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UA Sports Festival

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. Or just read my other fics. I have like 10 of them up to ch 10. Drafts, Ideas, Plans. Polls. Check it out and see if you like what I got.

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Word Count 1033



Lunch Rush collapsed from overwork


A hollow victory? Cheating using Food Immersion?

Who cares about stuff like that? I won. That's all that matters.

It's 3:20 the last class for today is over.

I need to go and work on the Warp Quirk.

"What's going ON!" Uraraka yells out


Oh right. The other classes are here to 'declare war'.

"What business do you have with Class A?" Iida asks them still moving his hand like a robot

"Scouting out the enemy. We are the class that survived a villain attack. They want to check us out before the sports festival. Out of my way Extras!" Bakugo says neutrally

Which is so unlike him

"Stop calling people 'extras' just because you don't know them!" Iida scolds him

" But he is right. This is a complete waste of everybody's time. If they have time for this shit they should be out training. If they want to enter the Hero Course. They shouldn't be wasting time like this." I step in front of the crowd

"Move it. I have better things to do today" I release some of my aura and the people start to back away from me. I feel like a predator staring down at them. I look at the crowd

"If you want to join the Hero Course. Put in the work. There is a gym here at school. You can also apply to use the Ground's to train. If you are going to waste time by doing this, then you have no excuse if you fail at the sports festival. Good Luck to all of you"

I start walking away. Momo is right behind me. The crowd was so stunned they couldn't get a word out.

I don't care about the situation with Shinso and TetsuTetsu.

The UA Sports festival is in 2 weeks.

(A/N I was wrong. Its 2 weeks instead of 1)

A two-week training montage Later.

~Day of the festival

I enter the Academy and make my way to the First Year Stage. I grab a bunch of festival food like Yakisoba(Fried Noodles) and Takoyaki(Grilled Octopus with a pancake batter).

No reason to to enjoy myself.


1-A Waiting Room.

"I wanted to wear my costume" Mina complained.

All of us were in our P.E uniform

"To keep everything fair, everybody is in their P.E uniforms"

"I wonder what the first round is going to be?" SugarWreasler asks nervously

"No matter what comes, we have no choice but to deal with it" Tokoyami is acting like an edgelord as usual

"Everyone! Are you ready?! We will be starting soon!" Iida enters the room like he was a part of a swat team.

I ignored the nervous kids and continued to munch on my snacks

"Hey Kodo can I have some?" Kirishima asked politely

I just grabbed one of the unopened boxes and threw it at him

"Takoyaki Nice" He said happily as he started to eat and calm his nerves.

"Midoriya." Todoroki calls him out getting the attention of the class

"Huh? Todoroki?" The Nerd turns around

"Looking at things objectively, I think I am stronger than you"

"Huh. Yeah," Deku nods like the bitch he is.

"But.. All Might has his eyes on you, doesn't he?"

Deku starts panicking

"I'm not trying to pry into your situation"

Deku stoped panicking

"But I'm going to beat you" Todoroki said resolutely

"OHHH. A declaration of War!" Kamiranri said

"Oi, why are you picking a fight all of a sudden?" Kirishima

"We are not here to make friends. So what does it matter? Besides I'm not finished yet." Todoroki turned to me.

"I don't even know what to say about you. Your quirk isn't anything special. It allows you to take the characteristics and turn into animal hybrids. Yet you mostly use martial arts in your fights.

You took out most of the villains and the leaders at the USJ. But despite that I still think you are no match for my ice. I see you as the biggest obstacle here and I will beat and overcome you." Todoroki said shocking everyone in the room

Me too. This is the most I have heard him talk since school began.

Kid sure has a lot of balls saying this to me. But originally he would be right. The only reason he lost to Stain is because hostages were there. Otherwise, one-on-one he would just unleash a huge ice wave and freeze him solid.

But he is still too green.

"Hahaha, You think you can beat me with only ice? If you don't use fire you won't stand a chance. Hell I don't even need to use my quirk to beat you. All I can say is good luck" I stand up and started walking to the door

"Won't use your quirk? Now who is arrogant?" Todoroki frowned

I just smile and start making my way to the stage.


Midnight smacked her whip on the ground and announced. "Now for the Pledge. Representing the students is Kodo Shinichi from 1-A"

I smile and wave as people cheer me on. I get to the mic.

For some reason, I really want to copy Bakugo but that's both political and social suicide. This thing is being watched by all of Japan and people from other countries. Gotta make the most of it.

" I first want to thank everybody for coming here. I hope... [Some nice bullshit speech] "

(A/N I honestly can't. I searched for good speeches. But everything makes me cringe. I'll try to write a speech that fits his overall character while making it inspiring. If you guys have something. even ideas. Write them down plz)

As soon as I finish the speech the crowd goes wild. Some were even chanting my name

"Kodo. Kodo. Kodo"

The things I do to be liked by these sheep.

"What a great and inspiring speech by Kodo Shinichi. Now for the first game!" A hologram appears behind Midnight

[Obsticale Race]

"All 11 classes will participate in this race. The course is the outer circumference of this stadium. About 4 kilometers. Our school's selling point is Freedom! As long as you stay on the course. It doesn't matter what you do!"

She licked her lips sadistically.

I have no idea how she got this job. Or how she is keeping it. I mean getting a sadist dressed like that to teach teenagers isn't really the best idea. That's a lawsuit right there.

Whatever, not my money, not my problem.

The Giant Gates started to open.

The Sports Festival Begins!