Chapter 5

Finally at home, I prepared my dinner, with all that time while we were there one in front of the other, the hours slipped away as if nothing had happened and now I find myself eating late and with Blitz who is no longer in the skin of eat after hours.

Once everything is finished, to conclude the evening, a little training with the arrow and the bow and then a nice relaxing bath.

What I use for training are fake targets that stand on three different trees and one by one my arrows always hit!

Blitz is the one who helps me by barking once if I hits and twice if I'm wrong, but luckily he has always barked once.

Once this was done, I went upstairs I prepared the tub, while it was filling I took off my clothes and then immersed myself completely, the sensation was so hot, never as warm as the touch of the hunter's hand ...

'What the hell am I going to think ... what a fool', I spoke in my head, trying to forget the feelings that were resurfacing from our meeting, I relax in the tub and looking out, I know that the moon it s was bigger than usual, the stars brighter and the silence surrounding the forest was divine.

As usual, silence helps to think, to reflect and to get lost in sadness, I remembered a song by my mother, who sang it in an orchestra ...

" Follow the path

To where no one's ever been

Don't turn around

Until you reach the end

Across the sea

And beyond the distant lands

The world awaits

So don't make any plans

There you go

There you go

When every step

Takes you a thousand miles away

You'll find the edge

Beyond the break of day

And leave behind

Everything you've ever had

The one's you love

The pillows in your bed

There you go

There you go

What you call home

Is a box of memories

Forever lost

But good enough to keep

Cause you don't know

What tomorrow holds for you

Another path

Or just a glimpse of truth

There you go

There you go

There's a place at the end of the road

Where our lives turn to light pure as gold

Where the past is just a sparkle of time

And the world is all good by design

This is not a farewell

Just a goodbye" .

While I was singing I felt more and more enveloped by the water and I wanted to immerse myself in even deeper waters.  I have never been outside this forest so I would love to go further, and the ocean is one of these places I want to go.

I leaned completely relaxed in the tub with my face turned outwards, and I feel a presence, the same earthy and spicy smell ... it's Arok!

He is watching me from afar, from the forest as always leaning on branches, who knows if he has heard me sing.  also i'm realizing that he also saw me diving naked in the water ... I hate that embarrassment, now my heart is pounding again and I think the water could evaporate from how hot I feel my body is.

Trying to relax and calm my heartbeat, I concentrated on being as relaxed and peaceful as possible until my eyes began to feel heavy and sleepy, I felt a feeling of tiredness and realized that sleep was slowly calling me to itself.

So I let myself go, closing my eyes and emptying my mind.

But here is that the same dream as always is returning, who knows if my eyes will see again.

  << p.v Arok >>

Once I left her, I returned to my ship, I thought of leaving, by now I have the trophy, even if I am missing something, I feel that my mission is not over here ...


<< Time skip >>

In the end I will not have to leave so soon, another Kv'var ( hunt ) about to arrive, from what I understand other marines are arriving to investigate the disappearance of their companions and the structure ... poor deluded ones, what they will find will be nothing and waiting for them there it will be me.

The time I have to wait is short, a few days, in the meantime I could ... take another look at the blind ooman, I don't understand how a Lou-dte-kale ( female ) like her can be so strong, I know I'm very proud of her, for a ooman being.

What I have not yet understood and how she managed to be so calm and steady in my presence.

I have not seen fear, desire to scream or run away anything that could betray her emotions, only her safety ... as if she knew me, but I really don't know anything about her.

So, the only solution is to investigate her and her past and maybe then ... already and then what?  Become ' friends ' ?  I should kill her just because she knows of my existence, but she certainly does not deserve death for this, as a female she has a lot of Yin'tekai ( honor ) and I cannot deny that.

Thinking to myself I realized that I had arrived at his home, and small and poorly lit, very far from any other presence of human civilization, I want to trust and observe it. 

I think she is the only ooman I want to know, the only one I don't want to hurt, but respect her.

'Anyway I will go away', saying in my head, then she will forget me and everyone will go on their own way.

I have placed myself on branches high up, to have a better view of what the ooman is doing, while remaining visible.

'In any case she will already know that I will be here to observe her' thinking to myself.

In the meantime, I notice that the ooman has a 4-legged animal friend who helps her not to drop or break objects in the house.

I see her coming out with a bow and arrow, and she starts shooting and there is no missed target.

Once she has finished her workout, returning to the house, I notice that she begins to undress and soak in a tub to take a bath.

Seeing her without "armor" had a strange effect on me, a need to want to know her deeply.

I know that a human's body is fragile, but her body also seems to have some 'muscle mass' but still remains small as a Lou-dte-kale ( female ).

Almost pretty.

Remaining on the trees, in the silent night, I feel only a single heart beating strong, acquiring more and more stronger beats, I think she noticed me ... or the fact that I saw her naked, what a child ... I almost laughed, her body temperature was also rising, S'yuit-de ( pathetic ) .

After a few minutes, her heart has calmed down, she has calmed down, it would seem that she is falling asleep so I make myself comfortable listening to her calm beats and her regular breaths.

Sooner or later we would have the opportunity to confront ourselves in a real Kv'var ( hunt ) .