A sister I never knew I had

Hotaro was a bit taken back on this question. He did not understand what was going on and tilted his head in confusion. The doll-like girl kept staring at him and she gave him an envelope. He took the envelope and saw the name of the person who sent it and his expression darkened as he frowned a little hoping it is not what he thinks it is. But then again, life was never too kind on him.

He opened the envelope and there was a letter in it along with the signature of a person.

"Now listen here Hotaro. This letter will be handed to you by a little girl and let me tell you this, she is your little sister and a real sister. You are to take care of her. We have already taken care of getting her in a school.

Your father,

Fuji Yamato"

Hotaro gripped the paper hard causing wrinkles to form where he held it from. His blood was boiling at this point and he did not notice but he had a really angry look on his face. He was angry on behalf of his little sister. He was sure that this letter was from his father. They did not even bother calling him and telling him in advance. He was angry that they just had another child and did not want to take care of her so they just put that on Hotaro.

'If you don't want to take responsibility then why even have kids? This is why contraceptives were made in this world," he thought.

His thoughts were soon broken when he heard a scared sound come from the girl standing before him. Her body was trembling in fear and she had tears in her eyes. This made his face soften and he raised his hand but she retracted her steps. Hotaro extended his hand and place it on his sister's head lightly patting it.

"Sorry for scaring you. I was just thinking about something. Anyways, nice to meet you, I am your brother Fuji Hotaro. What is your name?" he asked in a really kind voice which made her calm down a little.

"Hana," she said in a meek voice.

"Hana? What a lovely name. Do you know it means a flower?" he said throwing the letter away and picking Hana up who was still a little scared.

"Y-y-yes, I was told about that," she said in a meek voice.

"Really? You must be a really smart girl. So, Hana, how old are you?" he asked her.

"I am six years old," she said as Hotaro picked up her bag and started bringing it in.

"Really? That means Onii-chan is ten years older than you," he said.

"So, are you sixteen years old?" she asked him and Hotaro rejoiced.

"Yes, I am. I am surprised about how smart you are. I don't have words."

This back and forth caught Hinami's attention. She was waiting for Hotaro to come back but she started hearing his voice and that of a little girl coming from the hallway. Curious, she walked out and saw him with Hana in his right hand while he had some luggage in his other hand. He had a big friendly smile on his face which she rarely ever saw but then it brought the question to her mind. Who was the girl?

Both Hotaro and Hana saw Hinami and Hotaro smiled seeing her.

"And Hana, this is my best friend and our neighbor, Hinami. Go introduce yourself to her," he said putting her down.

She shyly walked over to Hinami not looking at her in the eyes. Hana gripped the little bag she had handing on her shoulder and took a deep breath before bowing down.

"Hello, my name is Fuji Hana. I am Onii-chan's little sister, nice to meet you."

After the introduction, there was complete silence and Hinami blinked a couple of times looking at her. She looked at Hotaro, then at Hana, and then back to Hotaro. Her face said, "Are you serious?" She looked back at Hana who was a little worried if she offended Hinami. Hinami lightly smiled at her and bent down.

"Hello Hana, I am Sato Hinami. Your brother is quite a person to deal with so listen here," she said pulling Hana closer and whispering in her ear. "Don't act so scared. He is a really nice guy. Trust me."

"What are you two talking about? I am kind of feeling really left out here," Hotaro asked them bringing the last bag inside.

"Girl talk," Hinami said with a smile and Hana was a little confused since she didn't know what it meant.

"Whatever, Hana, come, I will show you your room," Hotaro said and Hana walked over to him and started following him upstairs.

His house was really big because of his parents being rich and normally Hotaro would always keep all the room clean. He took Hana to the room right next to his and opened the door. It had off-white-colored walls and a big bed place next to the wall. The bedsheet was covering the mattress neatly and next to the wall in front was a closet. Other than that, the room was pretty empty and it did not have any other furniture. Just seeing the empty room made Hotaro frown. He looked at Hana who was looking at her room and was walking in the empty area.

