

Ruu is magical energy inside a person's body. Ruu gives you different powers depending upon the kind of Ruu you possess. The power that Ruu gives you also depends upon the kingdom you are from. Everyone in a kingdom has Ruu but the commoners don't have high intensity of Ruu and hence their powers aren't that strong and don't really give them any ability, even though some commoners can also possess high intensities of Ruu, but that is not very common and only occurs in 2-3 commoners born each year and on the other hand Royal families possess very high intensities of Ruu by birth which lets them utilize abilities of Ruu pretty early on. Ruu, even if in high intensity, has to be cultivated and learned to control to be able to fully utilize its abilities. Ruu increases with age but comes to a halt at a point in a person's life different kingdoms have different abilities the Ruu gives them.


Erlian Ruu gives the user increased speed, agility, flexibility, strength, and marvelous ability to use weapons with extreme precision. As in the last chapter, Aeras and Eisen used this ability to run super fast and cut the dummies with extreme precision on their way. The more control an Erlian has over their Ruu, the more stronger and precise they become. While using the Ruu, for Erlians, the time becomes a bit slower than others, because that is how fast they are moving. This is the reason why they are so precise with their sword.


Tyrian Ruu gives the user ability to Energy Construct, which is the ability to create virtually any weapon, tool, or any object that is not larger than the person themselves using any form of energy (for eg. U.V.). This ability can only be used for a short while in one day since it requires the user to concentrate a lot of their energy to manipulate the external matter to create the object. They absorb the energy from their surrounding and then concentrate it outside to manipulate matter. With practice and control, one can increase the time they can use it for and energy one can absorb and use this ability for. They use the energy to manipulate matter, that is how they form any weapon or material they want. Of course for this they need to have another material with similar mass around them, since mass cannot just be created, to gain something new, something must be last as well. It is similar to alchemy. But of course, with time and practice one can create objects out of thin air, literally, since air and surroundings too have matter.


Kyndian Ruu gives the user the ability of Plant Control, with this ability the user of this Ruu can control plant life. They can make the plants grow in any way, shape, form, or direction they wish. This technique requires the users to concentrate and accumulate a lot of Ruu energy inside their bodies. Cultivation practices and Training can help the Ruu energy in their bodies increase for a limited time in a limited amount, leading to precise control over plants. One more way the Kyndians use to increase the intensity of their Ruu is by absorbing other's Ruu, not directly, but by absorbing the shards and fragments of Ruu left behind by others. This power works on the fact that nothing is completely efficient, there are always losses of energy. The way to use their Ruu is simple, they can carry seeds of any plant they desire and turn them into plants and use the plants/trees formed the way they desire or, use already grown up trees and manipulate them to use them to their will, although the latter is harder to do.


Siragon has the power of Heal and Energy Conversion. Heal gives them the ability to heal a wound of their own or others, which is a useful ability during a battle. The user of this Ruu focuses their energy on the palm of their hands and puts it on the wound which heals it. Energy conversion is a powerful and useful ability, this gives the user ability to absorb energy and convert it into a different kind of energy. For example, one can absorb UV rays and convert them into a concentrated beam of energy or even use their Ruu energy and convert it into a beam with healing wavelength, which intern gives them the Heal ability. The number and types of energies that can be converted can be increased with cultivation and practice. One can also convert the energy and concentrate it for energy blasts, which require a lot of training.


Even though Daimonians and their kingdom are considered lost and forbidden, their abilities are the most powerful among the kingdoms and one cannot ignore that fact. They have the ability of Telekinesis and elemental control, which takes years of training and practice. Normally, a Daimonian can use Telekinesis and only one of four elements. Only the King/Queen can use Telekinesis and all four elements. There is one ability that only the Royal family possesses, Dark-touch, which is the ability to control dark forces and spirits. This ability was manifested by the first ruler of Daimonas using dark magic. With this ability, one can absorb different spirits which gives the user increased strength, speed, and agility. Users can also call different spirit animals on will and even ride them. A Daimonion is born with this Ruu but Dark-Touch can only be inherited by transferring this element of Ruu onto the next King or Queen.

