Chapter 4

Theodore's POV

I opened my eyes to notice a hospital room that was adorned with a lot of flowers. It took me only a few seconds to recall the accident I ran into. My left arm had a bandage and my head was wrapped. I rang the bell and waited for the staff.

"Call Tucker..." I wondered why the nurse seemed baffled looking at me.

"I…will call the doctor." I cringed at her reaction.

The doctor came saying, "Wow…you are really a fighter. Is there any pain?" Of course, there was but I didn't want to talk to him.

"Call my assistant. You can tell him what is needed and he will talk to you how I feel." I bit my cheek to cage a groan. I had this little discomfort in my shoulder. Looking around the room I realized it was really not somewhere I should be.

In almost fifteen minutes my assistant appeared. "How things are going?" I asked while Tucker seemed happy as he made his way in.

"Your grandfather was there to look at things. How are you feeling? Is it hurting? You scared me."

"Did you manage?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"He doesn't know what he shouldn't," Tucker said and I looked at him.


"For how long I was here?" I only asked now.

"It has been forty-eight hours. You gained consciousness after sixteen hours but were under the effect of drugs.

"Where is my doctor?" I asked and he replied,

"He was on vacation."


"Call Dimitri…there was someone behind this accident," I said and he seemed shocked for a second before yelling.


"Stop reacting…I wonder how William didn't fire you already..." Tucker seemed a little ashamed and I huffed before looking at him.

"And, what kind of place is this?" Recalling how I didn't have my pendant to hold I asked another question before he could reply, "What about my things? My wallet…"

"Oh, I have everything. And, there was a woman who handed me a pendant. It looked cheap though. You were in quite a bad condition. Of course, she didn't know it was nothing major. So, they took you to the one that was most around."

Yes, there was indeed someone who came to help. "Was that woman here? In the hospital?" I asked making him nod his head.

"She followed you in the ambulance. Her name is Meghan Marshal and she is looking for a job."

"How do you know? Are you interested in her?" Tucker and I both went to Harvard. His father was a millionaire and he also comes from UK's most influential families but didn't want to have any ties with them. After his last girlfriend cheated on him he was not interested in any women.

"No, one of the nurses here was her friend and as we were waiting for the news on you I heard her asking that nurse for any job. I think she is into cleaning. And, last I check…I can't be seen dating a sweeper. I am P.A to Theodore Gordon." He laughed at the end as if he had made a joke.

"Tucker? Go and ask the doctor if I can leave already."

"Yea, of course," He left and I tried to get up. I shook my head behind him. That same cleaning lady was the reason that I was alive. And, he thinks she isn't important. But this is how the world works. No one would be interested in me if I am not Theodore Gordon. No matter how handsome I am. It is always about money or status.

A stabbing pain radiated from my shoulder to my chest as I got up from the bed. Looking at the cards over the flowers all the faces who sent me the flowers flood. All of them were C.E.O's, family friends, politicians, reporters, media celebrities or the people who were fans of my research papers or my success. Nothing was there from my grandfather or grandmother.

But there was no stopping me. I was to make sure that Gordon enterprise is the only firm topping the world. And, I remain the only face of this enterprise. My meeting with France's president was two months away and that was going to garner me even more recognition in Europe.

My uncles were already getting old and after them, there was not going to be anyone who would run their business. And, in the end, I was going to take over everything. The person they always see as illegitimate was going to be someone they are going to depend on. And, marriage with Franceso's daughter was only going to strengthen my status in society. For one part, I could understand why my grandfather wanted only the best woman to stand beside me. He too didn't want anything but for me to remain the sole heir of the whole enterprise.

No matter how much he hated my face. I was the only son of his only son. And, the irony is I was the bastard. And, everyone else refuses to admit how big of a douchebag my father was to rape my mother. My head felt dizzy with all this hate running in my veins. William and Emilia were not the only ones I hated. If anything they were supporting his son, unlike my mother's parents who didn't allow their daughter to abort for their religious agenda. They punished her for something she didn't even deserve.