"Don't worry, we will get you furniture to put here. How about a study table for the smart girl? Oh, then we can even have a bookshelf here, and do you like stuffed animals?" he asked her and she nodded. "Which is your favorite?"

"I-It's a bunny," she said.

"Then we can get you a bunny stuffed toy, how about this?" he asked her and her eyes sparkled hearing that.

"I-I can have that?" she asked him and he chuckled while patting her head.

"Of course, you can have that, Hana. You are my little sister and it is my duty to take care of you and keep you happy. I won't want my little sister living in an empty room without things she wants to keep in it. If you want anything else, just ask away. Please don't hesitate," he said in a soft voice and some tears fell down his face.

He did not realize it but Hana saw that. She slowly walked and wiped his tears off. Her face asked him, "Why are you crying?" Realizing what happened, he tried his hardest to not cry but failed in doing so. He covered his face in his hands and cried.

He cried because Hana had to go through the same thing he went to. Looking at her, he remembered his young self. Hotaro had always been the guy who would help anyone in need and cry for other's sake. It doesn't matter to him who the person was and the person right now was his own sister so he felt extremely sad.

"Why are you crying? Please don't cry Onii-chan," Hana said patting his head.

Hinami was seeing this scene unfold before him. She had a little smile on her face as she leaned next to the door frame.

'Finally, this guy has someone he can call his family. Though, we are also like family to him.'

She walked away and went down while Hana also started crying seeing Hotaro cry. She did not know why it happened but seeing Hotaro like this did not make her happy one bit. She hugged Hotaro lightly and he quickly pulled her in a hug not squeezing her too much. Both the siblings were crying for each other though they just met five minutes ago. Maybe this is what means by being blood-related, being a family.

When both of them calmed down, Hotaro looked at Hana who was still burying her face in his chest. He placed his hand on her head.

"I'm fine now Hana. Sorry for crying before. I even made you cry," he said as he felt a warm feeling in his chest. He was really happy to have a younger sibling.

"Onii-chan…please don't cry again…I…I don't like this at all…It even makes me cry so please…don't cry again," she said with her face still in his chest.

"I promise, I won't cry again, Hana. Please forgive Onii-chan," he said and she looked at him and smiled brightly.


With this, both the siblings got closer and Hotaro spent the rest of the time unpacking all of Hana's stuff. There were clothes, and some stuffed animals but no bunny. He then placed them on her bed and put her clothes in the closet before proceeding to give him a tour around the house.

On the table, there was a note from Hanami which read, "I will let you two get to know each other more. Don't want to interrupt that and tell Hana-chan that she is SO CUTE!!"

Hotaro chuckled a little at the note and also made a mental note to keep Hana away from Hinami.

He asked her if she was hungry and instead of her mouth, her stomach told him the answer. It growled so loud that he thought that it was a lion who was the one growling. Looking in the fridge, he thought about what to make her. Something she could eat normally and suits her taste. His eyes then fell on something a little smile formed on his face. He just hoped she likes it.

"Hana, how about to you watch something on the television while I make you something to eat. The remote is on the table in the living room," Hotaro told her.

She nodded and head towards the living room. After some time, he heard the noise of the television starts. He looked back at the ingredients before him and rolled up his sleeves and put on an apron to make sure he doesn't dirty his clothes. He had decided to make a hamburger steak for Hana. It was something he thought that a kid like her can eat. He made sure not to make it too heavy since they will also have dinner in about four-five hours.

While preparing it halfway, Hotaro heard sounds of footsteps coming from behind. He looked beside him and Hana plopped her head up looking at what he was making. She was not able to see it properly so she dragged a stool next to him and stood on it. She stared at the dish he was making with glittery eyes and she was jumping up and down in joy.

"You like hamburgers?" Hotaro asked her and she looked at him and nodded happily. "That's a relief but stay away from the stove, you can get yourself hurt. Why are you even here and not in the living room?"

