Chapter 41. First Date

Myne comes to the town after 2 hours of nonstop running without meeting any unfortunate trouble along the way, like bumping into patroling Orcs or some kind of overpowered monster, etc, and since he left marks on trees while following those two Orcs for safety reasons, so he also didn't lose track like a certain green hair guy.

"Huuu! Finally, I can take a breath now, it was really difficult to run all the way here, and I didn't even eat lunch in this whole rush," Myne said annoyingly.

Today my luck is quite bad, at the morning I wanted to have a little exercise with June before going on the work, but my little wish was shattered by June. Then because of a golden piggy, not only I didn't get my compensation but was also kicked out of the guild, and in the end, I found an Orc settlement in my hunting area, which was of course not a good thing. One after another bad things is going on with me, now I just hope that my date with Aisha doesn't ruin by this bad luck, Myne thought helplessly while entering the town.

Soon Myne comes to his house and after playing with little doggy for a while, he hurriedly enters the house. First, he took a bath and cleaned every part of his body carefully, then he put some fragrant body powder for males made of unknown material all over his body so he smells nice. He brought this thing last night because he heard from many people that most girls didn't like smelly guys and on the first date with Aisha, Myne didn't want to give her any chance to complain. Then Myne took out a newly brought dress, a simple white shirt, and pitch-black color pants from his Inventory, and wear them.

"Wow! Who is this handsome guy? Seem like tonight many girls are going to release water after seeing me," Myne said shamelessly with a smirk while looking at his reflection in the mirror.

Then Myne hurriedly throws away his smelly clothes and armor into the bathroom and after locking his house and giving some food to Mightyana Trio, he headed toward the adventure guild to pick up his girl.


Huh? Where is Aisha?? Did I come too early??? Doesn't seem so, Myne thought as he stood in front of the adventure guild, and looked around to find Aisha as he had arrived at the exact time she had given him.

Should I go to the guild to see if she is still at work or has gone home to get ready for dinner, Myne thought but then his eyes fall on a certain person who was just come out from behind of adventure guild building, and start looking around for a while, then she focused her gaze toward Myne and start walking toward him.

"Hehe, Myne, close your mouth otherwise flies will go in it," Aisha spoke with a giggle after seeing Myne's surprised expression.

"Oh Yes, Haha, sorry about it, by the way, you are looking so beautiful," Myne said while watching Aisha up and down who look like a fairy with stars in his eyes. Aisha is wearing a beautiful short one-piece white and blue color dress that comes to her knee, blue color fantasy type long transparent stockings, a beautiful necklace on her neck, and light makeup on her face. Overall she looks so beautiful that Myne doesn't know how to describe her.

"You look amazing too, and your taste in clothing is also surprisingly nice," Aisha said with a smile while giving Myne a thumbs up.

"Hahaha! Although I am not that great but still thanks for your compliment," Myne said while rubbing the back of his head with a big shy smile.

"Hehe, you are so funny. So where are we going for dat...I mean dinner?" Aisha asked with a smile while correcting her words.

"Huh? Well to be honest, actually, I didn't know much about those kinds of stuff so if you don't mind then you can suggest some good place," Myne said embarrassingly, while hiding the fact, that he completely forget to look for a good place for the date.

"That is a really big problem because I myself didn't know much about those things since I rarely go out for food. But still, let's me think for a while," Aisha said while rubbing her chin as she starts thinking with a cute expression on her face.

How about 'The valuable Lady Inn'? I heard from Mia that they make high-quality food at cheap prices, Aisha asked.

Well, your information is correct but our timing is not, because at this time not to talk about having dinner, we might not even get free space to stand as it is their busiest time of the day, Myne said while declining Aisha's suggestion without any hesitation. After all, he is their regular customer and knows very well when he should go there and when not, the only reason why he didn't suggest going there is that he wants to spend some peaceful time with Aisha, and It's definitely not possible there.

"Then how about 'Sunshine Inn?' I heard that because their business wasn't going well in our town, they spend a huge amount of fortune in order to renovate the entire Inn again, and made it more grander and luxurious than before, although because of this they also rise the price of all things but their services are topnotch, and because of their high price we also didn't have to worry about not getting peaceful time alone," Aisha said with a smile.

Ohh! Really, then what are you waiting for let's go, it's not good to stand on the roadside too long with such a beautiful outfit, there are too many bad eyes here, which is not good for your skin. Come on, let's go," Myne said with a smile and after grabbing Aisha's hand, he start walking toward the Sunshine Inn.

And seeing Myne's shameless behavior of grabbing her hand and pulling her lightly toward the Inn direction, Aisha also didn't say anything just follow behind him with a smile on her face.

Unbeknownst to both of them as they were walking to their destination, a certain figure was stalking them from the shadows the whole time, and only when they were out of his sight did he punch the wall next to him for who knows what reason, before walking into the dark alleyway.


