


I then look towards him and see him distracted, I quickly tried to pick up the knife but he seems to have noticed my movements and starting running towards me with his claws open to slash my flesh.

'This is dangerous!!'

I stopped my movements and got ready for his incoming attack…

'He is fast!!'

He fastly got near me and tried to slash my cheat with his left claws…

'With my speed, I definitely can't avoid that!!', I analyzed.

When his claws got near me, I slightly move toward the left from where his attack was heading…

His claws slashed my chest leaving a scar and blood flowing, I felt a lot of pain but endured it...

Then at that split second, I caught his arm and gave a punch with my full power towards his guts…

Feeling the pain from the strick, he backed up, and that was all I needed for raining a series of punches towards his body.


After the series of punches, he still didn't faint but was on the ground growling from pain with a little scared expression.

I also felt a lot of pain in my chest muscles, but without giving it much of a thought, I moved backward and got the knife…

After getting my hands on the knife, I walked toward the leader of those disgusting monsters while looking at his pitiful face filled with fear…

I got in front of him and struck the knife into his forehead with great pressure.


Finally, he was dead…

Then immediately I tear my T-shirt and tied it on my chest to stop the bleeding…


Returning away from that place and running towards the hospital, I thought, 'Damn it, how could I have been so careless. Today, if I hadn't sacrificed on getting wounded then I would have nearly died!!'

'Damn it, damn it, damn it, I was too careless, I could not even match the speed of a below wolf-level threat monster and there I was daydreaming of fighting S-class heroes and Saitama in the far-future who can literally one-punch demon and dragon level monsters...'

'Haa..., I am too weak but I still take dangerous steps by convincing myself that I am cautious and careful!!", I gritted my teeth...

Getting in front of the nearest hospital, I muttered, "I am talking all this too lightly!!"

I must plan my every move carefully and make alternative plans for those plans, otherwise even with the help of this system, I will someday be on the brink of death!!


[ TimeSkip: 2 Days later ]



That day, after I went to the hospital, I got treated and was told to rest there under the guidance of doctors.

I stayed there for 2 days and was told that I could leave and after I did so, I went to buy some food and returned to my house.

Currently, I am standing in the middle of my room chuckling at how much exp I gained in my fight with those monsters:




Name: Alan

Age: 22 years old

Exp: 2100

Str Lvl: 2 (0/250 exp)

Agi Lvl: 2 (200/250 exp)

End Lvl: 2 (0/250 exp)

Talent: 1 |0/1000 exp|

Skill: Analysis = |Lvl 7|




It seems that I got 200 exp each from the first 5 of them, then 300 exp each from the powerful henchmen, and finally 500 exp from the leader…

I then leveled myself to three in all strength, agility, and endurance, and immediately I felt all the muscles in my body starting to tear then regenerate and my bones getting denser...

After the process, I looked at the system and found out that I needed 500 exp for leveling them again and I did so, I poured all 1500 exp in str, agi, end and felt the same process again…

I did not level up directly to 4 from level 2 because if I did so, the pain I will suffer from the muscle tearing will be intense, so I continuously leveled up.


After that, I got to the same place where I received my injury which had gotten into a scar. There, I found some low-level monsters and I gave them easy death...

I was really serious this time around, if I found monsters even just a little weaker than me, I will just run...

After searching the whole area, I found nothing, no monster, a little disappointed in that I returned home before saying goodbye to the area as it taught me some really important life lessons…


After returning home, I added 1000 exp in talent than my system's status screen looked like the following:




Name: Alan

Age: 22 years old

Exp: 50

Str Lvl: 4 (0/1000 exp)

Agi Lvl: 4 (0/1000 exp)

End Lvl: 4 (0/1000 exp)

Talent Lvl: 2 |0/10000exp|

Skill: Analysis = |Lvl 7|



Ohh, the exp points needed for another level up in talent are really high, talent really is one of the most...


[ Time Skip: 20 days]



All these days I have been doing intense training non-stop. In those days, I also found another secret of this system. It seems that that the system converts my training results into exp. Hehe, how convenient.

Firstly, I was surprised about why I was not getting stronger after training then after I was enlightened with this knowledge due to my corrected deduction...

Currently, I am looking at my statue screen thinking about how many levels I can advance with all these system points:




Name: Alan

Age: 22 years old

Exp: 20,050

Str Lvl: 4 (0/1000 exp)

Agi Lvl: 4 (0/1000 exp)

End Lvl: 4 (0/1000 exp)

Talent Lvl: 2 |0/10000exp|

Skill: Analysis = |Lvl 7|




During my training, each day I got 1000 exp points which were actually due to my talent being level 2 otherwise, I don't think I could have gotten even twelve thousand…

I decided to add 1000 exp to all three stats and as I did so I got the power-up, I did the process again which took 15,000exp, 5000 for each…

Then, looking at the screen again, I found that I needed 30,000 exp for leveling all of them up again but I only had 2,050, so I stopped...




Name: Alan

Age: 22 years old

Exp: 2,050

Str Lvl: 6 (0/10,000 exp)

Agi Lvl: 6 (0/10,000 exp)

End Lvl: 6 (0/10,000 exp)

Talent Lvl: 2 |0/10,000 exp|

Skill: Analysis = |Lvl 7|




Every muscle in my body tore and regenerated, I felt my bones getting denser and denser, I think it got as dense as the bones of aquatic animals...

Haha..., I can already feel it, I have physically gotten a lot stronger than before…


Haah..., damn, I feel tired, tired of all the things happening till now...

I think I should take a break before finally progressing onto my plans...


If you want to read more chapters, go to:
