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Infiltration 3

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. Or just read my other fics. I have like 10 of them up to ch 10. Drafts, Ideas, Plans. Polls. Check it out and see if you like what I got. I'll put down the Fics at the end of the chap.

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Cannon starts in 5 chapters.

Word Count 1040


Getting Past the Hallway.

Now the moment of truth. I either go through the hallway without getting poisoned, or the poison breaks through my layer of protection which will force me to use my dangerous quirks. When that happens I will be found out and be forced to abandon this Dino-heist.

I first modify and expand the size of my lungs. I do a few breathing techniques to get used to the new lungs. Then I take the deepest breath I could and I start using telekinesis and a few other supportive quirks to form an invisible layer above my skin.

That should be enough.

I use my quirk on the keypad and open the door. As soon as I enter the doors behind me close and yellow gas starts coming out of the ceiling and walls.

I already checked. The gas must be activated for the door to the lab to open, That means these scientists do this every time they have to go to this lab. Talk about a waste of gas. Actually, they might just recycle the gas.

There were small air vents in the floor. I just ignored them because they are of no use to me.

The yellow gas was right about to touch me when it suddenly started to avoid my skin. The protective layer is working. This is a relief since I'm putting a butt load of power to make it push back the gas even more than needed.

I went to the metal doors with the key. And of course, it's one of those trick mechanical doors.

There are two more keyholes hidden. It needs 3 different types of keys for the lock to open. It's like a safe.

That is if you don't have a quirk that can make metal. I use the quirk I stole from one of the heroes and made 3 liquid metal tendrils. I put them into the keyholes and started to mess around. It took a few seconds but I was able to enter the lab. And finally, breathe.

OP lungs for the win.

After the wall there was a hallway. But on the walls, there were some sort of vines.


Something lunged at me from my left. Using my reflexes I caught it by its head. It was some sort of snake. Interesting enough it was a species I don't know. Using my quirk I sensed there was some sort of chip near it's brain.

So they can control them. Smart.

I sensed there were other snakes in the vines waiting to pounce. I override its chip and mess with the system. now even if I kill them they won't know. I kill it and I dig my claws into the snake and start absorbing its blood. The other snakes used it as a signal to attack. I turn my fingers into the swordfish's nose and slash them apart. I could have used claws but I like to change it up sometimes. A few seconds after the snakes jumped. The fucking vines moved and started tying me up. I quickly made swords appear out of me like a porcupine and I started to spin. Riping both the vines and the snakes apart.

I analyze the snake's blood. And HOLY SHIT these guys are fucking insane. I mean I have modified a lot of poisoned creatures to reach the poison that I can now produce. But these guys topped even that. Forget poison this is acid.

I run by the system again to check its chemical makeup.

Project: 'Basilisk venom'

Extremely concentrated venom. Can only be produced in small quantities. One drop in the veins. Death within 1 minute On the skin Death in 5 minutes. No cure found.

The quickest a normal snake can kill is 10 minutes. Mine can kill in 5 but only if it's injected into the bloodstream. This freaking thing kills in 1 minute.

They are farming the venom so they can sell it on the black market or just use it themselves. Damn, that was a close call. If the snakes had bitten me while I was tied up, I might have died.

But this is still a nice find.

I kept moving forward but this time with extreme care. My senses were spread to the max. Who knows what these madmen have made.

There were a lot of corridors. Guard Plants were everywhere and animals defended the lab. Through the system, I knew that to get by these things safely they use a device that sends out sound waves at a specific frequency that activate the chips in their brains.

The frequency makes them feel pain so they back off. I had to go past a nest of spiders that were the size of a small dog. This time I just directly used quirks on them and didn't want to risk getting bitten. I still got a sample of their DNA.

After a few twists and turns and getting lost a few times, I found the egg room. I mean who seriously builds a maze inside a lab? This is getting ridiculous. If I find the real bastard who designed this I will gut them and string them on the tallest building I can find.

This gives me Jurrasic Park flashbacks. The eggs are put in little incubation chambers. While screens are working


One of the doors opens and I quickly turn invisible.

Two men walk out of the room.

"Man that raptor is a real son of a bitch."

" Yeah make the Indo-Raptor. You will be paid a lot they said. Real good that does us if we survive it. And why are we even the ones that need to check up on it? We made it! Let some stupid bastard take care of it"

Did I hear Indo-Raptor?

They actually made it!?

I quickly steal the card from the one who didn't use his card. The other one had it in his hand so it shows he is going to use it on next door.

I will use my quirk on the door but the card is just in case it takes too long.

Perfect Prehistoric Killing Machine here I come.

### A/N

Okey so the other fics are:

Those with 10 chaps written, and one of these will be next on Webnovel after MS is over. Pat reons will vote for this.

DxD RE: Kiba- An OP MC, Doesn't like the Gremories, Opportunist, Anti-hero, in a way, It will be about 60-80 chaps long I think

DC-YJ-ReSuperboy= Selfish MC, doesn't give two fucks about being a hero, chills around

DBZ; ReGohan- The Gohan we wanted but didn't get, Young Gohan, Badass, Strong, OP.

DxD Necro= This one takes the cake- Selfish, Evil, Dark, Gore, Ra**. All of the above. This is basically every fucked up idea I had, put in a blender.

DxD Magneto: Smartish MC. Magneto-Sacred Gear, Join's Sona's peerage so he doesn't get insta-killed, Works as a Mercenary not as a Servant.

Chatgroup (Killers)- This is my newest one. I have a lot of fun writing this, Every Person in this group has killed, Some are good, some bad.

Those were the ones with 10 chapters, and have somewhat planned plots.

Now for the rest, These are with 5 chapters written or bellow

DxD- True Gamer (Sora from NGNL) losses Shiro. Becomes the Gamer with a shot at bringing her back to life. OP Sora, No turning into Devils. Alone, Separate Faction. Politics, Economics.

HP- Magical Mafia- Still working on this, Need to rework the whole plot because I messed up, but it will be done.

HP- Re: Ron= Honestly did this just so I could get a laugh at my MC's situation. Am I weird for doing this? Maybe. But I don't care. Selfish Ron. No sidekick, Slytherin Ron.

There are others but they are still just Ideas and Drafts.

If you are interested go check it out.