"There was nothing interesting on the television and a really good smell was coming from here so I just came here, hehe," she said with a smile that made Hotaro smile too. It was almost natural.

"Just don't touch anything. You getting hurt is the one thing I would never want," he said and continued cooking the steak but he heard another lion growling. "Wait just a little more, I will be done soon."

Hana nodded with her head down a little in embarrassment. He put his concentration back on the hamburger and he could smell it. It was just ready. He had to wait a little more and it will be done. The fragrance of the dish was filling the entire room and he could see that Hana was drooling. He chuckled at this cute sight and then put out a plate to place the hamburger. He then walked towards the table and placed it while Hana was following him like a duck.

She sat down at the table and picked up the fork and knife but they were too big for her to use. She was about to pick up the hamburger with her hands but Hotaro stopped her hands.

"It's too hot right now, you can get your hands burnt. Here, let me help you," he said taking the fork and knife from her hands.

He then proceeds to cut a small piece out of it and then picked it up with the fork before placing it before Hana's mouth. She looked at him and tilted her head in confusion which made him frown for a moment but he then quickly hid it with a big smile.

"Hana, open your mouth and say 'Ahhhhh'," he said.


She did as he said and opened her mouth wide as he placed the piece in her mouth. As soon as she closed her mouth, she closed her eyes and her shoulders perked up. She opened her mouth again and was blowing with it. The piece was a little too hot. He handed her a glass of water and she chugged down the entire glass before chewing and swallowing the hamburger somehow.

"I'm so sorry. I forgot that it was still hot even when I said it was before," he said realizing his own dumb mistake.

"It was so good!!" she shouted in joy and then looked at him. "Onii-chan, another bite, another bite."

Hotaro was a bit taken back by her sudden joyful outburst but it made him happy that she liked that food. He nodded with a smile and cut out another piece for her and stuffed it in her mouth. She closed her eyes while chewing with a big smile on her face. As she continued asking for more, Hotaro complied with her request happily and saw the little girl relishing the food he made. After some time, the dish on the plate disappeared and was all in Hana's stomach.

"Oh my, isn't it nice seeing siblings like this," a voice was heard from the door of the room.

Both of them did not realize that when Hotaro was feeding Hana, there was someone at the door. Her beautiful blonde hair was tied in a ponytail and her blue eyes had a motherly look in them as she looked at the two. She was leaning at the door with her right hand on her cheek.

"Julie-san," Hotaro said looking at the foreigner.

"Hinami-chan told me everything so I came here to see Hana-chan and I have to say, she looks a lot like you. It was as if you were a little girl yourself," she said with a kind smile on her face.

"I won't say it like that. Also, it is embarrassing to hear," he said rubbing his head. He then looked at Hana who was anxiously looking at the British lady. "Hana, she is Hinami's mother, Julie-san."

Julie walked over to the two and then looked at Hana's face and took a napkin placed on the table and carefully rubbed off the left-over crumbs on Hana's face. She was a bit surprised at this sudden act but she did not stop her. Her hand had this warmth to it that could make anyone feel calm. They were soft and gentle as if she was being touched by a cloud.

"My, Hana-chan, your skin is so soft. I feel like poking your cheeks," she said. "To me, your brother is like my own child and now you will also be the same. So, if you want anything from me, then please tell me. I will be really happy to help you."

Hana nodded in reply. Hotaro placed his hand on her head and she looked up towards him and he smiled at her. "It's fine Hana, there is no need to be scared of anyone here. Julie-san has been really nice to me for as long as I remember."

"I remember when you spilled strawberry shake all over your pants and you kept crying until I washed and dried it," she said with a little giggle.

"Julie-san! Please, that is so embarrassing and I was just five years old back then." Hotaro pouted and looked away but then a sound came in the room silencing everyone.


It was the sound of giggling from Hana's mouth. It sounded so sweet that you could hear it for as long as you want and still can't get enough of this voice. She was giggling at the scene of Hotaro pouting. To her, it looked quite funny.

"Onii-chan is so funny," she said while still giggling.

