Chapter 10

Meghan's POV

"Will you be my mistress?" He said and everything was frozen for a moment before it shattered. Everything was gone in a blink.

I pressed my mouth hard before I looked at him…completely disappointed in the person I have had on a very high pedestal.

"You are the same…aren't you? No,…my answer is no. I…think….I think this is it. This is the reason that you had me in surveillance." His expressions were the same. As if it was nothing he had asked of me.

I left my chair and got back to only realize the door was locked. I was about to knock when he said, "It's me. And, no,…I think you got it wrong. I was not asking. I am telling you now. You will be my hidden lover." I was shaken at the mention and looked at him disappointed. I opened my mouth to say something but words seem to fail me.

"You…got no right over me. I don't…owe you shit." I was trembling to find myself trapped. He closed his eyes the moment I cursed but opened them to look at me.

"Language…and, no I am not sounding rude. I am telling you about the…arrangement. I…can't seem to stay focused on anything. This much your presence affects me. Yes, you affect me in ways that I didn't know were there..." He got up from his place, "....but as you can see…we have a huge social difference…not only that… your past and, my status has the gap that can never be filled in eons…" I looked at his feet that shortened the distance between us. And, he continued not leaving his eyes from mine. "…I know you might not feel the same about me. And, I am not the man you want. But you are the woman I can't lose. So, Ms. Marshall, you will accept being my mistress…my…" He got his hand over the wall beside my head, "…hidden lover."

I looked away finding hunger in his eyes. "Open the door…I want to leave."

"But you can't…people down there are directed to not let you leave on your own…not because I am caging you but…they are for your protection." I fear he would touch me anytime. And, had my eyes teary at this point.

"Let me go…" I looked in his eyes but then looked at his mouth that I fear would close in at any moment.

"I can't…you are not safe out there. I…I really want you to be understanding about it. If not think about Rebecca. She should be safe all the time. And, I can offer you that safety." I was literally disappointed in him.

I pressed my mouth as I looked into his eyes. "And, do what? Sell me to you…why can't...I do jobs…to support my daughter like a real person."

"You CAN CONTINUE doing that…but then I don't want you to chase other men around. I don't want you to go on dates with other people. I want you to know who is providing for you…And, I want you to remember all the time to whom you belong."

"I can't do that…I…" I jumped a little feeling his warm breathes over my mouth as he closes in even more.

"What's so hard about it? Look, I will not touch you until you won't start feeling the same for me but…" I trembled as his body close in. Even speaking could make me touch his mouth.

"…I don't want anyone else to have you. You…are mine…all the time. No one is going to love you like me, protect you like me, and provide you like me. I will literally buy you this whole world if you say yes…if you let me in." I looked away to stare at his fist that was resting on the wall and his mouth got closer to my ear. "I can so love you, Meghan…" I closed my eyes. It was the first time he called my name.

"Please…let me go," I repeated again and could already feel his anger seeping through his pores. "We cannot do it. Have I touched you? Have I harmed you? Then why are you doing this? You are not safe out there. Your father's rented dogs are looking for you everywhere." His mention made me look at him

"...Yes,…I know who are you? And, believe me…this is not the reason that you are here. I have…" I didn't let him complete and held his wrist to make way for me but it only got him closer and I jumped feeling his body touching my chest and blinked tears when he got my hands up.

"Relax…I will never hurt you." He said but his eyes would tell something different. The tension in his body tells something different. "Think about you…and, your daughter. Staying with me is a better option…and, I won't claim anything until…you don't cross limits and let anyone else touch you. Do you get me?..." He asked and I tried to process what he said,

"...Words…I want you to tell me that you heard me." I looked at him unable to think anything knowing he was feeling me. And, I did feel him growing against my body. "Ye…yea…yes."

"You heard me?" I closed my eyes feeling his mouth over my ear.

"I heard you."

"Great…you are precious Meghan. I never want you to forget that." I felt him leaving my right hand only to feel his fingers rubbing my tear away. "You are my lover. You are not to cry…you get me."

"Why are you doing this?" He looked at me for a few seconds before whispering.

