WebNovelMHA: Code42.55%

Chaos 2

I had no net yesterday and the day before...

Yeah. this month is just getting better and better...

Whatever net is back. Here is the chap. If you want to read ahead. Go check out the Patr-eon

[ pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ] - - Remove the extra spaces

[ discord.gg/6YYvm6tj6t ]-




I just keep on walking on the outside of the battlefield. And K.O.ing any stray mobs, and taking a drop of blood from each of them.

I realize doing this is stupid. If I stayed with Momo's guards I would be perfectly safe.

But the rational part of my brain isn't working right now due to the extreme Rage that is rolling out of me.

Some Pathetic piece of SHIT decided to start a WAR with me right In the MIDDLE of it ALL.

Even worse they are ruining the chances for the other teams.

Normally a chaotic situation like this is great. But that only works with small teams, not a fucking mini army.

Now Chen's people know what to expect, plus the Hero's are coming in fast. Only 3 minutes or so have passed since the shooting started. They just have to surround Chen and wait it out until backup arrives. When that happens the chances of getting his blood are close to zero. And so is the fastest cure for my legs.

I'm even more pissed off at myself. I have no idea what to do in a situation like this.

My fighting powers are halved without my legs.

Plus turning to Garou when heroes are 5 minutes away is a stupid move. Right now, the only thing I can hope to accomplish. Is to impress Chen, which might not even work. I'm showing off my 'marital skills' and 'saving people by risking my life'.

I hope he likes heroes just like 80% of this world. So I can at least shake his hand when this is over. Not like I'm really risking my life. Even if I'm pissed off my quirk is still calculating the path of every bullet I see.

*Beep Beep*

Huh? Who the Fuck is Gato?

(quick google search inside his head later)


Son of a bitch decided to use my 'open contract' as a chance to get his revenge.

I'll GUT him and STRANGLE him with his own INTESTINES!!!




Team 2- The Serpents

"HELL YEAHH, SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND" 'E' starts shooting like a mad man, culling Gato's men

'B' just facepalms and sighs "Why do we keep him around?"

"Because he is insane and is the vanguard.If you want to go in first, be my guest" 'C' says as he throws grenades

"How are things looking with Chen" The Leader 'A' asks as he uses his quirk 'SerpentSteel'*

[Any weapon he touches can turn into a snake. If he touches a Gun, the gun will turn into a snake and fire from its mouth and various angles. Same with a knife or a sword, it will turn into a snake, jump in to attack, and on the impact it turns its head back to its original form.]

Right now he has 5 rifles that are turned into snakes shooting at the Mobs and Bodyguards.

"Not good Leader. The Bodyguards have him completely protected. He doesn't have a scratch on him." Says 'D' the designated Sniper and the eyes of the team.

"SHIT I'M HIT" Merc 'B' hold his wounded shoulder

That just makes the rest of The Serpents groan. Things are not going well for them.


Team-5- Assasins- Wolfpack

"Tsk.. Boss. They have Chen pretty much boxed in. That Barrier Quirk is a pain in the ass" 'Dos' clicks his tongue while looking through the binoculars

"Do the mobs even do anything to them?" 'IV' grunts

"Afraid not. As things stand right now, they aren't doing much. If it continued like this then they would drain the Bodyguards of their stamina. But since the police and Heroes are on their way, they are pretty much useless." 'Dos' continues to make short conversation while observing the BodyGuards and Chin

The Leader stood quietly, calculating their odds of success. And looking at the frown on his face, he inst happy with their odds.

"I miscalculated," The Leader 'Odin' says gruffly

"The fools didn't provide us with any advantage whatsoever. I had hoped they would injure at least 2 of the Guards, but looking at them that isn't going to happen. Instead, the chaos they are causing makes it harder for us to move in" he grinds his teeth

"What do we do now?" 'Trey' asks solemnly

"If they are a problem we get rid of them. Ironically most of the other forces are focused on the army themselves. If we join them, we should thin their numbers quite quickly. Then we move on to Chen. Everybody agrees with the plan?" The Leader questions with a stern voice, but smiles a bit when everybody just nodded silently

"Good. Move out."


Team 1-Shie Hassaikai

(Hojo- Crystal Quirk)

"This isn't looking good. If things go on as they are right now we won't be able to get the blood" Hojo the tall bald giant gruffly says

"You are right. And the Boss said that failure is not an option. So that means we get rid of the problem" Toya says while scratching his head showing his irritation at their situation

"Hmmmm that means that army has got to go. The other teams and Chen's Bodyguards are already fighting them. But if we wait for them to weaken each other the Hero's will arrive by then" Hojo says while looking down at the battlefield from their location

"So we start thining the army a bit, and when about half of them are gone we go for Chen" Toya simplifies things for their own men

He then looks at the army with a malicious grin. "Well, Tabe. It's time to eat"

Tabe who was wearing a burlap sack over his face suddenly bit the part of the mask where his mouth should be. He then looked at the people fighting and started drooling.

"FooD?" He tilted his head, much like a wild animal

"Yes Tabe food. All of them are your food" Toya waved his hand at the army adding a bit of flair to his movements

"FOODDD!!!" Tabe jumped like an insane animal with his mouth spread open showing his razor-sharp teeth. He then bit the neck of the first person he found and started devouring him.

The mobs in the army started to panic as they see him eating one of their comrades with great fervor. To them, he looked like Gluttony incarnated.


Word Count 1065

Fk forgot to change the Merc/ Assasin Leader,1,2, to their names last chap. Sigh what a pain

*It's from the HxH manga. The original name is Biohazard. It was near the end of the manga. Or should I say where the manga stopped.

Btw I imagine Tabe acting like Gluttony from FMA