'She is such a nice kid. Too bad that she was sent away from her parents even if they were the ones who did it,' Julie thought seeing her.

"Hotaro-kun, make sure you take good care of Hana-chan. If I get any complaint from her about you then you will be punished," she said half-jokingly making Hotaro's sweat drop from his head.

"I will make sure of it," he said and Julie then left the two siblings there.

Hana wanted to do something and Hotaro had no idea what he can do so while thinking, he just remembered that a kid's show had a marathon run today. It was quite an old show but Hotaro can proudly say he grew up watching it. He turned on the television and soon Hana was glued to the screen. So much that she did not notice Hotaro sneakily eating candy from time to time helping his sweet tooth.

He was just happy to see her so engrossed in the show. It was a magical girl show and could be said as one of the greatest of its kind. After some time, while Hana was still watching the television, Hotaro scanned the fridge to decide what he will be making for dinner. He also wanted to ask Hana some questions but seeing her like this, he decided to postpone it to tomorrow.

When the time of dinner came, Hana wanted to eat her food while watching television and Hotaro made an exception just this once. They both had rice, miso soup along with fish which Hotaro already deboned for Hana. She could not use chopsticks and the rice was always falling down when she tried picking it up so Hotaro handed her a spoon which he found. It was luckily pretty small and Hana was able to eat her food easily. By the look of it, this was her first time eating a Japanese meal like this.

It was the night now and the marathon finally ended. Hana had sleepy eyes and was swaying her body while walking so Hotaro picked her up and took her to her room. He put her in bed and covered her in a warm blanket. It was the onset of the winter season so the weather was starting to drop rather quickly after each night. Satisfied with the result, Hotaro then went to his room to sleep. He closed his eyes and let the sleep overtake him.

At 1:17 in the night, he felt something on his face. His groggy eyes opened and he saw a little face right in front of him. As soon he realized who it was, he sat up straight.

"Hana? What are you doing here this late at night?" he asked her. She was holding a stuffed bear toy close to her and stood in front of him.

"C-can I sleep with you tonight?" she asked him in a low voice but he heard it.

"You couldn't sleep?" he asked her and she nods her head. "What was it? Nightmares?"

She shook her head. Hotaro didn't want to push it any further and got off his bed and let Hana climb on. He went to her room and brought her pillow and blanket since the one he had was not enough for two people even if the bed could easily fit two people. He came back and saw Hana sitting with her back next to the wall and hugging the bear close to her.

"Hana," he called her out and she looked at him. "Come, let's get you in bed now."

He placed her pillow on the bed and then covered her in the blanket. Then he himself got in his blanket and kept staring at the ceiling. He saw Hana from the corner of his eyes and looked as if she was hesitant to ask something.

"What is it?" he asked facing her. "If you want to ask something, speak up," he said softly.

"Y-you will not send me away, right?" Her question hit Hotaro right in her chest. "I will be a good girl. I won't create any problems. So please Onii-chan, please don't send me away anywhere. I like it here."

Her voice was a bit shaky and it had fear in it. Hotaro could not hear this tone of her voice. It was uncertain of what will happen next and was scared. Scared to be alone, scared to be left behind, scared to be away from her family. That is why she couldn't sleep. Hotaro placed his hand on her head and gently stroked her hair with a smile on his face.

"Hey, there is no need to worry anymore little sis. Onii-chan will never send you away. I promise you this. You don't need to be scared of leaving," he said in a reassuring voice wiping the few tears which came down her face. She got out of her blanket and hugged him while crying.

'Yes, let it all out, Hana. I know you did not want them to send you away. No matter how they treated you, I know you loved them a lot. So, cry, weep like the little kid you are, because Onii-chan is here to wipe those tears away for you. You are no longer on your own sis.'

When she calmed down, Hana fell asleep and did not go back in her blanket. Hotaro hugged her close to his chest and covered his blanket on both of them with a warm feeling in his heart. He realized that there wasn't a need to bring her pillow and blanket because she was pretty portable in size.


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