"Because I want you…and, you need someone." He got away to open the door. I only feared how he had my wrist secured in his hand but got surprised not finding Anne and Andrew outside.

He got me into the elevator and it was only when the doors were closing I tried to step out only to yelp the moment he pulled me into him. I trembled when I felt his hot breath wash over my mouth. He looked down into my eyes before his hand came to hold my face. "I know you are scared and it's a lot. But you can do it. If I hadn't seen you chase around another man today I would haven't done it. But now…it's necessary. You should know to who you belong. And, you better not cause drama but even if you did…I really don't care." The elevator's door opened and I did notice Ria sweeping the floor.

I wonder if she saw Theo and me together because she couldn't look away. Two of the same drivers were already standing outside the elevator and I walked between them only to look at my back after some steps. He was standing there looking right at me and I kept walking before leaving with those two men.

I couldn't get my mind around to how he knew about me being Francisco's daughter. What advantages he would want. Whatever he said didn't come as a surprise. I could already notice how he was looking at me all this time. How he tried to approach when he asked for the dance. But how he treated me was indeed a blow. And, I knew for sure that learning about my past was a sure catalyst. He…he couldn't look at me as someone who should be respected. Maybe he thinks of me as some commodity now.

I got into the apartment and was missing Becky. I wanted to take her to run away from here but found those drivers following me into the apartment. They remained standing in the living area and I retired to my room.

Andrea smiled looking at me. "She was missing you," For a moment I wanted to tell Andrea everything and ask for her help. But then I knew even she will not get me. Whenever someone learns that I was a stripper. They only know how to price me.

I didn't say anything and she too didn't press before leaving. It was only at five in the evening when I found Theo standing at my door. I looked away the moment he got in.

"I am sorry for how I treated you earlier. I should haven't." I knew he was only sweet-talking to get me.

"Then…you should let me go," I whispered not really looking at him. I just couldn't look at him anymore. All I see is lust…a predator…a wolf in the sheep's clothing.

"Fine…you can leave…but…knowing that you will be tracked down by those men in less than half a day? You better choose Meghan…either I and this protection or you come across them…"

"You…are lying. You are just…scaring me." He shook his head in disappointment before he took out his phone and dialed for a number.

"Dimitri?... I wanted you to tell me if the demon gang is still looking for Ms. Marshall…"

"Of course, they are…one of them is still keeping an eye on Tisha…make sure she doesn't get there. And, what's with this? Why are you…?" He cut the call and I wonder too. If it was the same Dimitri…he sounded the same.

"I don't want you to be scared…" He walked to me and I only held Becky closer and inhaled sharply on her head.

"…but I can't see you chasing men around. So, you better know from the next time. If you are to live under my protection…you better respect for how I feel."

I didn't get ready the next day and didn't leave for the office. Andrea didn't come to ask. She always believed that I was his friend and wasn't a bother in any way.

It was only at the night when I was putting Becky to sleep that Andrea came to announce. "Mr. Gordon is asking for your presence." She said making my heart skip a beat. I didn't want to look at him. I wonder what he was thinking now…wanted now.

I knew where the dining area was and Andrea didn't guide me this time. "You asked for me," I whispered and he looked at me. His face was solemn, sleeves folded to show his forearms and he was only in his shirt and pants…his physique was still enough to give the authoritative vibe.

"Come here…have dinner with me." He said but I stayed still before whispering. "I don't want to." He nodded his head and got his napkin out. "So, what are you deciding?..." He asked and my stomach flipped.

"I…I can't…do what are you asking…I…just can't."

"You can't live without chasing men?" He asked and I narrowed my eyes. "What are you doing?"

"I am doing nothing right now. It's…you…so…tell me…will you be my lover?"

I wonder if I can really leave from here. I wonder if I can really escape my father's rented dogs. I didn't have any place to live and losing the job too can be…and, then getting a job when I don't have any place to live. But only because I was in a tight spot doesn't mean I have to sell myself. If not here there was only one place I could try and that was Josh's. And, the chances he will help us out was really slim.

