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Rabbit Hunting

New month. New sales pitch. You know the drill by now XD

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God fucking damn it this took forever to write. But I think it was worth it. This has been my longest chapter to date. I wanted to make Miruko's fight better than the rest. Hope a did a good job.

Word Count 2300


Miriko watched the tournament. She would have liked to enter. But there was a rise of crime in her area. So she couldn't exactly leave.

She was looking at Kodo as he demolished the 'Dragon'. Her foot was tapping the floor

She mentally scowled. her friend 'Ryuko' was more fitting for that title. She was the Dragon Hero 'Ryukyu'. And was much stronger than that wimp Lyoto.

"Rumi.. Are you still angry at that boy?" Her secretary said. The noise was distracting her from her job.

"Grrr Mari-chan he humiliated me!" Rumi growled

"No. You went ahead and called him a weakling. At the time he beat most of the World Champions. Well the ones that had the balls to fight him in the first place. And you called him weak" Mari pointed out

"Hmphf" Rumi just turned her head to the side

"Plus you lost to Garuo before that. You were supposed to ask Kodo-san about him yet you insulted him. You brought that upon yourself" Mari just shook her head and went back to doing the paperwork

Damn you Garou. You too Kodo!

#3rd Pov (One year ago) (will find out the date later) Garou vs Rumi.

As Rumi was walking back to her house after a patrol. Before Rumi's ear twitched

"Yo. So you're the one they call Miruko."

She turned around to see a young man with yellow eyes and long silver hair He had a lean muscular build. He wore a tight, black, long-sleeved shirt, loose-fitting white martial arts pants, a yellow sash around his waist, and tai chi slippers on his feet.

Rumi entered her fighting stance

'So this is Garou'

"What's it to you? You little pansy. You're the one everybody is freaking on about. You don't look so tough!" Miruko gruffed with a confident smile

"HAHAHA!" Garou just turned his head back and started laughing.

"You got spunk. Good. Good. I hope you will entertain me than the rest of your 'colleagues'"

"Shut it! You put over 40 heroes in the hospital and killed 10!!"

Garou just shrugged his shoulders

"Meh, they're the ones that decided to be heroes. If they wanted a safe, peaceful life, they should have considered a different occupation"

"Grrr. I'm going to enjoy breaking you" Miruko growled, seeing this Garou got in his fighting stance.

'Calm down Rumi. Getting angry won't do you any good. Take a deep breath. And kick his ass'

Miruko took a deep breath, and exhaled. She looked him right in the eyes and started to skip lightly in place.

Garou raised an eyebrow at the action but didn't move or say anything

In one of the skips, the moment her feet touched the ground she quickly crouched and then she jumped. The ground cracking under her feet as she zoomed to the left. She landed on a tree and jumped off it sending chunks flying. She continued to ricochet a few more times.

Up. Down. Left. Right.

Her pattern was all over the place. But after each jump, she got faster.

Garou stood in place. Like a statue. He didn't move even when she got behind him.

She landed on a tree directly behind him and Jumped with all her might, tearing the tree in half from the force.

She leaned forward and did a summersault, gathering momentum for a devastating drop heel kick.



She dropped her heel as hard as she could at his head. Fully intending to crack it open like an egg. The ground cracked in a spiderweb pattern with Garou in the middle. The instant she hit him the ground cracked sending a dust cloud in the air.


Is that the best you got"

Through the dust cloud, Miruko saw Garou holding her hell with one hand.

'He has moved an inch. He caught my kick with one hand, Without even looking'

Miruko quickly jumped slightly with her other leg and kicked aiming at his back. Hoping to set her leg free

"My turn"

Garou tightened his muscles. His right hand that was holding her foot gripped tighter. Then with all of his strength he pulled. Miruko whose kick was interrupted found herself above Garou before she was slammed into the ground. *GAH*

The wind left her lungs.

"Not Yet"

He did the same. He pulled her foot and threw her into a three. She hit it back first, then the back of her head followed. The blow to the head left her with a concussion. She was getting dizzy

"Haaa, okey.. not gonna lie. That hurt a lot" She stood up a grin present on her face. She looked at him fearlessly "But don't think that's enough to keep me down!"

Garou looked at her and smiled, amused by her actions. " Your courage is commendable but-" he disappeared from her line of sight, then she heard a voice behind her " -know your place"

Miruko turned around only to meet a fist into her stomach. She was sent flying, rolling around like a ragdoll, being dragged by the force of his punch.

She was hurting all over. But her pride didn't let her stay down. She quickly got up. Crouched on all fours. That punch was definitely going to leave a big bruise.

"Hoo, still standing?" Garou leaned against a tree his hands in his pockets.

"Go to HELL!!" Miruko got back on her feet and dashed towards him. She send a fury of kicks mixed in a punch when she could. But each kick, each punch was deflected by Garou. Miruko pushed him back but he effortlessly hit them away.

" You like? It's called Water Rock Smashing Fist. The name is terrible but the martial art is designed for parrying, and then.. counter-attacking" Garou parried her kick with a lot more force than before, knocking her slightly off balance.

He then started to turn. Miruko knowing his next move, with her one leg on the ground she jumped backward as fast as she could and put her together to guard, just in time as his spinning kick hit her in her guard

"Much better. You blocked that one. Let's see you block this. RANKYAKU!" Garou kicked the air sending a sharp light-blue arc flying towards the Hero

Miruko whose back was turned to him, heard him call out his attack. And relying on her rabbit instincts jumped sideways, and a slash mark appeared where she stood.