Ruu can be transferred from one user to another but an additional user is needed to provide additional energy for completing transfer as a lot of energy is required to transfer Ruu from one body to another. It's painful for the donor as they have to be awake through the whole process and push out the Ruu energy outside their body with all power they have, which may give them extreme burning sensation when energy is concentrated out of the body as concentrated energy has a high intensity which may cause heat to accumulate. On the other hand, the receiver has to be sedated or should be unconscious to receive Ruu fully, as energy can only settle itself in a body completely and evenly when body and mind are at rest. Not many cases of Transfer are recorded to date because of the obvious reason, 'why would someone want to transfer the source of their power to someone else ?'. There are still a few cases where people transferred their Ruu to the other, excluding the Daimonian Royal family as they transfer Dark Touch Ruu every time someone is coronated.

There are also mutations of Ruu energy. If the people from two kingdoms were to marry and have a child, their child will most likely have one, both, or a combination of the Ruu's with high intensity. Due to this many unknown and mysterious power can also occur, which is very rare but not impossible.


Commoners who possess high-intensity Ruu in a kingdom are chosen to be the future General to the next King or Queen. The General-candidates are selected when they are only kids and are trained alongside Royal princes and princesses to make sure that the Royal and General-Candidate trust each other and expand it into the future. When a Royal has more than one General-Candidate, who will be the General is decided by a battle between General-candidates, which happens right before the coronation of the Prince or Princess. Similarly, if the current king has more than one child, which child will be King or Queen is decided by a battle between them. The sibling that loses is given a fair opportunity to become the general to their brother or sister if they want to. This situation is humiliating and not many choose to be General to their own sibling who got to be the King or Queen. If the siblings are fighting for the throne, each sibling would have their own set of General Candidates. Out of all the general candidates, the one standing till the end of the fight wins the chance to become the general and the rest are also given high-ranking positions in the army. Even though General-candidate worthy children are born each year, only those who are of the same age or within 2 years as the heir(s) or have high Ruu intensity are selected. These General-candidates are Handpicked by the Heir(s) themselves. After the Prince or Princess turn five, they were taken around the kingdom to meet possible General-candidates, and then the heir chooses who the final general candidates are going to be. The kids chosen to be general candidates are also given a choice to either accept or refuse the offer to train alongside the heir, although one may not refuse due to benefits that come with it, many still refuse to send their children as has its own fair share of risk to their lives and many more.

Royal Jewels :

These jewels are considered Royal Treasures. There have been many wars amongst nations to acquire these jewels from the other nation before they all agreed to be peaceful. These royal Jewels contain the purest essence of Ruu from each nation. Anyone that possesses the jewel, whether from the nation the jewel belongs to or not, can control the Ruu that the gem contains. Anyone who possesses all 5 jewels will be the most powerful person in the world. These jewels were made from the Ruu left behind by the First ruler of each kingdom, their future generations to come. Out of all the jewels, if one can get their hands on the Daimonian Jewel, it can be saidid they have already conquered half the world. The jewel looks ordinary and is mostly hidden among the daily jewels of the royals. They are only worn when the Ruler has to go on war or when an emergency arises.


The Erlian Jewel is called 'Exousia' and is embedded in a long cuff bracelet, with the jewel attached to it. The jewel is purple in color. The one who possesses the jewel will have superhuman strength, speed, agility, flexibility, and unrivaled sword skills.


The Tyrian jewel is called 'Dimiourgia' and is embedded in the pommel of the sword. The jewel is orange in color. The one who possesses the jewel can create any weapon or object they desire.


The Kyndian jewel is called 'Anaptyxi' and is in form of a ring. The jewel is green in color. The one who possesses the jewel will have the ability to control any and all plants in their vicinity. They can even make dead plants alive again. They can grow plants in any place, time, and atmosphere they desire.


The Siragonian jewel is called 'Ygeia' and it is embedded in the middle of the breastplate of the armor of the current Ruler. It is blue in color. The one who possesses the jewel can convert any form of energy into any other form of energy the user desires. They can heal any wound, disease, or plague or bring upon wounds, diseases, and plagues on anyone. They can even concentrate their energy and form beams which can cause explosions or create lasers etc.


The Diamonian Jewel is called 'katastrofí' and it is embedded on a waist belt. It's Black in color. The user of the jewel can use telekinesis and different forms of it, use different elemental powers at the same time and of course, the jewel heightens the power and intensity of the dark touch. With the heightened ability to use dark touch, the user can control the dead, evil spirits, dark energies, open gateways to dimensions, and even bring death upon whoever they wish. It contains not only a part of Ruu but also Dark Energy. That is why it is said that the one who possesses the Daimonian jewel, has already conquered half the world.

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