Getting home I made sure to read the reports over the finance and signed it. It was a message that I am back and William's services aren't required anymore. It took me three more days to manage walking and I didn't wait to resume the office.

My grandparents went on vacation and were to come back in two weeks. The news didn't surprise me. Taking my locked drawer I took out a picture. She was beautiful, tall, with dark hair and hazel eyes.

"I hate you. You know that right?" I smiled looking at those beautiful hazel eyes.

I love you. You know that, right?


A knock on the door got my eyes on the door. And, the moment the door opened without me allowing I knew it was Tucker.

"Everyone is in the meeting room. We are to discuss…"

"I know it is about new banking laws." He nodded and I was getting out when he said, "I hired that woman. I mean…she saved your life. We can…"

"You did a good job, Tucker," I said exasperated.

My mind was on who could be behind my accident. Dimitri hadn't call till now. He was a big name in the underground mafia. We were not friends. He wasn't the man to be friends with. I take the services of his organization spending a lot and it was something my grandfather should never know. Of course, he won't like that I spy on our relatives.

I had a lot of funds at my disposal. Paying Dimitri and likes of him wasn't a problem. Being the CEO of Gordon enterprise comes with endless power, connection and influence. An edge that my relatives know I have on them and throwing me is not an easy task. This is why I knew killing me was the only option left.

It was after a few days when I received a call from my grandfather.

"Francesco's daughter will be seeing you today."

I totally forgot about it.

"There will be no issues. I assure you." I tried to stay calm.

"Of course, there shouldn't be any. She will be coming to see you at lunchtime in your office. Make some time. Show her our headquarters. You are to be the gentleman you are, Theo."

"Of course, dad," I said and he hung up.

It was around ten when Tucker called me. His shout made me get the phone away. "Ella Francesco is here."

"Yes…send her in," I said nonchalantly.

"But you are Theo. You…don't have an appointment with her. I can tell her…"

"She does have an appointment. Send her in." I left my seat and wonder who is she. From Tucker, I could tell she is a huge deal. I had met Mr Francesco twice and he was indeed influential. Not to forget he had accounts in one of our banks.

The only thing shady about him was his interest in women. He had many at his disposal and was addicted to beautiful women. Things about him changing woman hadn't bothered him. No one had any proof against him to tarnish his image and where we breathe only appearance matters.

I looked at the woman Tucker escorted in. She had a long violet dress on and had her make up as if she was going to a night party. Her fingers were manicured to perfection. It wasn't a surprise that she looked like a goddess. Of course, Francesco must have married someone beautiful.

"Ms Francesco," I smiled and motioned her to take the seat but she only looked at me and when Tucker didn't move I signalled him.

"So, finally you are looking at me. We have met before if you don't remember."

"My bad luck of course," I smiled.

She laughed and seemed impressed. I knew I couldn't mess it up and knowing I can't look at her face anymore I offered, "Let me show you the office around," Her face got tense.

"Really? I am…Ella. The Ella. And, you want to do nothing?" I smiled looking at her.

"I am going to marry you because your father is wealthy. You are marrying me because I am one of the most eligible bachelors in the town. And, you want to show off to your friends. It is a business transaction and if it makes you better I don't give a tour to my office to just anybody Ella…I hope you don't make things difficult for us." I said coming way too close.

Her glossy lips would get anyone's attention but I could look in her eyes. Women were really not something that would sway me. She was what? So, does many women in the world.

"Oh god…us…I like the sound of it. You…really can burn me with your gaze. I wonder how your hands would feel." She inched closer without breaking the gaze and getting my hand on her waist I said, "Shall we?"

"Of course," She said getting the wrong signal while I tried to hide my smile before taking her out.

