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Blood Room

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. Or just read my other fics. I have like 10 of them up to ch 10. Drafts, Ideas, Plans. Polls. Check it out and see if you like what I got.

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Word Count 1064


Oh Hell Nah!

These bitches are moving the blood.

Fuck no!

I turn into my speed from.

That is mixing mostly land animals Cheetah being the base of the form. That is the 'public' form.

The real thing is that combined with my quirks.

I dashed through the hallways following the scent of blood and their voices. It took me less than 20 seconds to reach them. There were 4 people loading the blood samples into safes that will probably be moved somewhere else.

"What the Hell?"

"Idiot don't just stand there!"

"Shoot it!"

Each guard raised his gun but two of them only used one hand and kept the other suspended while pointing at me.

So those two have quirks. Doesn't matter. All of them are dead.

They started shooting at me. But with my original Quirk's processing ability that makes them in slow motion for me and with me being in my speed form.

I just ran straight at them while dodging every single bullet. But then my eyes caught something solidifying in the air in front of me and then flying straight at me. I hardened my arm, grew armor on it and tried to smack it away. But it pierced my defenses.

"Ha see that my Space blades are unstoppable."

"Shut it! Without my quirk they wouldn't even work!:

The two quirk users were arguing but they still kept shooting at me.

Hmm, some kind of combination move.

One of them solidifies the space into blades. A good quirk actually. I doubt anyone could even see those blades. (Like from Dr.Strange)

Now the other question is the second guard. Does he launch them or does he somehow affect me?

"Quickly, I'll make more, fire them faster"


Sighh. Neverminded. I was getting hyped over nothing. Just another Telekinesis Quirk. I got my hopes up for some Debuff Quirk.

Debuff quirks are very useful. Especially if they stack. Imagine All Might tripping on the ground because you debuffed him. That would be funny.

The interesting thing here is that the blade is still here. So maybe he makes them semi-permanent. Most likely a time limit or he can only erase them all at once.

Well in that case. I grab two of those 'space blades'. And throw them back at them.

The guards were shocked, especially since the blades were going to the two quirkless guards.

"Shit" The one with the space blade quirk quickly dematerializes all of them. Right as they were about to hit the other guards

"Fuck that was close" he breathed out



My hand was holding his heart. I literally ripped his heart out.

A little dramatic, but bad guys usually are. Channeling some Zoldyck Energy.


The body falls to the ground.

"MARCUS!" x3

Huh, so that's his name.

I quickly throw the heart to the one with the space quirk. The moron actually caught in with his hands, even with one holding the gun.

He quickly realized his mistake but I was already by his side my hand on his neck.


I crush his neck and let his body fall down

"You Bastard!"

Only the quirkless guards remained. I was feeling kinda bored at this point so I turned my nails into claws.

Flying Shingan x2

I flick my claws two times and the flying air bullet hit them both between the eyes.

Well now that it's all over. 4 spiked tendrils shoot out from my sleeves, 2 on each sleeve. They quickly pierce the corpses and start draining them.

I lost a bit of energy by searching and infiltrating this base.

Once they are turned into mummies, I leave them be and go for my prize.

Hundreds of blood vials. Each marked. I quickly go into computer mode. I look at the name and a small tendril absorbs the blood.

They are instantly categorized. Each Vail took around 3 seconds. In 5 minutes I cleaned out the whole place.


I got the DNA of the most fearsome predators to ever walk the planet.

My chances of succeeding have just risen exponentially. With this, I can 'legally' dominate the Hero world.

Let's not talk about the popularity boost that I am about to get. Everybody loves dinosaurs.

Well it's been 5 minutes. The guards should have caught the Raptors and other dinosaurs. Time to blow this joint.

I go to a nearby computer and start uploading my own personal Virus. Earlier I was careful about not being discovered. But now I couldn't care less

My virus makes it so everything connected to this server will self-destruct. This whole place has its own generators. This place will be set on fire soon. Especially since I have disabled the Sprinklers.

All I can say is good luck you pathetic fools.


The whole base is on Code Red.

"Where IS HE? I want that motherfucker's Head ON MY DESK" The leader of the base screams out as the veins on his forehead pop. He was looking at the footage the camera got.

There was a white-haired man, he wears a tight, black, long-sleeved shirt and loose-fitting white martial arts pants. And he was giving the camera a middle finger.

Hero Hunter GAROU.

"What the hell is that freak of nature doing here? Why isn't he killing heroes off in some god-forsaken part of the world?" says the leader as he slams his fist on the desk

"I don't know sir. The Last sighting of him was him leaving Japan and starting massacring his way across China. It's possible he went to Russia's most eastern spot before swimming to the Dominic Island and then swimming here.

It's only 90 kilometers from coast to coast, a man of his strength. It would have barely taken him any time at all."

"I don't care! I want him DEAD. I need his head before the Cadmus Board of Directors have MINE. Send in everybody we got. Use every weapon available. Send in the Raptor Squad."

"But sir they aren't ready. We are still programming them." The Raptor Team leader said nervously

"If we don't kill him now, we won't get to see another day"


An explosion shook the facility

"DO IT NOW!!!"

All of the people scattered to carry out their orders. All of them were dreading facing the most infamous Hero Killer in the World.