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First Hero Class

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. Or just read my other fics. I have like 10 of them up to ch 10. Drafts, Ideas, Plans. Polls. Check it out and see if you like what I got.

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Word Count 1780


After the quirk orientation, we were done for the day. So the classes would actually start the day after. Which is now

"You were amazing!" Mina exclaimed

"Yeah, no kidding. You almost broke all of our records without even using your quirk"

"You are so manly!"

The class enthusiastically kept asking me questions

I would nod and grunt occasionally. I sometimes answer if they ask something interesting.

"Nee. Why do you call him Shisho(Master, above Sensei), Momo-san?" Mina asked while looking at me and then at Momo like she found a gossip scoop.

"Well he has been training me since little. And now that we go to the same school I can't keep calling him Sensei. it would be confusing for the teachers here. And he started teaching me advanced techniques, so I started calling him Shisho" Momo explained calmly with a smile

"Hey Kodo-san do you still teach students? Can you give me a few tips?" Kirishima asked

I looked at him, then his upper body. I especially focused on the hands "You have trained in Tekkai and Shigan. Haven't you?"

"Wow, you can tell!" Kirishima started getting excited

"I spread that Martial Art. Of course, I can see the signs. Your Quirk was hardening. Tekkai and Shigan are quite suitable for you to learn. And you didn't cheat. You trained in them without using your quirk the majority of the time. A good choice. You trained properly and still did extra training to combine it with your quirk. You will go far if you keep that up" I can give compliments when they are deserved.

"Thank You Very MUCH!" Kirishima yelled loudly with teary eyes

"No problem" I just waved him off

I could feel Todoroki looking down on me. That kind of thing has Endeavor filled his head with.

Probobly something along the lines of 'Martial Arts? I can burn them before they even get close'

That is true. For normal practitioners. Todoroki can just burn and freeze them. I really want to beat his ass with just martial arts.

The door opens and Present Mic comes in


The First Class is English

"Everybody wake up!" PresentMic says in English

"Let's get this party started!"

Man does he ever shut up

"Which one of these questions is wrong?" Present Mic taps the board with the four questions.

I just slump on my desk. Ughhh, Maybe I can convince Nezu to skip all of these.

"Kodo Shinichi. If you think my class is so boring why don't you solve exercise 5." Present Mic said with a smirk. Like he had caught a bad student

"Sure." I answer in English and glance at the Exercise. It was one of those where you have to read a text and answer some questions

"Well the answers are. She did steal some merchandise. Shoplifting can be punished with jail time. And the hero made a mistake by not stopping her before she used her quirk."

Present Mic looked stunned by my fluent English

"I travel the world on a regular basis for my competitions. Do you think you can do that without knowing English? Oh and my English should be beyond what you will teach in this school anyway. Can I sit down?"

"Ahhh, sure" Mic just decided to ignore my existence

~ Lunch.

Lunch Rush truly is an excellent cook. No a chef!

"Look at him go."

"Isn't that like his 14th plate?"

"He is a freaking monster"

Don't these kids have anything better to do, than watch me eat?

"Yo Lunch Rush. 10 more!" I yell out

"Got IT!" The cooking hero yelled out from the kitchen

"Seriously Shinichi. Control yourself a bit" Ran shook her head as she looked at the empty plates at my sides

"Ran you know I eat a lot. You have known that since we were kids."

She rubbed her neck "Yeah but you might give the others a wrong opinion"

"I don't care what these kids think of me. My quirk uses a lot of Stamina. So I need to eat as much as I can when I can."

"Give up Ran-chan. You know he will never change" Momo tapped Ran on her back,

"Why would I change? I'm perfect as I am." Is it a bit arrogant? Yes.

Is it false? Nope. So I have the right to be arrogant


Hero Basic Training with All Might

"I'AM... coming through the door like a normal person" and here is Johnny Bravo in the flesh in his red suit and blue cape

The class immediately starts to stare in awe.

"It's All Might!"

"Wow, he really is a teacher" Kirishima

"That's a costume from the silver age, isn't it?

"The style is so different it's giving me goosebumps"

Man you are really soaking it up, I look at All Might who was taking exaggerated slow steps

"I teach Hero Basic Training" and I blank out for the rest of his speech until he says "Combat Training"

"Combat-" Bakugo yells out

"-training" and Midoriya finishes his sentence. I'm getting gay vibes. or maybe bi vibes

"And to go with that there are these!"

The wall starts to open up revealing suitcases

"Costumes basted on your Quirks and requests you sent before school started"


Are they really calling them costumes? Why not make a costume party while you are at it? Like Halloween.

"After you change gather in Ground Beta" All Might yelled out and all of us go and change


Locker rooms

"Wow dude you are ripped as fuck" Kirishima said in awe

"As I said I have been training since I was 3 years old" There was a huge difference in our training.

SugarLips is the bulkiest, but that doesn't mean he is stronger. My muscles and bones are vastly different than normal. As is the way I train. Each of my muscles are made for battle.

That's why my build is different. You won't get muscles like these while training in the gym.

"Who the fuck starts training at 3? Huh?" Bakugo yells out

"I do. And I think you remember it quite well. You were very annoying as a kid Bakugo. I beat you a few times because of that nasty personality of yours" I say casually while I put on my suit.

"HUH!? I'll beat your ass!" Bakugo's face started to change.

The fuck? So it wasn't just a comedy effect? His face really turned out like that when he got his medal at the UA Festival.

"Sure keep on dreaming Sparkles" I'm done with changing so I exit the room



Ground Beta

"They say clothes make the man"

"Be fully aware, that from now on. You Are Heroes"

Yeah right, I look around seeing everybody's hero suits.

"Now shall we begin, you zygotes?"