The Sunshine Inn wasn't much farther away from the adventure guild and after walking for a few minutes, Myne and Aisha saw a magnificent 3 story building in front of them, which can be considered the most luxurious building in the entire town, even the town lord's castle look plain compare to it in the matter of luxury. The entire Inn was made of some kind of unknown shiny golden marble, above which Myne can clearly see his reflection. On the top of the Inn hung a wooden signboard on which 'The Sunshine Inn' was written in golden characters.

"Myne, do you really want to go in? Looking at how much the owner of the Inn spends money on it, once we got in we probably not going to walk out before emptying our all savings," Aisha said with a frown, even though she really want to go on date with Myne but this doesn't mean that she would spend a lot of money blindly just to eat something which not even going to stay in her stomach for more than 4 hours, this is just too much waste of her money, and as far as she knows Myne's is not very rich either, so she can't understand where does Myne's confidence is coming from?

"Ahh, don't worry about such a trivial matter, since I promise that I am going to take you on the date, then naturally I have more than enough money to satisfy you," Myne said with a smile.

And even if they charge sky-high prices for food, then I just saw some fat sheep in the Inn, I can just stea...I mean borrow some money from them, anyway till now no one refused my request, and I believe that those nice people also won't refuse me, Myne thought while walking into the Inn.

Seeing Myne's confidence, Aisha also didn't say anything just follow him, because she have enough faith in her eyes to know how to choose a person, and since she chooses Myne then she have to believe him instead of asking question nonstop.

"Good Evening, Sir and Madam, Welcome To The Sunshine Inn, how may I help you?"

Just as Myne and Aisha enter the Inn, a beautiful young waitress with big boobs wearing traditional white and black short maid costume greets them with a smile.

[ Name: Xililaa

Level: 14

Race: Hume

Gender: Female

Age: 21 years old

Occupation: Waitress of 'The Sunshine Inn'


Cleaning LV4

Management LV2

Water・Magic ( Basic Form: Water Jet ) LV2. ]

"We want to have pleasant and a peaceful dinner, Miss. So if you don't mind then could you please show us the way to our table?" Myne asked in a gentleman-like manner, which surprise both Aisha and Xililaa. The former is because she didn't expect that Myne could even talk in such a good manner, and the latter is because she never received such respect even since she start working here, as most of the guests come here either rich people or from low-level noble families, who doesn't take poor people in their eyes because of their ego and treat them like slaves, so after hearing Myne polite words who look like a rich young master, she becomes extremely surprised.

But waitress Xililaa was also a professional in her work and she soon comes out from her surprise and with a genuine smile instead of a forced one, she bowed a little bit and said, "So my Young Master wants to have dinner, please come this way, I have a perfect place for ready for you where no will disturb both of you."

Although Myne wanted to say that he isn't some kind of young master but after seeing the waitress's eyes filled with respect and admiration, he decides to stay silent, since she was happy with it, then let her be happy, anyway for his point of view even if he said that he is just a commoner then she probably not going to believe him.

Sigh, being too handsome is also not an easy job, people easily misunderstand you, Myne thought while shaking his head helplessly.

"Here is your place Young Master, this is our Inn's quietest area where voices from other people don't come easily," Xililaa said while bringing Myne and Aisha to a random corner of the Inn's ground floor and pointed at an empty but clean round dining table with four chairs beside the open window.

Good Guy, When she said about the perfect place I expected more than this, Myne thought speechlessly while looking at Xililaa with a weird expression, but in the end, he didn't say anything just looked at Aisha who after feeling his gaze, looked toward him and nodded her head.

After getting Aisha's approval Myne walked toward the table and pull out a chair, and before he could even say his prepared romantic dialogue, Aisha said "Thank You" and sit down on it.

"At least let me say my line," Myne said helplessly while sitting opposite to Aisha.

"Oops, Sorry, I didn't know that you still wanted to say something," Aisha said apologizingly while biting her tongue with her front teeth cutely.

If you really feel sorry then why are you making such a cute expression? Now after seeing this I can't even stay angry with her anymore, this girl is too evil, Myne thought.

"Never mind, So what do you want to eat? Tonight's treat is from me, so we'll eat whatever you want," Myne said with a smile to Aisha and looked at Xililaa who was watching them jealously, clearly, if she had a boyfriend or husband then he is defiantly going to suffer when next time she meets him.

"Miss, do you have a menu or something so we could select our food?"

After Hearing Myne's voice Xililaa come out of her thoughts and hurriedly replied, "Sorry, I almost forget about it, here is the menu, we have the town's most experienced chef in our Inn, so quickly pickup your choices and tell me, I will bring you food in the fastest time."

Myne took the menu from Xililaa and handed it to Aisha, who hesitantly took the menu and after reading it carefully she open her eyes widely.

"What kind of ingredients do you guys use that prices of all dishes are so high? Even ordinary dishes prices are two times more expensive than outside and are meat you guys use is coming from a dragon or something, otherwise why the hell is even a normal meat soup priced at 1 gold coin??" Aisha asked angrily while looking at Xililaa like she wanted to beat her but in order to not ruin her image in front of Myne so she held back. But this is also not Aisha's fault that she felt angry since as a matter of fact, her own monthly salary is only 15 gold coins, so after seeing that even a puny soup price is the same as 2 day worth of her salary, it is completely natural to be mad after knowing about it.

