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Quarter Finals

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Word Count 2400


[Well we saw some amazing fights and some quick ones. Now that the Preliminaries are over we move on to the Quarter Finals. To make things even more interesting the matches for the Quarter Finals will be randomized as well! The contestants that moved on to this round are:

Kodo Shinichi

Yaoyorozu Momo

Ibara Shiozaki!

Juzo Honenuki

Kirishima Eijiro

Yosetsu Awase

Mina Ashido

Hitoshi Shinso]

(A/N Fuck Google. The name order is messed up, first and last name.. I'm too lazy to change it back. It sounds better this way to me)

Each of their images showed up on the big screen.

[Now the matchups for the Quarter finals!]


The randomizer was spinning the names before landing on the first match

$ Kodo Shinichi vs Hitoshi Shinso $

"Fuck.." Hitoshi cursed out loud

"Unlucky man" Kirishima patted him on the back causing Shinso to glare at him

[Our first match is the unstoppable Kodo Shinichi versus Hitoshi Shinso the mysterious student from the General Course on to the next one!]

$ Ibara Shiozaki! vs Yaoyorozu Momo $

$ Yosetsu Awase vs Mina Ashido $

$ Kirishima Eijiro vs Juzo Honenuki $

[We have all our contestants the Quarter Finals begin in 15 minutes.]

( A/N I actually did randomize these xD)


MC Pov

Shinso huh. Well this will be boring as hell I could end it literally by just smacking him once. But were is the fun in that? What If I just let him 'brainwash' me. I have code written just for situations like that. But I have never tested them in a safe environment.

I mean worst case he actually does brainwash me and I just lose some rep for being an arrogant ass for letting him use his quirk and taking it easy.

Better to find out this way than against someone with a similar quirk in battle.

I mean if Shinso can brainwash by sound. Who's to say there is not a Sharingan somewhere in this world that can manipulate people by sight? We already have Aizawa who can just erase quirks temporarily if he looks at you. Thank God I already have Aizawa's blood sample.

The problem is his quirk is that it's incompatible with me. And I need to change the dry eye part that. So that has been taking a while. A long while. Kurogiri's Warp Gate is much more useful to me anyway so I have been prioritizing that. Even it its even more incompatible. Man I got unlucky.

"SENSEI!" Momo screams in my ear, making me flinch

"Are you trying to make me DEAF!" I yell at her

"I have been calling you for 2 minutes straight.

"Sorry. I had something on my mind" I try to steer away from the conversation. But Momo just narrows her eyes at me

"You are planning on doing something really stupid aren't you?"

She hit the nail on the head. She has been spending way too much time in my company.

"Yep~" No need to lie about it.

"Hmm your next match is against Shinso. So I understand if you will be more bored than you are now. After all there is no way he will be able to.."

Momo just froze. Then facepalms.

"You are planning on letting him 'brainwash' you arent you" She already knows the answer. Why bother confirming it?


"Sensei.. You are an idiot" She deadpans. Can't really blame her

"Oh definitely." I stood up from my seat and wave back at her without turning around "Wish me luck"

"I hope you lose!" She yells back

# Kodo vs Shinso. 3rd Pov

[First Match of the Quarter Finals. From 1A we have the Unstoppable Kodo Shinichi!!]

The stadium was filled with cheers


The Mysterious Student from 1C. We have Hitoshi Shinso]

Just as Shinso was about to open his mouth

"Don't bother" Kodo cut him off surprising Shinso

"You were about to insult me or someone close to me to try to make me reply back to you. That's how your quirk works right? You need people to verbally reply back to you so you can use your quirk on them. That's the condition to activate it. Your opponent just has to keep their mouth shut and you will be useless" Kodo says emotionlessly making Shinso clench his hands while biting his lips, his head hanging low

"..It's not fair" he cursed out

Kodo waited for a bit, just so he was out of the time range. To reply to someone you need to do it within a certain time range after the question has been asked. If you wait before speaking again it isn't a reply. You are just starting the conversation again.

