WebNovelMHA: Code34.04%

Zoo 5

"SCANNNNN!!!!!" the Hero Roared in anguish

Huh, so this is 'Animal. '

He has a similar build to 'Endeavor', tall and muscular, Except for the Barbarian look he is going for. He has brown hair, it's not long, but he has bangs that cover his forehead,

"You will pay for this Villian!! How dare you kill my sidekick!!" He yells at me.

The reason I'm not moving is that I don't know what his quirk does. Usually, that doesn't even matter. But I know his name is 'Animal' and we are in a Zoo. So rushing in for the quick kill has a good chance of succeeding but it's risky.

I will wait for him to strike first. Heroes and Villain's for that matter, go with Quirks first, and everything else later.

"HAAAAAA!! 'Beast Soul: Bear!!'" as soon as he says those words, a dark blue aura erupts from him to form a bear

(Something similar to Vixen from DC and Udyr from LOL. He looks like 'Spirit Guard Udyr')

" My 'Quirk Beast Soul' allows me to create any animal I want. And if there are animals of that species near me, I get a boost in power! There are a total of 10 bears in this Zoo. Get ready to be mulled!" Animal dashes straight at me three times the speed of a normal bear.

Wow... What an idiot. Did he really just explain his quirk to me. Retards all of them! This world is full of people fucked up in the head. How Heroes are still alive I will never know.

The record for bear running speed is a maximum of 56 km/h. It's usually between 40 and 50 km/h. This dude is going at 135 at least.

But that would be impressive if he wasn't moving in slow motion for me, Triple boost isn't anything to scoff at. But my fears didn't come true. If his quirk counted every animal in the Zoo, then I'd be in trouble. But since it doesn't that means I can finish this.

This is a perfect opportunity to try out The Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. Which is a way too long a name. I'll just call it Water Stream. That is enough.

Now the way Bang designed it is 'To flow between enemies like a stream then crashes into them with the force of a river.' Its main point was defense first by parrying then counter-strike. The Water Stream is then used to maintain the flow, pummeling the opponent into oblivion.

Of course to do any damage you yourself must be strong, otherwise, you are just dodging and parrying blows. This martial art is similar to Tai Chi, but without the useless parts in it, that make up the 'tradition' of Tai Chi.

I was able to recreate the martial art, but not that Blue Aura that Bang and Garou emit. I'm still a little lost on that one. Best guess is Chi or Qi. Other than that I have no idea, for now that is.

Ohh here he comes,

"Bear Strike!!!" he yells out as he goes to strike me his hand, covered in Dark Blue Aura shaped in a bear paw with claws glowing slightly. Most likely signifying that more power is focused there.

But wow he really called out his attack. I guess All Might in all his stupidity influenced a lot of people. Congratz 'Johnny Bravo', you crippled every generation of Hero's that come after you because you think it's cool to call out your attacks and they look at you like you are Jesus and copy your every move.

Let's see what he can do now that he is 'buffed'

His left paw goes straight for my neck, which is surprising since he is a Hero, but I take a solid stance and hit his wrist with the back of my hand. Redirecting the force, and slinging his arm back.

He look stunned that his attack was brushed off so easily but quickly threw another one with his right hand/paw. I parried the next two strikes and an opportunity showed itself. Blinded by rage, he threw a large right hook, which I ducked under and I had a clear shot on his right side. I hit a strong karate punch right in his liver.

"Gahhh" he coughs out saliva and falls down on one knee. I wanted to continue by kicking him in the face, but his Aura changed into a Deep Green this time and behind him formed a Turtle before dissipating.

So he is going for the defense and when he has a chance he will quickly change into an animal with more attack power.

"What's the matter? You took one punch from me and you are already curling up, trying to protect yourself. What a joke, and you call yourself a Hero. If you keep this up, you will end up the same as your Sidekick" Let's see if he is dumb enough to fall for the obvious trash-talk bait

"DAMN YOU!!! How dare you mock Scan's death! I WILL KILL YOU!!" he roars and rushes me with a green aura flaring around him. I haven't even hit him, and I can already tell how thick the aura is, there is a certain 'depth' to it. My attacks will probably be halved if I attacked him like this. This is a good application of his Quirk.

He rushes at me, considerably slower than before but the green energy is focused on his hands. I don't know what it will do but there is no reason for me to find out.

Using his slow speed I enter Divine Demon 20% for a single second, two at the maximum. And land 8 blows in that time. I can see him flatter for a second, before the green energy turns an even deeper color. That made me realize what is the function of his 'Defence form' is. It's a counter, in a way, he stores up the damage I do to him and releases it back at me.

But to use that he would have to hit me in the first place. Let's see how much punishment he can take.

Word Count 1050


The idea for the Turtle From is from Douluo Dalu 2. That Turtle Shield Guy. Forgot his name.

Garou was more aggressive, more monstrous that's why his theme is called 'I'm A Monster'

But that doesn't suit the MC, if anything he is more like Bang, calm and collected. Tell me what you think. Plus I like Bang's theme more.