Skill List - Spoilers

Operating System in my head= Eidetic Memory


First things he learned:

'Increase and Decrease in Sense perception'


'Basic Photographic reflexes'

'Wire tap'

'Selective Voice Muting'



Martial Arts:

Every Ordinary martial art on the planet

~ One Piece


Soru- high-speed movement. He builds up power in the legs and uses it to dash

Geppo- same thing, but uses that power to step on air.

Tekkai- Stiffens the muscles in the body, making them as hard as iron.

Rankyaku- Kicks the air so hard it creates a flying slash

Shigan- uses his strong fingers to pierce anything. By flicking his fingers he can also send out flying attacks,

Kamie- Manipulating his body to bend in natural ways.

Secret Technique: Rokugan- Unleashes a strong shockwave that tears apart anything in its way. You have to Master all of the Rokushiki before even attempting this.

'Seimei Keikan/Life Return'- manipulating the cells in his body

~ Kengan Asura/Omega

Niko Style. Kure Techniques

Ohma/Niko 'Advance/ Possesing Spirit' + Kure 'Removal' = 'Divine Demon'

~ One Punch Man

Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist.- flying slashes from his hands and feet - BOMB

Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist- Bang

'Fist of Roaring Ki!' 'Rending AIR!'- Combined Secret Techniques

~ There are more but haven't been shown yet



Assume he has a but load. He steals blood from any person he meets.

But not all quirks are simulated and grown. He can make them. But chooses not to. It's better to spend his time and energy focusing on the OP quirks and training those.

Original Quirk: Coding.

MC can code both Binary and Genetic Code. Which means Tehnomancy and Shapeshifting.

Scan- Stupid Sidekick he killed- Scan the area for people

Animal's quirk.- Hero he killed ( Udyr from LoL)

Creation- from Momo

Food Immersion- from the Fatso

Telekinesis, Telepathy, Explosion. Elemental Manipulation...

Zero Gravity

and many others.

He can also combine quirks. But that takes a while to do.