(A/N My take on Shinso's quirk. Otherwise it's too OP. Imagine he asks you something and you have to always keep quiet when Shinso is near you otherwise you will be brainwashed)

"Life isn't fair. You haven't trained that much, I can tell just by looking at you. if you want to be something in your life you need to put effort into it. Doesn't matter if it's being a hero or something else. You have been just complaining for getting a weird quirk. Hell judging by your reaction, people were afraid of you, right? Ironically your quirk is perfect for stopping Villians. But their irrational fear stops people from seeing that"

Shinso was surprised to see someone praising his quirk instead of being afraid or disgusted by it.

"So I'm going to give you a chance. Use your quirk against me. I want to see how it feels" If Shinso was surprised before he was downright shocked right now. His jaw was dropped and he was shakily pointing his finger at Kodo

"You want me to use your quirk on you? To 'Brainwash' you???" Shinso asked again, trying to confirm that he heard it correctly. Because even if he did. It was still insane for someone to even asks that

"Yep~" Kodo answered quickly making the 'p' pop

Shinso realized that Kodo answered him and quickly used his Quirk

Kodo's eyes glazed over and became unfocused

Shinso looked at Kodo with a complicated expression. He didn't even trick his opponent into this. He lost and was given pity. This left a bad taste in his mouth. A completely undeserving victory

"Turn around and walk out of the stage" Shinso closed his eyes and gritted out, feeling a bit disgusted at himself. He waited for a bit but heard no footsteps.

"Huh?" He opened his eyes only to see Kodo standing in the same position. He hasn't moved an inch.

"..What the..??? Turn around and WALK OUT of the Stage" Shinso commanded again. But Kodo didn't even budge

[Is Kodo resisting Shinso's Quirk?] Mic was just confused. You could hear him scratching his head

[No. He is obviously under the effects of the Quirk. But somehow he is blocking any commands that Shinso gives] Aizawa explained the best he could

"Fine" Shinso spat out "I'll do it myself"

He started walking towards Kodo with the intention to push him all the way to line. Then throw him out of bounds. But things don't always go as you want them to.

As soon as he got within a 2-meter radius of Kodo.


He was sent flying by a kick to the face.

[What?!] Mic yelled out

"What the fuck!" Shinso cursed while holding the left side of his face. It was definitely going to bruise.

[Hmm that kick was weak. Maybe Shinso's quirk is dulling his control. If Kodo was at full power his scull would have been cracked. Maybe even his head would have been blown off] Aizawa commented

[Dude. That was dark] Mic deadpanned

[It's the truth. I have seen Kodo kick boulders apart] Aizawa drawled

Bzzz Bzzz

Lightning started to gather on Kodo's skin

"Ouch, That stung" Kodo yelled out


"Still need to work on that. Good to know" I was faking it of course. The speech, not the mind effect.

His quirk did take control. But I used 'Marionate'.

One of my first self-created abilities. I can move my body just with code.

So for this match. I made it so once I lost control of my body. The Code will force my body to stay in the same position. As soon as Shinso came within a 2-meter distance of me. There is an attack sequence. Depending on his position.

And after 3 minutes. The code will use Electric Eel DNA to shift the insides of my body to the organs the Eel uses to make electricity and zap me with that. Waking me up

"Well I gave you a chance. But you couldn't grasp it. To be fair it wasn't a fair chance. I mean we are worlds apart in both strength and skill. But if you have trained you might have had better results. Better luck next year" I say and I disappear


"Huh?" Shinso started to look around only to notice that he was out of the ring

",,, Shinso is out of bounds. Winner Kodo Shinichi!.." Midnight announced and the crowd went wild

"Damn..I didn't even see him move" Midnight mumbled the last part to herself but the mic caught it

It's good to be me. That was kinda weird but fun at the same time. It was a strange feeling.

Well I'm off to get more food

~ League of Villians Cafe

They are watching the Tournament

"What the hell. He is immune to Mind Effects as well. CHEATER!" Shigaraki yelled out while scratching his neck

"He does have a wide range of abilities. Never did I expect that someone would be able to create a Martial Art as effective as he did" Said a voice from the screen. There was a hint of respect in his tone

"Teacher. How can I beat him?" Shigaraki asked desperately

"Perhaps new Nomu? Ones that know his martial arts" Kurogiri 2.0 asked. As soon as the Original was destroyed they immediately created another one.