"Madam please calm down, this price is not set by me, I am just a waitress, how could I know why my boss set the price of every dish so high?" Xililaa said nervously after hearing Aisha's angry roar.

"Calms down, Aisha, please don't make things difficult for her, also since we are already here, then let's see what is so special about the food that they charge so much, you just make an order and don't worry about the price, as I said before I have more than enough money to feed you until can't eat anymore," Myne said with a smile.


"No, buts just do what I said," Myne spoke with a frown and only after Aisha started again reading the menu again did he take a breath of relief while giving a quick glance at his money in Inventory.

[ Money: Platinum Coin ( 20 ) Gold Coins ( 970 ), ]

Yes, more than enough, Myne thought with a smile.

Soon Aisha finishes reading the menu and with an unwilling expression on her face she orders 3 dishes at the cheapest price, clearly, she is not the type of girl who likes wasting money.

Xililaa took the order and within 5 minutes she brought their food, with such a fast speed that she caught both Myne and Aisha off guard.

"So fast?" Myne asked speechlessly while staring at the food on the table.

"Well, the dishes that you order are quite easy to make and most of the ingredients were already prepared so our chef made them in just a bit of little time," Xililaa replied with a forced smile.

"But still, it is a little bit too fast, as if this food was prepared a long time ago and you just heated it up and brought it to us?" Myne said while putting his finger into the bowl of soup. "And looked in hurry you guys didn't even heat up this soup properly."

"Yes, coming, wait a minute, young master it seems like my boss is calling me, sorry but I have to go, please forgive me for my disrespect," Xililaa said, and before Myne could say something she run away.

"And she runs away just like that, future of this Inn is definitely not bright," Myne said while shaking his head while tasting the soup. "Hum! At least this soup is still edible."

"Don't worry, I just check it, and although this food is made in the morning but since they didn't place it open, so their condition is not bad and we can eat them without problem," Aisha said with a helpless smile.

"Haha, don't make such a sad face this doesn't suit you, and this is our first date so of course there's bound to be some problem. Next time let's eat homemade food, how about you make it and I eat?" Myne asked jokingly.

"Well, your idea is not bad. Okay, it decides then, let's do what you said. By the way, it would be great if you make the food but since I didn't have hope in your cooking skills, in the end, I have to make all food by myself. Sigh, such a poor girl am I, even on the date I have to do work," Aisha said while making a fake pitiful face.

"Okay, stop your acting, I will bring you a gift next time okay? Now can we start eating, food is getting cold," Myne said with a poker face while looking at Aisha who was acting like a child, a little different from her usual self.



After finishing the food, while Myne and Aisha talking happily, suddenly Xililaa come to them and spoke while placing a piece of paper on the table.

"How was the food, Young Master and Madam? Do you like our Inn service??"

After hearing Xililaa's question, a frown paper on Aisha's face, as for Myne, he took the food bill from the table calmly and spoke while reading it, "To be honest, our experience wasn't much pleasing, not only you guys charge blindly for even a simple dish but you also serve cold food to you guest. As for your service, it was even worse when we complained about the food, you run away instead of solving your guest's problem, it was really hard for me to understand why your boss thinks that he can run an Inn with such a bad attitude toward his customers."

Saying such Myne took out 6 gold coins from his pocket and place them on the table. "Let's go, Aisha, let's eat some dessert outside."

"Okay, By the way, I like honey-flavored candy in dessert," Aisha said with a smile, and after giving her hand to Myne, which he accepted immediately without any hesitation, they both walkout from the Inn.

As for Xililaa, she just stared at their back with a dazed expression on her face.

"Sigh, again because of Boss, I had to hear complaints from customers. Only god knows when will Boss' brain starts working probably and he knows that not all rich people seek luxury, they want quality more than anything else. Anyway f*ck the boss, I am quitting this job tomorrow after getting my this month salary, then who cares that idiot," Xililaa said while taking gold coins from the table and after cleaning it she headed toward the kitchen.


"What a great date it was, not only did I get to spend a lot of free time with Aisha, but I also got to know a little more about her, and she even invited me to her house for dinner tomorrow night, and she had also given me a sweet farewell kiss on the cheek. Hehehe today's day was really worthwhile, although there were some minor problems throughout the day, nevertheless, the ending was happy and satisfying," said Myne as he entered his courtyard which has now become the temporary residence of the MightyanaTrio.

Wait for a moment, there is something missing, Myne thought suddenly with a frown while putting the key in the lock of the main door of the house.

"There is too much silen..."


Before Myen could even complete his wretched word, there was a loud smashing sound like someone is breaking a wall coming from inside his house.

"F*ck, someone is robbing my house and he's not even doing it silently?" Myne said and hurriedly enter the house with an angry expression on his face, even though there is nothing valuable inside his house still, it is his house, how can someone enter and goes as he wish, since he dare to intrusion into his house without permission then he should ready to pay the price for it.