WebNovelMHA: Code57.45%

Final Round 2

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Tier 2- 9 Euro. 10 Ch in advance on everything. 2 Votes

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Yo with this chapter this fic has over 100K words. 🎉

As of today my contract with my firm has ended. 🎉

So I'm out of a job. I am an idiot for staying this long anyway. The hours were long, the work was hard, and the pay was miserable. They offered me a new contract. Same job, same position, for a little bit more money.

Hell No. I'd rather look for another job. This was proven to be a good decision. Today was the last day. And the bastard boss wanted me to work the hardest. So he could use me to the max before I leave. I just left xD

Anyway, enjoy the chap guys.

Word Count 1075



" RAHHHH" The Boulder charged. His 10-meter frame left cracks in the ground with each step

He took a large swing at Kodo. And hit the ground where was while drawing his fist back.


On the spot where he swung was carved out in an arc. But Kodo wasn't there.

"Heyy you big ugly brute. Looking for someone"

Boulder snaped is neck to the side locating the Voice. Kodo was casually standing on his fist, with an amused expression on his face.

Blood rushed to the giant's face as it turned red from rage. "YOUUU!!!"

But before he could do anything Kodo lightly jumped and kicked like he was hitting a football (Socerball). But instead of the Flying air slash. This was in a straight line. more like a blueish-white beam.

The attack hit The Boulder straight in the eye.

"ARHHHHHH" The giant screamed out in pain as he brought both his hands covering his eye. Kodo softly landed on the ground at watched him.

After a few moments, the giant removed his hands showing a bruised eyelid.

"Hoo~ you blocked the attack by closing your eye. To be fair It was the lowest attack I could do so at worst you would have gotten a little more than a sting. Like a fly hitting your eye at high speed. But still Well Done Young Grasshopper" Kodo started speaking in a weird way while rubbing his imaginary beard. Clearly mocking his opponent

The Giant stood up and just as he was about to move.

Kodo does a serious kick. His leg looked like it disappeared for a second. Then an extremely fast line zoomed in the air Hitting him straight in the shoulder.


The force was strong enough to twist his shoulder making him lose balance and stumble to the ground. Most likely what would have happened if someone threw a punch in your shoulder without you defending.

"Did you drop a coin or something?" Kodo continued with his mocking. Which was very unusual for him to keep it going this long. A few people in the audience noticed this and started to wonder what he is planning.

"Shut UP! YOU BASTARD!" The 10-meter giant quickly got on his feet and raised his leg backward wanting to kick Kodo like a ball,

But Kodo just smirked and waited. When the foot was about to kick him he quickly sidestepped and did a strong push on his ankle with both hands. This caused his right leg which was mid kick to go a lot more to the left throwing him off balance and into the ground again.


"Wow you really must love being on the ground if you keep falling like that so many times"

After this even the dumbest people realized the unfair fight in front of them. Shinichi Kodo just counters him completely. As big as he is each time he moves he opens up an opportunity for Kodo to exploit. And he wasn't fast enough to land any sort of blow.

No wonder Kodo looked so relaxed. He practically won as soon as he stepped onto the stage.

And looking at the giant's angry expression he was beginning to understand that too. When he stood up this time, he crouched deep and spread his fingers open his palm facing Kodo.



This is good comedy.

Grappling, Huh? Not a bad choice. Well more like his only choice. Since striking has proven ineffective, he decided to grapple me and once he has me in his hold. He can just throw me around like a rag-doll. If it was anyone other than me, that is.

He pushed off with both legs and threw his right arm to grab me.

You would think he would learn by now.

Now I'm going to cheat a little and use a little SuperStrengt Quirk. But I can easily disguise it. On second thought why bother toning it down?

'Divine Demon 70%'

'Gorilla Form'

Blood starts pumping through my veins, making them bulge. My skin color turns somewhat red. A little strength quirk for a little buff. And it's time to show off a bit. My muscles start building after that as shiny dark hair spreads on my buffed-up arms and chest.

As Boulder was just about to grab me.

I quickly twist my body and grab his wrist. I twist his wrist upwards while pulling downwards. This way it forces him to rise up on his own from the pain. So then a little super strength to lift him. And the giant is airborne.

"Amazing! Kodo has lifted the 10-meter Giant. What Strenght!"

Yeah, they won't be forgetting this anytime soon.

As soon as he was airborne I started to spin. Carefully balancing him as I went along.

"STOP SPINNING MEE!!!" There was clear panic in his voice. Hmm does his giant size affect his balance? He never made any big moves, and always had a solid footing on the ground

One last spin and *BOOOOM* I slammed him into the ground. HARD,

Enough to shake the stadium. I cancel Divine Demon and Gorila Form.,

A Luffy Giant Throw. Choke on that you Rubber Bastard.


He quickly turned to the side and started puking.

Yeah, that's one quirk that I don't need. Mental note 'Delete DNA sample'

The boulder Shakely Stood up. His hands were on his knees trying to balance himself.

"T-the Boulder. Does.. Not.. Lose"

Well he is stubborn I'll give him that. Time to end this. It has gone long enough.

" Too bad for you Pebble. You were just unlucky. If i wasn't here you would have won. better luck next time"

Time for a little cameo.

Jaguar Form. I turned into a half Jaguar man

Before he could even retort. I used Soru to appear on his knee. I point both my fists at his stomach. And purposely enhance my voice so the public could hear it.

'Rokushiki Secret Move: Rokuogan!" (Six King Gun)

Then a devastating shockwave came out from my fists. Passing straight through his stomach. Tearing it apart from the inside.


The effect was immediate. His quirk stopped, he shrunk down to his original size, he put his hands on his stomach. His face showed he was in pure agony. So much so that he couldn't even stand, he fell facefirst into the ground still clutching his stomach

"Ahhh... Boulder is incapable of continuing. Match Winner. Shinichi Kodo. MEDIC! Hurry Up!"