Discovery requires experimentation

Ok, starting the journal to keep track of all my experiments with my Quirk and keep track of my actions in case the Quirk changes me in some way, if it does I will shut the quirk down, and delete all code I copied. (A/N it wont but better be careful then regret it later on)

Day 1.

[ I awakened my quirk the day before and collapsed, yesterday I was discharged, arrived home, and started experimenting with the quirk. It yelled some results I wrote them down in a memo, further testing required, those notes are now in proper files in my head.]


Day 4.

[ All I have done the past 3 days, is experiment with my quirk, I have discovered the following:

1. I can copy any code from any and all technology, I will wait until my body and mind are mature enough to handle the strain then copy code from a super-computer.

2. Manipulating tech takes focus and mental energy, which will probably be easier as I grow and keep on practicing.

3 I am able to code myself, I found a simple sleep code online and used it on myself, I set it to wake me up in 5 minutes and it did. This has a lot of potentials but I won't use it until I am proficient enough to code myself, I will also need to have sufficient knowledge of the human body, so biology will be added to my studies.

4. Programing comes easy to me, whether it's from my parents or my quirk it doesn't matter since it's a plus for me. In the last few days that I have actually started to learn to program, I have been progressing at a fast rate.

This is all I could find out in the last 3 days and given my current age, progress won't show itself until I am extremely proficient in coding, until then I will continue to train my body. If my hypothesis is correct my mind is the Software and my body is the Hardware, which means a healthy well-trained body is essential for my future.]

I finish writing today's findings in my 'Journal' then do some stretching for 30 minutes, have to train this while I'm young, being elastic and flexible when I grow up is a must, it will help me a lot in combat, I have no delusion even if I want to have a lazy life, I will find myself in a situation where I have to fight, that means I must actively train to be able to fight and survive in any situation for me to live a long satisfying life. I could use the money I steal to hire bodyguards, but I can never know if any of them will betray me, and an assassin just may come for me with a special quirk without preparation I will be dead, and I refuse to let that happen. So I will continue to carefully train my 4-year-old body and study programming for the next 2-3 years, then my body can take more stress so I can increase my workouts.

(1 week later)

Bakugo has gotten even more annoying, now that everyone is praising him, he thinks he is the next Jesus, and the teachers/caretakers are really not helping.

"My quirk is the best I will be better than All Might!"

"Ugh" I facepalm, I can't take more of this, I might just bust my eardrums just so i won't have to hear him anymore

(3 weeks later)


Day 32

[ I have managed to make some basic programs, like calculators, calendars and stuff like that, I already had them because of the Laptop OS, but I still need to do them so I can get used to coding faster, I code any time I'm free, during Kindergarten except for outdoors activity, witch I make the kids chase me around, I sit down and code in my head, when I am home too, so I am improving really fast.

While I didn't know anything about programming, I know a lot about biology, so this past month I just did a recap on the things I knew, everything that I learned during high school too, I will start to specifically study the human body and how it works. Been making lots of important to remember notes in the Biology Folder.

(2 months later)


Day 93 ( A/N this feels weird, I will change it once I find a better way to say it)

[ Today I have passed the milestone I have set for my coding, doing the same thing every day for 2 months was bound to show improvements, for biology I specifically focused on the eyes and ears, they are the most used sensory organs, I took a small risk, and decided to lower the volume in my left ear a bit and immediately bring it up to normal, it worked perfectly fine but I was still not convinced. Small tests like that continued until I decided to completely shut off the sound in my left ear. Once I did, I stayed like that for 5 minutes then decided to undo it and see what happened.

It slowly turned back to normal I was ecstatic, I have never been so happy, this proved I could manipulate my senses and even shut them down if necessary, I proceed to do the same thing to my eyes just a lot more carefully they reacted in the same way. I had assumed I had an Emitter type Quirk but since I could control Technology but me manipulating my body like this without repercussions makes me think it's Transformation/ Composite type. This requires more testing. The big plus side is that I can cut my hearing when I'm in kindergarten, my sanity is finally safe.]

(1 month later)


Day 123

[ I have done the same experiment on my nose, the results were the same, then I processed to enhance my senses instead of decreasing them, the result was satisfactory. Sight, smell and hearing were increased to the maximum my current body can handle, which is not a lot, but I will keep increasing it as I grow.]

(2 months later)

Day 186

[Over the past 2 months my coding skills and knowledge of human autonomy has increased a lot, my control over technology has gotten better as well. This past week I have been experimenting with my heartbeat count. For Children 5 to 6 years old their heart beats from 75 to 115 per minute, while a normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. My goal for the future is to have 40 beats per minute as my resting rate, this will let me live longer since the heart has a limited number of times it can beat in one lifetime. I have made all the preparations needed for the experiment tomorrow, my parents will be home and I will do the experiment in the corner of the room where they can see me, if things don't go according to plan, they will rush me to the hospital. The goal for tomorrow is to set my heart rate at 75 beats per minute.]


Day 187

[ The experiment was a success there was no problem with setting my heart to beat at 75 bpm, I have included a failsafe in the code, when I am in a serious fight, where I require my heart to beat faster for the adrenalin and to increases blood flow to the brain and muscles, to stimulate the body to make sugar to use for fuel. The code will shut down allowing my body to do it naturally.

I made a new file, "Plans for when I have an adult body", the idea is to make a code that increases the blood flow just below the limit of the heart, this should be useful in an extreme fight, it would give me a necessary boost to survive a deadly situation, this will of course wear the heart so I won't be using it unless I have to. I also turned 5 today, approximately one more year until I start elementary school, not looking forward to it]

(A/N Tokita Ohma's "Advance" overclocking the heart to get a boost, The manga is pure genius its God sent for martial arts fans, but the anime is shit, didn't even watch half of it, waste of time)

Word count 1400

I believe this way is better, than the chapters being about him interacting with kids, this way we can have an idea of what he is spending his time on, and what he has accomplished.

Btw the Title is a quote from Daniel Whitehall,a HYDRA Head in Agents of Shield