I was a person of a one-night stand, or a little hook up in the downtown whenever frustrated. That too at hers' place. I couldn't risk showing them my place. Because if they will learn who I am, they will keep coming back. Never had a girlfriend and was sure that it was for people who had time. I had a plan on the other hand…all this time it was all about following the plan.

I looked at her expression as the employee would stand to greet her. Only in the customer care department, no one stood up to meet me or her and that kind of hurt her ego I could tell. Mia was right. She was the woman full of herself and I deserved someone by my side who is good at socializing.

We two were walking through the aisles when someone bumped into me. "I am sorry." I heard and found my shoe soaking wet with all the water that spilt on the floor. I was looking at one of the cleaning ladies. And, if I wasn't wrong she had her eyes swollen. As if she had been crying already.

Ella came ahead and slapped the woman. Everything happened quickly. Most of the employees now had their attention to us. "How dare you?" She yelled to gain the attention of those we didn't have.

"You are fired. Did you hear me? You…are fired." And, that was such an embarrassment. This woman was really not someone, one would spend a minute with. Maybe my cousin was not so wrong about her. I tried not to show my disappointment when I heard.

"No…" She said and I stared at the hand that held my left wrist. I was surprised by that cleaning lady's boldness before something snapped. I looked at her round eyes full of panic. "I am really sorry. I…" She pressed her lips hard. She left my hand before she got down to touch my feet but I held that same hand.

"Don't…" I said and took a step back. I stared at those long fingers in my hold. I looked at her lower lip that was trembling violently. In fact, her whole body was shivering. And, she was cold.

"Didn't you hear me? Get lost." Ella came ahead to yell and then turned to look at me. "Tell her to leave!" It was only now that I looked at Ella. She was boiling with anger and I knew I can't let her leave from here in anger if I really want to get rid of her. I had to.

"Tucker? Get her account clear..."

"No…Please…Mr. Gordon, I need this job. I have a daughter. And…" I looked at her cheek that was swollen now. Her mouth had a little cut on the corner. I wanted to kill Ella for thinking she can treat anyone like this because of the family she was born into.

Ella was about to yell when I held her arm firmly. "Let's get you away from here. Your dress is ruined." It was the first time in my office when someone was fired from here for literally nothing.

It was only when I was about to get away I realized I had her hand in mine even now. I left her hand. I wonder why my eyes were glued to hers all this time. I turned around holding Ms Ella and was about to take the step when I heard.

"Mr Gordon…I am so sorry. It was a mistake. Believe me…please…I need this job." I had this…thing with begging. It was a shame to the human race.

"You can't work here Ms Marshall. But here are my two cents..." I was silent looking at her eyes. Those huge helpless eyes. "...never ever beg anyone. No one really cares."

I had my mood beyond sour as I made my way back to my office. That woman, her tears or how she was wronged under my administration couldn't leave my mind. I wronged her. Wronged someone who literally meant no harm.

"What you did?" Tucker came into my office and I looked at him surprised.

"It was not a big deal. She is just a cleaner. It's not like my company won't..."

"She saved you. She is Meghan...the woman who took you to the hospital...stayed with you until the morning...waited for literally any news on you."


"So? Am I supposed to overlook her mistakes? She ruined Ms Ella's dress. A dress, expensive enough that her whole life's salary can't cover. She...was our guest. And, that woman...was working with an absent mind. I know that..."

"You know what...people are right about you. You are such a heartless. Even your donations are to once with whom you want to associate. I wonder why I keep finding...reasons for you. You...Theodore Gordon, are hopeless." I raised my brows looking at him.

"No stopping you. You can leave this job. But remember you are to give one month notice...or forget about any recommendations..."

"Oh...yea won't care about your friend leaving you...won't even make an effort. Hell with you...Theo."

He left while I wonder if I was just like William or my father. Well, I had to be here. Meghan...doesn't matter. People like her think they have to do good to have good. But from where I belong. We do good to ones who are capable to return the favour.