Or maybe he was with his father-in-law that day…or else…he would have done something for us.

"Ms. Marshall?..." He called for me again and I nodded my head. "I am…I am not a woman like this. I…don't really sell my body. I…" My voice cracked and my chin wobbled. Even standing here I feel naked.

I pressed my mouth when I found him raising from his place. "No…I don't want your body only..." I inhaled his cologne as he continued, "...I want your soul too...Meghan. This path…is of sin. I want to buy your conscience too…" He raised my face holding my chin lightly. I could feel the warmth of his body and trembled when he came to whisper over my mouth. "…you are the only woman who has my heart. And, I will not live a second where I am not sure that you are not safe. This…should be enough for you to know…that I am never going to let you go." And before he could lean in I took a step back and hiccupped holding my mouth in my hand.

I knew he was lying or he would haven't proposed right after when I was revealed to him. He wasn't looking at anything but a slut and irony? He wanted me to believe that he cares. I hated men like him. I was already running and took the stairs to close my door with a thud.

The next day, I only got out when I was sure he left for the office. I looked for a phone. The drivers were not a bother and only remained in the living area while I got to Theo's room.

Even his sheets were not set until now. It seems Andrea didn't get here. The room smells like him and had a black interior same as his heart. I got to his closet and looked for the things. I knew I shouldn't but I needed it. And, got my hands on his watches and looked around until I got my hand on a phone.

I looked for Josh's firm and called the official number. Someone picked up and I asked in a very trembling voice. "I…I am Josh's client…my husband wants to kill me…I really want you to put me on…please…please…"

Wait for a moment. I waited for a minute before I heard, "Who is this?"

"Josh…I am really in a tight spot. If you don't care about me at least let Becky in please please please…or else…I don't know what to do. You have no idea where I am. I am at…"

"Stop ruining my life for once. I don't want you or Becky…and, if something happens to you…girl…that would be my happiest day. At least, my past will be over." I narrowed my eyes and held my mouth to cage the sob.

"You were happy when Becky…"

"That's because I cared if I can have kids…nothing else…look don't ruin it for me, wherever you are…you earned it. Wherever I am…I earned it." Someone called from the back and he cut the call while I sat there wondering what to do.

I shivered and recalled how Theo looks at me. I recalled how Tisha's mother used to be someone's exclusive too. Even if somehow I manage to escape I knew I lack resources and friends who would help me out. And, if I stay here…how I was ever supposed to hold Becky knowing I have done something like this. What Becky will think of me?

I left from there leaving his watches there and wonder what will happen if I agree to have help from him. And, at the night, I went to him in the dining area knowing exactly how his eyes will look at me. "I…I agree to be your…" I said and he looked at me.

"You have taken a very good decision. Come here." He got out of his seat to pull the chair for me. I knew exactly how this very gentleman will surely show his true colors the day he will be tired of me. I took the seat and he got down to whisper. "I knew you were smart enough."

He took his seat and before he could say something I mentioned. "I don't want Becky to ever know about our arrangement. I would like to…like to send her away…and, even try to get her adopted to somewhere safe…maybe." He looked at me and seemed pissed.

"And, you think…I can't take care of her. If you want her to be adopted…I will officially adopt her. One less problem?"

"No…" I tried to resist but he raised his hand.

"When you submit yourself to me. I will be the one to take every decision for our good. And, there is no way...I will let you live a day where you have to give up on your children..." I looked at him and gulped wondering if he was the right decision.

"…and, if anything I am way more equipped than you to give her a better future…Rebecca will be my responsibility…" And, I wonder if I was ruining my baby's life.

"Mr. Gordon…I…I want her father to adopt her at some point. He might be confused but…"

"You aren't going to mention him ever again. And, giving Becky to him…is out of the question." A surge of anger took over me as I bit my mouth hard. "I…am selling myself to you…not my baby."

"No…I am never going to give her to someone who doesn't want her. If...her father ever came to want her. I will give her to him." And, though I knew he was confident how Josh will never come. I knew one day he will for sure realize what he did to us. He had to.