He was an important member of the League. They had his quirk copied and on standby.

"It's impossible. I tried every possible way to make the Nomu's learn it. Even turning people who knew one of the Rokushiki into a Nomu. They lose all their knowledge and skill for it after they become a Nomu" The Doctor complained

"Well if it was that easy, more people would know how to perform them. I assume it has something to do with calculations, intuition and talent. All the things Nomu lack. We delete almost all of their brain functions. Except for the ones that are needed to obey commands. Don't worry Tomura. We will find a way to deal with them eventually. Now focus on the Festival. This is a great opportunity to learn their Quirks and Strengths" All For One spoke out

"Yes, Teacher. I need to have more data on them before doing another raid. Having more info will increase the chances of success" Shigaraki quietly said as he stared at the TV.

#Ibara Shiozaki! vs Yaoyorozu Momo

[Second Match of the Quarter Finals. From 1A we have a walking WallMart. Yaoyorozu Momo]

The stadium was filled with cheers. She entered the stage while waving slightly to the crowd


The Thorny Rose from 1B. We have Ibara Shiozaki]

Ibara slowly made her way up to the stage. She was a little nervous to fight up against Momo. Seeing as how she handled TetsuTetsu. But she can fight in close, mid and long range.

'Unless something unexpected happens. Or she makes something ridiculous I will win. Better not to give her any chance of making anything' Ibara stopped on her designated spot

[ READY?! GO!!!]

Ibara quickly turned around and her hair started to expand quickly and attacked Momo.

But Momo wasn't just standing there doing nothing. Before Mic even started the fight. She was completing her design and gathering the required energy to make her chosen weapon. Kodo taught her to focus her power and make the creation process go faster.

As soon as Mic started the match. She started making something from her stomach. She unzipped her tracksuit before the match started. She would never do this in a real fight. But now she knows the opponent's abilities and there is no risk of poison or anything similar.

As the weapon started to form people could tell what it was. It was a giant chainsaw. But a design no one has ever seen.

As soon as it was finished. Right when Ibara's Vines were halfway across the stage, Momo started it up. Almost instantly the Chain itself caught on fire before it started to spin.

[What the hell?A flaming chainsaw!! How does that even work?!?] Mic yelled out and the crowd started to cheer. Mostly the men. A flaming chainsaw was just awesome. Especially when a beautiful girl was holding it.

[She probably coated the chain with some kind of liquid that doesn't stop burning.] Aizawa followed up, but even he was looking at the chainsaw with interest.

'Thank you Sensei for showing me that Video with Toxic Chainsaw.' Momo mused for a bit before dashing at the Vines. She used her ridiculous physical strength that came from training under The Greatest Marital Artist in the world for years.

Each time she swung the Chainsaw it would tear apart the Vines. She was swinging it too fast for the Vines to come close at all. Ibara even tried attacking her from the sides at the same time.

But Momo cut them both in almost the same time. She was waving that thing around like it was nothing. Attacks from below also failed. She would jump in the air and cut everything to pieces as she was falling down

Anything Ibara did was ineffective against her

In a few minutes, she cut her way to Ibara. Who was looking at her with a speechless expression before sighing

"I forfeit " She said in a disheartened tone.

"Ibara has forfeited. The Winner Yaoyorozu Momo!" Midnight cracked her whip and the stadium exploded in cheers.

Momo slowly deconstructed her Chainsaw bit by bit. Regaining a bit of the calories she used. But not much.

"Don't feel too bad. You really did great. But I can counter almost anyone because of my quirk. So hold your head up high. You will definitely get lot of offers." Momo tried to cheer up Ibara, who smiled slightly

"Thank you Yaoyorozu-san. I wish you good luck in the next round" Ibara thanked her

Both shook hands and left the stage.


Next chap

$ Yosetsu Awase vs Mina Ashido $

$ Kirishima Eijiro vs Juzo Honenuki $