WebNovelMHA: Code20.57%

24 Trophy & Hospital visit

"Winner Kodo Shinichi!!!!" the ref yells out and the crowd goes wild

"Unbelievable Kodo-kun has done it!!!! The youngest contestant in this tournament has won the whole thing!"

"Kodo-kun has fought opponents that are much older than him, and he still prevailed, he has proved that he is a genius with insanely high potential to the Martial Arts Community. He.."

I lower his volume and look at the medics taking away Taiju. I turn away from the cameras and give a small smirk to him. Feels good.

The awarding ceremony was boring, i had to keep the fake smile for quite a while and shake the hands of some people, next are the scouters that came over and gave me offers to join them and left their business cards. My family was right behind them so they left quickly not to leave a bad impression.

"Shinnn~channnn~" my mother grabs me and smothers me

"You are amazing Shin~chan~ you really won the whole tournament" she starts rubbing my cheek with hers

"She is right we are very proud of you son" he gives me a big proud smile

"Yay you beat them all Shinichi!!" Ran comes over and gives me a hug, she is full of excitement

"Well done, Shin-kun." Eri comes and gives me a smile and a head pat

"Thanks" I give a smile back

"Well lets go and celebrate, but first we have to go to the hospital, I want to see Tetsuya"

"Are you sure its a good idea Shinichi?" my dad asks, he probably thinks it will be awkward if i show up with the trophy

"Yea there is no problem, Tetsuya wont mind and i want to deliver the 'news' personally" I keep pushing, there is no way I'm not going to see him, I can't wait to see his face once Taiju comes in the hospital


Once we arrive at the hospital, we ask for Tetsuya's room, and go there, since it would be too crowded only me and my mother went to his room with a get well gift basket.

I knock. his mother opens the door

"Hello Ms. Yuuki"

"Ohh Shinichi, we heard you won over the news, Congratulations, Tetsu~chan was very happy when he watched your final match" she says with a smile, I'm guessing she was also happy seeing the person who broke her son's arm get beaten up so badly

"Go inside, Tetsu~chan is waiting for you" she smiles at me

"Mommm!!! Don't call me Tetsu~chan" I hear him yell, if he can yell like that then he is all good.

"Ara~Ara, don't be embarrassed Tetsu~chan, i call my son Shin~chan all the time" my mother gives him a bright smile

" I just ignore you mother, i know that you won't stop calling me that so i don't even bother stopping you, its a waste of time."

"Ahhh my Shin~chan is getting embarrassed" I give her a blank look...

"No i got used your antics, i just ignore them"

"Shin~chan is sooo cute~ when he is embarrassed!!" she grabs me and starts to hug me,

this woman is an embarrassment to anyone that calls themselves an adult

"Sighh, let me go, i want to talk to Tetsu" she gives me one last 'hug' almost suffocating me before she lets me go

When i was finally free, i sat down near Tetsuya, We both looked at each other before sighing at the same time.

"We both have some troublesome mothers don't we" i give him a wry smile

"Umu, It's not easy being us. How long must we stuffer their antics?"

"Well I'm guessing they will stop when we enter High school, so you have a few more years, me on the other hand, i have to put up with her for 9 more years"

Tetsuya says nothing and just puts his good hand on my shoulder as emotional support.

"By the way, Congatz on wining the tournament, and thanks for avenging me"

"No problem, he should be arriving at this hospital soon, with any luck we will see him going through that hallway any minute now."

"Liar, there is no way something like that will happ..." he shuts up when he sees Taiju limping with his parents supporting him, as they walk to the room next door

He then looks at me "How?"

"Trade secret" Hacked the hospital records, when i was near the reception , it was painfully easy, his parents called in advance

"Anyway Tetsu, you will be released soon right, since you already have your arm in a cast.

He just nods

"Then I'm inviting you to come at my house for a small celebration. There will be pizza, coke and games" i give him the extra motivation for coming

"I'll be there" he says

"Wait Tetsuya we have a..." she stops herself when she sees his face, Tetsu is a stubborn kid, when he decides something its over, but luckily he isn't one of those spoiled brats. His stubbornness is what kept him going with his training,

"Sigh finee, you can go to the party" he gives her a bright smile in return

"Sorry Chisaki-san can you look after him and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid"

"No problem, Shin~chan doesn't have many friends, so Tetsu~chan is always welcome, i will get lots of pictures from them don't worry"

"That's great send them to me later, Tetsu~chan is the same, so i need photos for my albums too"

Me and Tetsu facepalm, there is no stopping these two, its worse for Testu since he is older.

(one party later)

"Thanks for inviting me Shinichi, and again congratz for wining, as soon as my arm is better I'm challenging you to a fight" Tetsuya looks straight at me with passion in his eyes, I can imagine him screaming 'Youth!!' 'pffff' maybe i can actually convince him to do it, it would be hilarious

"Sure I'll be waiting, till then, don't do anything stupid, avoid using your arm too much, and just focus on training your legs, in this time period."

He nods, I can tell by his facial expression that he is 'saying' That's the plan.

"Cya soon Tetsu"

"Right back at you Shin"

Sighh what a day... Oh yea I have to log todays events


*Y2 Day 92

The tournament was a great success, my fame will spread a lot from this.

The event started at ....


Word Count 1070


*(So one full year has passed, so it's the 92nd day of year 2)

(91 was ch17, yesterday in the story)

I like the ### better than ... , makes more sense and it's less confusing

I will be busy with RL stuff relating work. There wont be a chap next update, or the one after that I don't know how it will go down, so its possible i wont update for a week, this is just a heads up, I'm not DROPING.