I stayed silent and he got up and finding him still I looked at him. I knew what it meant but before I could get up his cell phone broke the moment. I stood up anyway and looked at him. My breath was getting shallow and my feet were frozen. If anything…I didn't want anyone to be where I was today.

"I am coming, of course," He said before looking at me. I could feel his tense body though we were not close. He took a step to me and held my face up. My eyes followed the moment his breaths swept my face.

"I won't be here tonight. But for tomorrow night…I want you to be ready for me." I stared at him for a moment and getting every bit of my energy nodded. He didn't leave me and stared at my mouth. I gasped the moment his hand came up to tilt my head and next found his tongue making the way in my mouth. I held his shirt from the chest making my arms sandwich between us while his arms held me up. I gasped the moment he grazed his hand on my butt making a ball of tears get stuck in my throat.

He only pulled away to trail his warm mouth to my jaw and I blinked and tried to breathe. He had a hard-on and I shivered feeling his tongue grazing my neck. "You are mine." He whispered in my ear and my breath hitched when he pulled away. I didn't look in his eyes and he again held my chin to make me look at him. "And, I am…yours."

He left and I stood there even long after. Someone kissed me today. Someone who wasn't Josh. Someone…who wanted nothing of me and looked at me as if I am a slut. I was only something he could keep for his lewd desires…I was nothing but a thing for him to get off his hard-on.

It was lunchtime and Becky was active more than usual. One of those drivers came to pass me a phone and I got it to only hear.

"How are you doing?" I stayed quiet for a moment before replying, "Good,"

"I am looking forward to tonight Ms. Marshall. I want you to get ready for me today." I let those words sink in and knew how he must be looking right now. "I…I will,"

My whole body was tense. I recalled how Tisha's mother used to talk about the customer she was exclusive to. She mentioned how it was like a marriage. In the start, the man would care and can't get enough and with time it fades away. But she still managed to keep that customer for a very long time. And, she used to mention how she always put energy into her every session to keep him spending.

I wonder if I could manage. I thought as I got long dangle earrings. It complimented my neck. Becky was already sleeping and I held my arm that couldn't stop shaking. I had black lingerie on and got a robe over it that only reached my knees.

Dimming the lights in my room I got into his and tried to get my heartbeat normal. I tried to recall how he would look and tried my best to get myself prepared. But his cologne in the room wasn't helping at all.

I almost jumped when he got into the room. He only took two steps to the left before he found me on his bed sitting. I raised from my place and looked at him. He was surprised I could tell and he looked at me before cocking his head.

"What a pleasant surprise? But I asked you to get ready...we got a dinner reservation…" But then he trailed off looking at my attire. My red lipstick or heels were truly loud. "…that we can skip." He added before throwing the jewelry box he was holding to the couch.

Did he mean to get ready for dinner when he asked me to get ready? If yes…then he sure now knows that I am slut type.

"No…I…will get ready. I just need to put on a dress." My hands were cold and my eyes stung. I only took a step ahead but he was already standing in front of me. I looked at his hand that came to rest on my face and I only closed my eyes.

His eyes…I couldn't look into them.

"No, no, no, no,…I can see you have better plans." I was so embarrassed at this point and his hand grazed my breast when he got it off my face.

"I…I can go and…change." I whispered while my legs were going jelly. I inhaled sharply when his hands came to rest on my butt to only pull me closer.

"Only a fool will let you step out of here..." He got closer for me to only feel the bed at the back of my legs.

"Mr Gordon..." Maybe I could get out of here.

"Ms Marshall I am going to touch you." He whispered in my ear. His hands were on my back pulling me to him.

"Mr Gordon..."

"No...I was lying. I am going to do a lot more...." I jumped a little the moment I felt his hands holding my right buttock. His fingers were a lot in. His mouth was pressed against my ear when he whispered.

"You have given me the worst blue balls and I am going to pay in double." I blinked my eyes knowing it was the moment.

The rest of the story can be accessed on B.o.o.k.n.e.t app for 3.09 usd.

F.a.c.e.b.o.o.k page: Ashleh Queen

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T.w.i.t.t.e.r: AshlehQ