All might looked at us then his eyes stopped at Deku who just came in.

All might put his hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing when he saw Deku's suit. It was stupid. No it was Idiotic. It was just a regular jumpsuit.

As expected from a mama's boy.

He should have at least asked for some protective gear and Kevlar textile to make it more durable.

Everybody looked the same except for Momo and me.

I didn't let Momo wear that stupid leotard she wore in the Original. She showed off way too much skin, one cut with a poison blade and your dead. I get that she needed to show off skin to use her quirk. But be smart about it.

This time she was in a full-body red suit. It was made from something similar to Mirio's Suit. So it was a part of her body technically. It was also made with Kevlar and carbon fibers. That alongside her hair. I don't know how they exactly made it. It was a trade secret. And I didn't care enough to learn it. It cost a lot.

I can only assume Original Momo didn't want to burden her parents and wanted to be on an equal playing field with the other heroes. To be fair and not have any advantages over her classmates.

That didn't happen here. She basically has All Might's suit with a red and black color scheme. She also had elbow and knee guards. Along with special gloves. Sure Showing some skin might attract more fans. But she doesn't care about that. Efficiency above all else. Just like I thought her. She also had a Visor built by yours truly. She has a ton of schematics on that thing that she can access with her voice or with her eyes.

I opted for something simple. A hero suit won't change anything too much for me. So I asked for some extremely durable yet strechable material. Like the one Mount Lady has. It grows with her. Then I got the idea to get the same clothes as Garou but with a different color scheme. Garou had a black shirt and white pants. I had the reverse.

This was a subtle way of reminding people that I fought Garou to a standstill and that we were 'rivals'

"For this test you will be split into heroes and villains in a two-on-two indoor battle. Teams and opponents will be decided by drawing lots" Johnny Bravo pulls out a box

The pairings were exactly the same as in the Original and because I took Mineta's place here I got paired with Momo. She was happy about his. But some of the pairings were put to fight different teams than in the Original..

We were in Team C.

The first match was Team D vs Team A

Bakugo and Iida vs Ocharko and Deku


Things were going exactly the same as they were in the Show. Deku and the Main Love interest went through the window on the first floor. That's their first mistake. She can Negate Gravity. Both of them could have gone directly to the 5th floor.

Then Deku Sumo Slams him. and tells Ochako to go to the Missile. The class starts to break down the fight and cheer.

Instead of both of them working together to capture Bakugo they separate.

Then everything goes downhill from there, Bakugo blows up the building, nearly killing Deku. Pity, it didn't work. Ochako tries to get the bomb in those horrible high heels of hers. Deku breaks his arm and by some miracle, they win the match.

"Hero Team... WINS!!!!"

"Idiots" I mumble under my breath

"Umu" Momo just nods along "They made a lot of illogical and stupid mistakes"

All Might is at fault here as well. He should have stopped this match the moment Bakugo blew up the building.

All Might goes to pick them up and stops Bakugo's panic attack.

We do the stupid Battle Breakdown afterwards. Momo keeps quiet this time. Her reasoning is that it isn't her job to teach the class.

Again I'm so fucking proud.


Todoroki Freezes the building. Making it an instant win and showing off his power to the rest of the class.

The rest of the class was playing around.

The laser boy was treating this shit like a runway. Mina was surfing on the floor with her Quirk. The others were doing similar shit.

This is the next generation of heroes?

Me and Momo were paired against Kirishima and Sero.


3rd Pov

"Man I can't believe I'm fighting against the King." Kirishima pumped himself up

"The King? Kodo? I don't get why you are calling him that. Isn't his nickname the Lion?" Sero was putting up his tape all around the Top Floor.

"Yeah but his unofficial nickname is King. He hasn't lost a match in his whole carrier you know. We can't underestimate them" Kirishima says seriously

"Haaa? Do you think I'm stupid? It's suicidal to hold back against him. He beat a villain that killed a hero when he was like 11 or something." Sero pointed out



"So how do you want to do this?" Kodo asked Momo, both of them were completely relaxed.

"Quick and Efficient. Geppo to the top. Drop Tear Gas inside. Soru to the Bomb" Momo answers him with absolute efficiency

"Sure let's do that"


Camera room

"Wow we finally get to see what they can do. "

"The top two on the Quirk Tests."

"Kodo Shinichi. I wonder how he will fight as a hero" Ojirou fanboys

"Huh. They are flying up?"

"Geppo. Both of them showed it when we did the tests" Todoroki says in a monotone voice but narrowed his eyes a little


MC Pov

I could hear them talking about precautions against us. Me and Momo were using Geppo to reach the Top Window.

The tear gas is efficient. But it will take too long. Whatever, I let Momo take over, so we will do as she said. I could finish it in a second.

Momo makes a couple of tear gas canisters above her suit and throws them in,


They start releasing the tear gas.

"FUCK MY EYES!!!" Kirishima yelled out as he put his palms on his eyes

"Cough Cough. It burnss!!"


Both me and momo go in. She had her Visor and could hold her breath. I just closed my eyes and kept walking. Echolocation is such a useful skill. Especially with my hearing. The tear gas couldn't do shit to me anyway, I can resist it. It would just irritate my eyes a little bit. Which I would have to constantly heal. But that was a bother and unnecessary

Me and Momo slowly walk to the Bomb using Kamui to bend ourselves around the Tape Lines.

"They are here!"


Momo goes for the Bomb, while I just hit both of them in the gut and capture them with the 'capture line'.

"Heroes WIN! They got both the BOMB and the Villians!" All Might yelled out


All the tests were over so we were standing outside the exit

"Good Work Everyone! Change and return... To the Classroom!" All Might dashes away. Probobly Low on time.

I yawn from boredom. Well, maybe I'll take a quick nap in the Classroom.