WebNovelMHA: Code24.11%


After careful consideration, I decided that a pair of gills might not be the best first try for this. It would be better to start with something closer to my DNA, i would prefer a monkey, since humans and monkeys share many similar traits.

( I rly should stop writing when im drunk, sea mammals like whales,seals and walruses don't have gils, they have lungs and why the fuk did i out in whale shark and stingrays???)

So I decided that the first DNA test would come from man's best friend, a dog. And luckily i just happen to have a German Shepperd in my house, who won't come within 7 meters of where I am standing. I traumatized that dog for life, I just threatened him for some blood. Vet's do it all the time. Don't they?

Did a lot of tests, it would take 1 year just to make a simple pair of 'dog ears'. This isn't going to work the way it is now. The amount of simulations i need to do so i can consciously make my cells change is insane, and there is no way I can do it with my Current Software.

I avoided going anywhere near Supercomputers because I wasn't sure if my body could take it if my mind suddenly "Updated"

I mean there is a big difference between a laptop Software and a Supercomputer, for all I know, my brain could fry from the overload. So before i can even think about Animal Transformation and possible quirk copying, i need to upgrade my 'OS' the main part of my quirk. Now the point is, that there are many types of supercomputers developed, each with a specific purpose, I need one specified for simulation. I will make a virtual body double and experiment on him, the OS will make all the simulations. Now my current 'OS' takes stamina and mental focus as fuel to do hard calculations. The super computer will probably drain me even more. So I will have to use "Seimei Kikan/Life Return" 24/7. The calories that this will use up will be insane. Most of my time will be spent eating. That needs to be fixed too. Maybe one of those protein bars designed for Hero's, there are Quirk's like FatGum's , I won't be able to explain why I need them, and they are very closely monitored, any Quirk that requires that much 'calories/energy' is most likely a dangerous one, in many different ways.

Looks like I'll be making my Villian debut earlier than my Hero one... and I'm doing it for protein bars... Ugh the things i do for my plans.

Now how do i get near a Supercomputer specializing in simulations. Space Companies are guaranteed to have them, but I'm not going to be able get anywhere near them.

So I have to look for other options. Now, to the Deep Web. I have taken every precaution i can for this, if i screw up here, everything will be lost. This is a second hand Laptop, that i bought for an extremely cheap price with the prize money I get. I'm in an intertext café, plus I'm protecting my location on the off chance they find me. And on the way here I avoided every camera that I could. Of course it would be in Tokyo... The biggest city in japan, and filled to the brim with Hero's and Private Security. Tokyo has a lot of businesses so it must be protected 24/7 since they are targeted a lot. and company's don't shy away from spending money on security systems, so those are top of the line.

This just keeps getting better and better. And it turned out that the Company that Has this Supercomputer does freelance in a way. Anyone that pays them can use the Supercomputers, their clients are usually Space Companies who want to double check their findings.

So good news. Since the only thing of Value that they have is the Supercomputer, it's decently protected but nothing like the rest. They don't have any top secret projects, so there is no need for the extra protection. They are literally just rent a SuperC, that is all the company offers.

Bad news, the SC itself is located in the basement in an ice cold room, surrounded with walls made of, 2 inches of pure industrial steel alloy and concrete, and all kinds of alarms inside and on the Steel Door. The only ones that can get in are the IT guys that maintain it, and the code for the door changes weekly. Now i can probably get through the door thanks to my quirk, but if it doesn't work, I'm stuck there with alarms blasting off. Hmm first of all i need some equipment. Night vision, ropes, knives, smoke grenades', real grenades everything an up-and-coming thief needs. May whatever god exists in this world, beside the "Morgan Freeman Looking Bastard" who just Yeeted me here, bless the black market.

* Okay so I can fit into vents, if they are the cliché big type of vents. And judging by the blueprints from the building i got from the Dark Web they are. I get that bigger vents allow for more air current to be moved, but Villain's have been really active in the last 100 years, you would think people would have made their buildings more safe in this time, but Nope~. They just blindly believe that Hero's will come and save them when that happens, and their insurance will cover the damage.

Pathetic.. That's why most of them die when All4One takes over Shigaraki and chaos spreads across Japan. Not that I'll so anything to stop it. I just need to gather a lot of money for that exact moment, and when people panic and try to leave the country, I'll buy their land at dirt cheap prices. Money problem will be solved from that point forward, and politics will have to wait. I still don't have a good grasp on it. But i have all the time in the world to learn it.

Now back to making the preparations. My first Debut as a Thief/Villan has to be perfect.

Word Count 1040

*A/N SIZE: Young Justice, Robin Age 13. 56 kg. 154 tall.) Average kids 12 to under 13 years 156cm 47.1kg 13 to under 14 years 162cm 52.4kg) MC size = 158 cm. 60 kg,

(he is a lot heavier then kids his age, but he has been coding his body since he was 4 to be as perfect as possible, the amount of food he takes in is insane and all of that turns into pure muscle,)