Tucker came in that very minute he left. "Now what? were leaving?" I asked and he whispered.

"Dimitri...he is waiting for you..."

Dimitri was waiting for me in a hotel and cancelling all the meetings I left my office at once. Walking in one of the lobbies I looked out of the glass wall. With her shoulder slumped Meghan was getting out of the building with a baby girl in her hand.


"Yes, Mr Gordon." His voice was low.

"Try to place her somewhere...somewhere good…somewhere better." There was a slight pang in my heart as I noticed that woman leaving the building. I recalled the time when I held her hand to make her stay in the car. Until I don't remember what happened.

I took the elevator. I didn't want to think about her anymore. I had far better things to do. And, knew from this moment on I will not have any reason to be restless. Helping her out to find a good job for her should be enough for me to forget about her favour.

"Ok...I will consider it you trying to keep me here. Because I don't want to consider you thinking about a cleaner." Tucker's voice was low saying the last word.

I looked at him disappointed. I wonder from does he think. "And, you said I was the hopeless case."

"...You know things like these doesn't let me leave your side. You...will be pitiful without me. Or...might date a cleaner" I looked at him and he was silent for a moment in the car before starting. " have to do better than this..."

"If you said any other word I will go and date that cleaner. And, you don't want that Tucker." He looked at me horrified before saying. "She is divorced though...and, single."


In my meetings with Dimitri, Tucker wasn't allowed to accompany me. He waited outside of the suite and I got in almost asking instantly the moment my eyes fell on Dimitri.

"Who was behind it?"

"Come on lad, hold on…fancy this Vodka with me?" I passed a glare to him before looking at the glass he was passing me.

"I want the name, Dimitri. You know my time is important." He nodded his head before placing the glass on the counter of the bar.

"Your cousin…who else could it be?"

"Name," I was running short on patience.

"Aaron…I really hoped it was someone difficult to deal with…but all this time…" He dramatically sang the last of his words.

"Great…I want you to break his legs. It will be better if he won't be able to walk for his whole life."

"He made a murder attempt on you. And, you…only want to break his legs?" I gave him my tight smile.

"I have my plans,"

Well, I had this side of me where I love to see people suffering because they thought they could hurt me. I was no saint. Surely, have done things that won't let an average person sleep at night.

He shrugged his shoulders before chugging down his drink. I got a call from Tucker and the moment I picked up he told me. "Ms Ella wanted your phone number." All the drama she caused roamed in my mind. "Pass her my number in the evening. I am busy right now." I cut the call and stared at my phone before looking at Dimitri.

"I have another project for you." He narrowed his brows.

"Project?" He asked and I nodded before coming to sit beside him on the counter.

"I want you to dig up on Francesco. The one in the hotel business."

"That's not hard. Everyone knows…about him. His interest in women is not unknown. But there is a risk. He has dangerous people beside him."

"Are you scared?" I challenged him and he laughed.

"Don't..use your tricks on me. You will get it. I will arrange something."

"No…I want you to have a piece of video evidence on him or on his family…that gets viral. I…want him to lose his social badly that the next news that gets to air is about his stocks falling." I said and he looked at me weird.


I smiled, "Are you going to take upon the job or not?"

He seemed to be thinking before moving his head. "Given his lifestyle…consider it done already."

Once that person loses the title of being gentlemen officially I knew my grandfather will never consider being associated with him. He hates scandals more than anything.

I got to my place and had to invite Ella for a dinner. She was rude to the waitress and complained about everything not giving care I owned this restaurant. I, on the other hand, only smiled knowing this torture will not continue for many days.

The moment my grandfather will phone me to not have anything to do with Francesco. I wasn't going to look at her twice.

F.a.c.e.b.o.o.k Page: Ashleh Queen

I.n.s.t.a.g.r.a.m: theashlehqueen

T.w.i.t.t.e.r: AshlehQ