WebNovelMHA: Code80.85%

I accept any challenge-Done

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Word Count 2830


~Momo Pov

"Yaoyorozu Momo. I officially declare that you have passed your apprenticeship!"


I passed?

Sensei is getting rid of me?


I could feel tears forming in my eyes

After all we have been through

"You have been my student for years now. But today you have truly proven yourself.

Strength, Speed, Battle Tactics, Weapon Skills and Martial Arts. Have all reached close to the Advanced Level.

If you graduated today you could enter the Top 20 Hero Rankings easily. There is very little that you can actually learn from me now. You have to go and develop your own style." He said with a proud look on his face

Nothing he can teach be,,

But all I want to do is follow him.

No.. This means that I don't have to follow him anymore.

I can stand by his side.

Yeah. I WILL stand by his side. Not yet. But I'm on the right track.

I won't be just Kodo's student.

I will be my own woman. One that can stand by him at the Top of this world.

I take a deep breath ignoring the tears streaming down my face.

I do a deep bow and yell out as hard as I can "Sensei! Thank you very much for all these years!! I promise not to disappoint you!!"

Sensei just chuckled

I then whispered to him "If you think I'm giving up, you are dead wrong. I'm even more motivated."

He smiled at me and said nothing. But it was a warm smile. Who knows what's going on in that crazy mind of his. Well no matter. His craziness is one of the reasons I love him in the first place

~~~ 3rd Pov

[Uno.. That's very nice and all. But the match isn't over] Mic says awkwardly

That made Momo snap back to reality "Oh.. Well then I forfeit"

[Ehhh but you were doing so well] Mic whined. He didn't want to have such a disappointing ending in the finals

"Doing so well? Senesi was holding back on me a lot. Do you honestly think I can cut the arm off, of a Grandmaster Swordsman? He could have ended it the moment we got on stage. Even his 'transformation was just for show. It didn't have any real strength behind it.

And sensei I'm still mad for you holding back on me. How much of your base straight were you even using? I know that the 'Scary Giant Form' didn't add any strength to you. You could have blocked all my attacks with just your 'Tekkai' " Momo pointed her finger at Kodo who laughed at her antics

"Noticed that did ya? Well if I had to guess I would say that I used about 30% of my base strength against you." Kodo says offhandedly making the crowd go quiet

'30%. She threw a bomb in your face and you used only 30%. Without your Quirk

Momo's head just dropped a bit as she sighed out" You really are unbelievable."

She was still a bit depressed. She was only worth 30%.

"Cheer up Momo. Those so-called 'Masters only took about 10-15%. Hmm..There an idea. Momo go beat them up and get a Master Title. I wonder what their reactions will be if they lose to another 'upstart-brat'. They might just retire from shame. Hahahaha" Kodo started laughing again

[Akuma. This man is the devil himself] Mic shivered, feeling pity for these poor souls

[Sigh. Mic please be professional once in your life]

"Yaoyorozu has forfeited. Winner of the U.A. Sports Festival. KODO SHINICHI!!" Midnight yelled out making the crowd go wild.

[Now that we have our winner let's proceed to the Medals. Ashido has forfeited the fight for 3rd place so that goes to Juzo.]

[Thank God] Aizawa was just about to stand up

"Wait a minute!" Kodo spoke a bit loudly but was heard by everyone

[Hmm? Kodo is there something wrong?] Mic asks. It was over.

'What does this kid want now?' He thought to himself. Before looking at Aizawa who was massaging his forehead

" I think a few of you guys just had bad luck to be paired against someone who completely counters you. You might be thinking 'I can beat him. I deserve to be number 1' So I will give you a shot. Beat me and prove you deserve the gold medal. Who is willing to fight me"

"I'LL DO IT! I WILL BEAT YOU!" Bakugo Jumped down from the sands and growled at Kodo

"For real! I'll fight too. I always wanted to fight you one-on-one" Kirishima grinned happily

[*Ring. Ring.* Hello Mic speaking. Principal Nezu.. Aha.. Go with the flow? Are you sure?.. I understand. Umm. By Shinichi Kodo's request. We will be having extra rounds. The only contestants that are willing to fight against him are Kirishima Eijirou and Bakugo Katsuki]

The crowd went wild

Of course, Nezu will allow it. Do you know what kind of political trouble I can make for him? Plus this works in his favor. U.A will get even more popularity

[Of course. Because why not. Mic I'm going on a break. You take care of this] Aizawa turned off his Mic and exited the room.

Hahahaha. Aizawa collapsed as soon as he left the room. I'm seeing it all on the security camera. He entered his sleeping bag and the dude instantly fell asleep