"What the hell was that!?" She looked at the mark on the ground then at Garou

" A martial art I designed. One of 6 special moves. I kick the air so hard the wind pressure creates an air blade. Honestly, I'm surprised you never figured this out, considering you use your legs most of the time. But I'm glad you know this one. Even if it's a basic incomplete version. GEPPO"

Garou jumped in the air and kicked making a small shockwave with each step. It looked like he was running on air.

Miruko watched speechlessly as he performed the move she has been struggling so effortlessly and so many times. At most, she can do it 2-3 times before her legs give out.

Garou softly landed on the ground and grinned at her "Your move Rabbit"

Miruko knowing that she was outclassed still stood up.

'A chance, I just need One opening to use Luna Tijeras. I'll rip his head off. I just need one little opening'

Miruko started to run lightly, with each step putting more and more force in it. Hallway into the run she was at her top speed. Garou just stood there watching her coming at him like a bullet.

She telegraphed a spinning kick. The same one he used on her

"A bit petty aren't you?" Garou stretched his hands out indenting to catch her leg.

But then Miruko did the unthinkable. She stoped her kick and her back was turned to him. If he took a step forward and punched her in her back he could cripple her. But the move surprised him and she took the opportunity that presented itself.

She did a back flip her hands landing on his wrists, the momentum pulling them up and she landed on his shoulders. Her thighs quickly pressed together on his neck

"Got you now FUCKER. Say goodbye to your head. LUNA TIJERAS" Miruko let go of his hands, and pressed her thighs even harder. She used her full body weight to twist and fall to the side and use every bit of her superhuman strength to rip his head off.

But just as she was falling she stopped mid-way. and heard him laughing

"Hhahaha an interesting move. Be proud of yourself. You made me use my quirk,"

Miruko looked at him shocked by what she was seeing. His whole body was black. The texture of his skin changed. She could feel it on his neck. It was hard like stone.

He grabbed her thighs and squeezed forcing them open. He then threw her at full strength. She felt herself hitting tree branches breaking them. Some were thicker than her arms. After flying for what felt like 20 meters she stopped and fell to the ground. Her body was in pain she couldn't move.

"Ahhh it's over already. And things were just about to get interesting." Garou said casually looking at the fallen hero

" Looks like only the kid can give me the challenge I want"

Miruko's ears perked up when he said 'Kid'

"What Kid?" She spoke softly, ignoring the pain it brought. Even breathing was painful to her now

"Shinichi Kodo. The Martial Genius. We fought, by the way, he lasted a lot longer than you"

"You fought a kid, how low will you fall you scumbag" Miruko spat out, She saw him on the news so at least he didn't kill the kid. Garou just laughed at her

"You don't get it, do you?

We are both a once in a millennia' talent and against all odds, both of us were born in the same era. A few years apart. That has never happened before.

This is FATE.

Anything I know he can learn it. Anything he knows I can learn it.

A continuous cycle of improvement. Each of us finds strong people to fight. We learn we adapt. Then we fight each other. And steal techniques we have learned.

He already copied most of my martial arts.

We decided we will fight seriously will be once he fully matures. Wining against him now won't bring me any satisfaction When both he and I are at our physical peak, that's when we fight. His quirk sped up his growth. In a few years, it will be all over.

A fight to the death. The last one standing will be the strongest." Garou started to grin, his excitement was rolling off of him

"You are insane! You want to kill a child!" She screamed at him, she stood up her body still in pain but she pushed through it. She was horrified by his goal. He was going to murder a child.

"A Child? A CHILD!?" For the first time, Garou yelled at her showing his true self

"That CHILD can easily massacre your Top 10. HE tied with ME. You wouldn't last 5 minutes with him. The Rabbit Hero: Miruko. Currently number 11 on the 'I'm a famous Hero' rankings.

Go seek out the kid. Challenge him to a fight. See for yourself. Does he need your protection? Or do you need his" Garou finished his speech and disappeared in a blur. Leaving behind a bruised and bleeding rabbit. Her pride was crushed. Her body left in pieces. She fell down on her knees and looked at the sky. Tears slowly started to run down her cheeks.

Her life was spared. And it hurt.

### Location: Some Forest in the middle of nowhere

"Why the hell does a teenager live in a forest" Miruko grumbles as she walks through the path with a GPS in her hand. She was only given the location for the meeting.

'I don't expect much from a 12-year-old kid. What advice could he offer on how to fight that monster.' She shivered remembering her fight with him

Why chose a forest as the meeting location anyway. Well, it's better than some other place where people would just gawk at her.

Fame doesn't mean much to her. She became a hero because she wanted to fight. That's it. No greater purpose. No heroic reason. She just wants to fight strong people. And only a hero can do that.. Legally.

*Boom. Boom*

Her ears perk up as she hears shockwaves and small explosions.

"What the ..?" Miruko speeds up and the sight shocks her

Trees ripped in half. Boulders Crushed. Lines in the ground like it's been cut. And in the middle of it all. A boy.

No, he can not be called a boy. More like a man.

He was dressed only in shorts. His body was drenched in sweat. With every move he made, his powerful muscles flexed. He looked nothing like the Heroes she knew.

There was a difference between bodybuilder and hero training. The first only increased their muscle mass. Heros didn't need any useless muscles. So they had more advanced training. In other words, muscules that were made for fighting.

She thought she had seen them. She was proud of her body. Especially her legs.

But looking at him. She couldn't help but think about how he did it.

It looked like he was sculpted from marble. Not a gram of fat on him.

"Miruko I presume." his deep voice snapped her out of her daze. a voice she was totally not expecting from a 12-year-old. He extended his hand to her

"Kodo Shinichi. A pleasure"



I think it was okey... ish. Could definitely be better. But that's the best I got. For now