
I was right. It has been 1 month since I have started kindergarten, and it's worse than I thought. Oh, the horror, the stuff that kid's put in their mouths, absolutely disgusting. I changed my mind about having kids after seeing this.

The only useful thing here has been playing tag. Now that would be because I stay last so I can practice dodging, I even convinced them there should be more 'it' to make the game more fun, and having 3 kids chase me around is kinda exhausting but its the closes thing to training I'm gonna get at this age.

That was the physically exhausting part, the mental exhaustion is a whole other story. I severely underestimated the children. I knew it was going to be hard but this is another level, the yelling the crying, the barfing, it's driving me insane. If I don't end up a serial killer I call that a success.

Months pass as some of the kids turn 4. Quirks start awakening it was really an interesting sight to see. So many different quirks, and the reaction the kids had to those with mutant quirks was kinda disturbing. Children are not supposed to have that kind of 'hate', they insult and bully them, is this the behavior of 4-year-olds? Suddenly Bakugo's behavior makes sense, it's a society that's fuked up, kids see adults hate and insult mutants and quirkless, so they do the same.

Then it's Bakugo's turn, I watch as everyone is awed and jealous of his 'firecracker' quirk.

The caretakers say he will be an amazing hero.

I don't get how people are so delusional, he is a walking bomb, probably one of the worst quirks for a hero, if he was a soldier that would be a different story.

But a hero?

Someone is bleeding how's he gonna help, blow them up? his quirk is only good for combat, and that's all that people see so that's all that matters. This world is very sad.

And his face lights up in realization, here's the moment he turns into a retard, and in the future will be a bully with a fragile overinflated ego. Will I change that? of course not, why would I waste my time with him, if he tries anything with me I'll just snap his arm and make sure to get it on camera, "he attacked first, I was so scared, I just wanted to get away and his arm broke, I'm sorry" and done.

Tough that will only work when I'm a kid. Hmm if we were teens how would I do it?

Blackmail and threats probably, his mother is hot if I remember correctly, a grin spreads, on my face before I can stop it.

"Shin why is your smile so weird?" one of the walking germ infestations asks

"I just thought of something interesting" I say and turn my head away, in hopes I'll be left alone

Bakugo is useful for once he started doing tricks while using his firecrackers, the kids all turned to him, I go in the corner and mull on how my quirk will manifest it will definitely be something with programing, but its anyone's guess on what it will be.

Sigh, I hope it's something good or else my life isn't going to be easy or pleasant, I don't want to slave away as a corporate worker. Worst case I'll be a small-time Villain, people are pretty stupid in this world, there has to be a way for me to abuse that somehow.

The first quirk showed up 200 years ago in the 21'st century, since then they have barely improved at all, they just build giant ass robots and some minor technology improvement, that's sad and pathetic. They gained quirks but lost the ability to improve.

Nowadays they just watch Hero's beat up desperate common thieves mostly, who only do it to provide for themselves or their families, because the government won't give them jobs because of mutant or villain quirks.

" "UWOOWWWW" " stupid kids, it's been like 10 minutes how long are you gonna awe at him. No wonder he grew up the way he did. This is probably why the people here are so dumb.

Days turn into weeks, and I'm getting closer to losing my mind each day, the only bonus is the workout I get from running and dodging, kids are easy to trick, just say it hero training and they all want to do it.

Bakugo came with his groupies and proclaimed 'That we should stop training since he is going to be the number 1 hero'. I'm disappointed in myself because I shouldn't stop myself from laughing in his face. He gets mad and starts yelling, I just ignore him and leave, am going to lose brain cells just by talking to the spoiled brat.

"Umm" I turn to the sound, and see a mop of green hair, it looks like a shrub. "You shouldn't laugh at Katchan like that, it wasn't nice, Katchan is such an awesome person, he is gonna be a great Hero" ( A/N if they restrict me for this again I'm gonna kill someone)

I look at him and I can't decide what to do, do I laugh at him, Ignore him or make fun of him.

"Leave me alone and don't talk to me again wimp" I don't know if he understands what wimp is, but he just ran away with tears in his eyes, at least this way he won't try to talk to me or be my friend

The day ends I hurry to get home, I miss my pillow and rock music from the golden age, I swear they are the only thing that has kept me sane for the last few months. I come home and see the laptop open, I go to it wanting to find out who killed/fought who, I touch the keyboard and I get the most excruciating headache before I collapse on the cold floor.

1000 words, plz leave reviews, just say something and hold spacebar until you can post xD