Chapter 13 : Under a Spell

They returned back to castle soon after discovering that opening leading to somewhere. Somewhere they didn't know about. They all left their horses in the stable and made their way inside the castle, and went straight to Aeras's resting chamber, to discuss what to do next.

Aeras : So, what do you think we saw ?

Albion : It was some kind of...portal, I suppose. I'm not too sure.

Eisen : Yes, no matter how far away we were or how dark it was, I'm sure, I saw someone go inside it. I don't know if you both saw it or not, but I did.

Aeras : Hmmm, I saw it too. but who could that person be ?

Eisen : I guess, one of those people.

Albion : But I'm sure the person did not have horns on their heads though.

Aeras : Since the person was outside, maybe they hid them.

Albion : Yes, that's possible.

Eisen : I have a plan, would you both like to hear ?

Aeras and Albion nodded.

Eisen : How about we just focus on observing for now ? Let's simply observe the place where we saw the portal until we know about more tan just the portal itself. What do you both say ?

Aeras : Hmm.....but we cannot stay there for a whole day, the more people are spying, the more there is a chance we'll get caught.

Albion : As the "The Best Tactician of Tyring" let me propose something.

Aeras : Go on...

Eisen : Show off much ?

Aeras : Eisen, let him speak.

Eisen : ....

Albion: Thankyou my dear Aeras. How about we take turns ? We can decide the time of the day and duration we spy for and after the time duration is up, the other person can come exchange places and keep an eye. If we do this, we each of us will have to keep an eye twice a day, if we divide the day and shifts into 4 hour shifts.

Aeras : hmmm....sounds good. So let's begin this tomorrow.

Eisen : Yes, but also make sure to not take any unnecessary steps on your own.

Aeras : Ok

Eisen : Oh, not you Aeras, I know you won't do anything reckless, I meant to say this to Albion.

Albion : Hey! Why only me ?

Eisen : Because you tend to do these sort of impulsive stuff.

Albion : Huh!! Do you know who I am ? I am Prince of-

Eisen : Yeah, yeah.

Aeras : Pfft..

The bickering continued for a long time. Starting next day, they all started their shifts to monitor the place, and would change positions with the other every 4 hours. This went on for days and it seemed like they weren't getting anywhere. But Aeras insisted that they should continue for a few more days, even though he had been saying that for days. Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months, and they were getting no where, they even decided to stop until one day...

Albion : Ugh...that Aeras, he insists that we continue but we haven't found shit. No one has come here for months, I do not know what goes inside his little mind, oops, sorry, he doesn't have one, I forgot. Hahaha.

While Albion was talking to himself, someone was making their way towards the location of the portal. Albion, immediately snapped out as he heard the leaves crunching. He got alarmed as this meant that someone was coming this way. Thanks to the forest being dark due to its being night and surrounded by dry but thick trunked trees, he made his way a bit closer to the person while hiding behind a tree. The person came to an halt, causing Albion to assume a fighting stance, ready for the worse, but to his surprise, the person started chanting a something. Albion could listen to it clearly, being so close to the position of the person. As soon as the person finished, the portal opened, and the person went in. Albion was impulsively about to enter, but he remembered what Eisen had said to him, and he retreated. He was able to memorise the whole spell, thanks to his sharp memory, which was finally coming in handy for the first time in his life. Albion retreated and made his way to the castle. Aeras and Eisen were sleeping. He went in and called them out. They both quickly woke up hearing his voice. Eisen and Albion met in the hallway. Aeras had signalled them to come inside his room to discuss further.

Aeras : Albion ? Why are you back ?

Eisen : He found something.

Aeras : Huh ? How do you know that ? How do you know it's not him slacking off ? Normally, you'd say that, what happened today ?

Eisen : Yes, but no matter how reckless this prince is, he is not a fool or someone who would just abandon a plan on his own. To be named "The best Tactician in all of Tyring", is something that is not given to just anyone, it needs to be earned. So I knew, he wouldn't come back, if he didn't have any updates.

Albion : Oh my, is that Eisen praising me.

Eisen : Yes, it was just this once, never again.

Albion : I knew that even if you didn't mention that, hmph. Well, yes, I did find something....

Aeras : ....

Eisen : ....

Albion : ....

Aeras slapped Albion's head, not that hard but hard.

Aeras : What are you doing ? Speak.

Eisen : Yeah, stop creating suspense, what did you find ?

Albion : Ow, that hurt!! You guys are no fun.

Aeras : Quick, what did you find ?

Albion : A way to open the portal.....Now, we can get in if we want.

To be continued....