Chapter 1: 20 years later....

(Battlefield of Daimonas, 140 Chronas (chronas is a unit of time in this world) )

In the battlefield full of dead bodies and allies fighting with enemy and bloodshed everywhere, lied the injured king, waiting to die, feeling numb by the second and finally becoming unconscious. Surprisingly, the King woke up in a lush green forest, different from the battlefield, filled with peace, soothing warmth, chirping of birds.

King: Am

Still dizzy and confused as to where he was and how he got there, he heard faint voices in the distance...


(Royal Castle, Erlia, 160 Chronas)

General: KING !!

Finally, King Aileen of Erlia, Snapped out into the present, the reality.

General: Are you ok King? Want me to call in Doctors?

Aileen: No, I'm fine, and what's with you calling me 'King'?

General: Huh? But that's who you are, my King.

Aileen: Come on Hue, you are my best friend and u always called me Aileen, so please call me that, I'm not used to you calling me King even 20 chronas after my Coronation.

General: Haha ok, ok, Aileen.

Aileen: That's my General....I mean Hue.

General: By the way, were you.....again...remembering that moment?

Aileen: Yeah....I mean, strangely, I survived that day....with wounds so fatal I should've died, and after I woke up, I was in a forest and not in the battlefield I remember becoming unconscious in, and the wounds.....they were just.....gone.

General: Forget about it, move on already, why does it matter how and why that happened, I was just glad they found you that day, alive and completely unharmed. Just forget about it as if someone saved your life and then left, as for me, I didn't care how it happened or who it was because you were alive, so you too move on.

Aileen: Hmm....I guess you are right.....But you think I haven't tried? I have but I just can't seem to forget it, it always comes back at me.

General: I'm sure you'll get over it.

Aileen: You know, even tho I have told u this a thousand times in the past but, I'm glad to have you by my side, you are my best friend and probably one of the only people I can truly trust, and expect to never hide anything from me.

General's face turned pale and grim as soon as King Aileen said that. Likewise, King got concerned.

Aileen: Hey, are you ok? Some-

General: No need to call anyone, I'm just not feeling that well.

Aileen: Then go rest you idiot.

General: But Aile-

Aileen: No excuses, just go this moment and rest.

General : *sigh* Ok, My King, I would go rest.

The General exits the room, leaving the King alone in his room. King walked over to the other end of the room, from there, the king could see the beautiful lake in his backyard. King sat down taking In the scenery. It was peaceful, calm, and relaxing. King looked up at the sky.

Aileen: If only....everything could still be the same

"Aileen~," Said a faint whisper in a voice that was imprinted in Aileen's heart forever. Tears fell from the King's eyes

Aileen: If only.....

(4 days later....Royal Castle of Erlia)

Finally came the day of Joy and Grand celebration in the kingdom, the Birthday of the King's son, Prince Aeras. Each chronas on this day the Royal celebration took place in which even the locals were invited, to join in this special occasion. This day also had special fireworks at the end of the celebration. Everyone was happy and enjoyed themselves to their heart's content, in the joy of the Prince's Birthday. Prince was loved by all for his Helping nature, Bravery, Chivalry, Kindness, and of course his extraordinarily handsome looks. That is why this day was special to all and celebrated with delight and joy by the locals.

(Inside the castle)

Aeras: Father !!

Aileen: Oh son, Happy Birthday !! I wish you get all the happiness in the world.

Aeras: Thank you so much father, I am 20 now so.....Where is

Aileen: Oh, haha, of course, come with me.

King Aileen showed his son all the Expensive and Lavish gifts that specially came in for him, but the Prince seemed uninterested for some reason. Concerned, King asked him,

Aileen: Is everything alright, son?

Prince just stared at him before speaking up...

Aeras: Father, these are not the gifts I'm talking about.

Aileen : (confused) Then what is?

Aeras: The letter from Mother, Father. The letters she left for me before dying. The ones you give to me every year on my birthday. Mother left 20 of those you said, right? Then today you are going to finally give me the last one.

Aileen: Oh! Yes of course, how can I forget that, But how about we wait until after the fireworks are done? You can read them in peace then, is it fine?

Aeras: Yes....It's Alright father....I guess I can wait.

Aileen: Alright son, then go and enjoy all the delicious dishes and food that was prepared for you by royal chefs and the people.

Aeras, excited to taste the food, leaves and enters the fair with different stalls giving different kinds of food. The fair was illuminated by a lot of lights and almost seemed magical, Both kids and adults were enjoying the food and were happy, celebrating in joy of Prince's birthday. Time flowed like water, and it was now night, almost the time for the fireworks. Prince Aeras was busy meeting and greeting people, but mostly busy trying different food items. Suddenly it hit Prince that it's time for fireworks and that he should go to his father since he was supposed to give him the letter after the fireworks but, he went before it, hoping he could convince his father to give him a letter before the fireworks started.

Prince Aeras was standing in front of the gate to his father's room. He slowly opened to see if his father was in there or not, but instead, he was greeted by shock and surprise. His father was writing a letter and had a seal stamp beside him. Prince could've brushed it off as any letter if it wasn't for the seal stamp that his father had with him then. It was a seal stamp with his mother's crest on it, the same crest that each of the 19 letters from his mother had. Prince Aeras was told that his mother used the seal stamp with her crest to seal the letters she wrote for him before her demise and the seal stamp was buried with her. His father told him this when he once asked about the crest on the letters. A sudden shock hit the Prince since his reality came crumbling down. He knew now, that those letters were not from his mother.

Aeras: Father...

Aileen (Surprised): Oh! Son...

King Aileen tried his best to quickly hide the seal stamp.

Aileen: Yes son?

Aeras: What's the point of hiding it father? I've already seen the seal stamp that 'I' thought was buried, but I guess someone dug it out, huh?

Aileen: It's not...what it looks like....Aeras...listen to me son.

Aeras: Enough!! All this time it was you? You were writing those letters to me? Why? Just WHY ??!!

Aileen: Aeras.....I had to son....for you...I had to.

Aeras: How do I know what you are saying is true? Or the next thing that comes out of your mouth will be true? Do you even know how much these letters meant to me father? Even the mother wasn't here with me, but these.....these letters made me feel connected to her...made me feel like she was here....but now.....NOW THERE IS NO MEANING TO THEM!!

Aeras shouted and left the room crying and full of anger. Concerned, the King sent guards after him, since he was scared of what Aeras might do to himself. Aeras was running, running, and kept running. He was tired but kept running, his anger, hurt and sorrow powered his feet to keep running. After running for a long time, he finds himself in a forest, after running a bit more, he was now in the deep parts of the woods. Finally coming to a halt, he tries to catch his breath, but he heard the guards in some distance. He climbed up one of the trees with what little power he had left inside him and stayed there until the guards left. Finally, after 30 minutes, when he could no longer hear them, he decides to descend the tree, but end up slipping in doing so. He falls with a loud thud and screams out of the sharp pain he felt in his back. Suddenly he felt someone tapping his shoulder. Frightened he quickly turns around and sees someone's silhouette shining in the moonlight. He was relieved that it was not one of the guards but he was still cautious of the stranger. The stranger then spoke up.

Stranger: Are you ok? Need any help?

****End Chapter 1****