
"Crap! She switched off her phone!" the person said grimly, he clicked off the phone and started walking.

"Well, it's obvious!" Dylan muttered a little, he was following the person from behind.

He looked back at Dylan and asked, "What did you say? I didn't hear you!"

"It's nothing." Dylan replied nervously.

"Why didn't she answer my call?....Should I visit her?" he said, he looked concerned.

"Serra forbade you to enter her house, remember?" Dylan said with an awkward smile.

"Although I am her brother!!...That's right, give me Nikki's phone number. I know she will help me." he said, they came out of the café.

Outside, Isaac was waiting for Dylan in the car.

"Isn't this Isaac's car?" he asked Dylan as soon as he noticed the car. He added, "Why didn't he come inside the café with you?"

"He said, he wasn't interested." Dylan replied avowedly.

"He's as cold as ever, sigh!" he said fiercely, he waved his hand and said, "let's call it a day.....See ya."

After he left, Dylan got into the car. Isaac was constantly engrossed in his phone, Dylan watched Isaak and kept silent without saying anything.

--- ---

Dylan glanced at Isaac, he was driving with a nonchalant look on his face.

"Serra wanted to talk to you, but you didn't answer her call." Dylan said hesitantly.

"Yeah." Isaac replied without looking at him, his eyes blazed a little, it was a sign of his anger.

Dylan noticed that, this made him even more nervous. He suddenly changed the topic and said, "I saw Nikki yesterday. You probably didn't know; She came here to study."

--- ---

Isaac didn't say anything, but his eyes widened a bit and gleamed at the same time. It was unnoticeable and something only he can recognize.

Dylan glanced at Isaac, he was disappointed to see his austerity and expressionless face.

"I forgot he's a cold-hearted person!" Dylan muttered to himself.

Isaac was driving silently, his expression wasn't comprehensible.