji Eun-eonni praised us, clapping her hands together as she headed back inside.

"Come on in, Jihyun. You've got guests to entertain."

Fortunately, no one noticed the commotion that happened here, otherwise, I would have had another thing to be embarrassed about. 'So much for having a private life.'

"It looks like it is going to rain later."

Sihyeon-eonni commented, suggesting that we wrap up before it does.


 The party ended with a heavy silence filling the air while the four of us sat in the living room, each one having their respective corner in the room.

Separated by the different couches.

"My birthday problem is now officially resolved." I started, keeping my hands crossed over my chest as I placed one of my legs on the other.

"As much as I would like to explain it all to you, why are you here?" my mom questioned, throwing a green pillow that was filled with wavy lines toward my dad, he unexpectedly came over for some reason.

'Grinning from ear to ear.'

I wonder what mom saw in my dad, he isn't that handsome nor is he intelligent...

'It must have been the money then.' the assumptions began as I hypothesized upon watching them, Ji Eun-eonni, on the other hand, behaved quietly.

 "Don't mind my presence here, dear wife." my dad replied, picking up the pillow from the gray carpet, on the floor.

Letting me have the moment to hear an explanation of my mom.

"I will not discuss this matter in front of you!" she argued, interrupting me from speaking.

'Parents, are they always like this when we're not little anymore?'

"Enough! You brainwashed me years ago into thinking that you were my husband in the first place which is why I got pregnant and had her!" those words as well as the fact that my mom pointed that finger to my direction...

"What do you mean by that, Mom?"

I frustratingly asked, not just my mom but also my dad.

"Jihyun, you weren't supposed to be born because your dad here, he... He took advantage of me when I wasn't myself." she explained. "Or more like making excuses."

I stated out loud, shocked by this news. "What did you say?"

Mom was fuming in anger...

I didn't realize that by saying that to her, it would mean the end of my life...

"This is why I decided not to coddle you, raise you as my own, and turn you into my other daughters!" Mom raised her voice as high as it could get, taking a step closer to my dad. "You are a result of your dad's unlawful actions."

"And I want a divorce." her eyes seemed like they were popping out of its place, she looked terrifying enough as normal but now that this is how it went...

'It's like I don't even know her anymore.' or at least, I never really knew my mom.