*Boom. Boom* "I'm going first" Bakugo launched himself on the stage

~ Up on the stands

"Deku-kun arent you going to compete too?" Ochako asked Midoriya who was sitting near her

"No. Recovery Girl yelled at me for being so reckless. She said if I broke my fingers or arms one more time she won't heal them. I would have to wait for them to heal naturally. If that happened I would probably be kicked out of the Hero Course for not being able to take part in our Hero Classes." Deku said sadly

"Well, you just have to work hard and learn how not to hurt yourself right?" Ochako tried to cheer him up

But Midoriya only gave her a weak smile "Right."


"Bakugo is dead" Sero said blankly

"Yep~" *pop* Jiro popped her bubblegum while looking at a dead man

"No question about it" Kaminari took out a notebook and smiled "Okey place your bets people. How long will Bakugo last? The closest answer wins the pot"

"10 bucks that he lasts 5 minutes" Jiro instantly handed him the money

"Put me down for 15 on him lasting 2 minutes" Mezo threw him some bills

"Gero. 20 on him lasting 3 minutes" Asui put the money on the pile while smiling

"This looks fun. 10 on him lasting 3 and a half" Mina added to the pot


~Bakugo vs Kodo

*Boom. Boom. Boom* Bakugo made some explosions on his hands, trying to look intimidating "I will finally show you who's the top dog"

Kodo just looked at him with a bored expression "Dude are you actually retarded?"


*Boom Boom*

Bakugo used his quirk to propel himself at Kodo. He goes for a low right swing. Almost dragging it on the stage.

But Kodo wasn't moving at all. His arms were still crossed as he looked down at Bakugo which pissed him off even more


Kodo raised his arm


[Well that happened?!] Mic stood up from his seat looking at the smoke that covered both contestants

When the dust cleared everybody was shocked. Kodo was holding Bakugo by his wrist, completely unharmed. By twisting Bakugo's wrist he made the explosion fire off harmlessly away from him

(A/N Itachi did he same to Sasuke. I don't know why I like this scene so much)

"What a total disappointment". Kodo said while he shook his head.

*Crack* "Gahhh"

Kodo dislocated Bakugo's wrist and let go of him

"I suggest you forfeit and get that looked at" He pointed at Bakuo's injury

*Huff, Huff, Huff*

"DAMN IT!!!" Bakugo grabbed his hand and tried to set it back in place

"You are just going to make it worse you know"


"AHHHHHH* Bakugo screamed out in pain

*Boom, Boom.Boom*

He started using his quirk on both hands, grimacing and gritting his teeth after each explosion.

Kodo just shrugged "Well that's going to need surgery later. He made the injury even worse than it was"

Bakugo started using his quirk to float in the air. He kept going higher and higher. Everybody knew what he was going to do. Once he reached the needed height he started to spin and use his explosions to make himself faster. Smoke started gathering around him making a tornado in the sky. The tornado keeps gathering more air (oxygen) for Bakugo to use in his Big Explosion

Kodo still looked unimpressed. He slowly pulled his leg backward

"Take This You Animal BASTARD! Howitzer Impact!!!!" Bakugo yelled out and just as he was going to use his 'Special Attack'

Kodo kicked the air in front of him. Like he was kicking a football. A small shockwave quickly reached Bakugo and pushed him backward, while scattering the tornado.

"You know for a battle genius. I thought you would have figured out the weakness of that move. You are both the fuel and driving force of that Move. But you can't defend yourself if someone attacks you. You cant even avoid an attack because you are disoriented from all the spinning.

Also, you are staying in the 'Eye of the Tornado' the only place in that attack where the air is calm. One good attack right down the middle. And the whole attack will be disrupted" Kodo continued his lecture as Bakugo struggled to stand up.

The shockwave sent him flying. He had hit the stage and rolled for a bit like a ragdoll.

"Not yet. I won't lose. I will be number 1" Bakugo stood up but his legs were shaking. He was using his good arm to stabilize himself by holding his knee.

"Jeez. Talk about being stubborn. There is a fine line between being stubborn and being stupid. And you crossed a long time ago." Kodo slowly walked to Bakugo and put his hand near his ear with his middle finger and thumb joined together


Kodo snapped his fingers, the force of the snap was so great that Bakugo directly lost consciousness.

"Winner Kodo Shinichi. Can the Med-Bots take Bakugo to the infirmary" Midnight announced with a bored tone. She was getting tired from all of this

~Up on the stands

"""What the time?!""" Everybody was looking at Kamirai who had a stopwatch app opened up on his phone

"3 minutes and 10 seconds" Kaminari says seriously

"Gero. YaY~ I win." Asui cheered

"Damn it! So close!!" Mina whined as she grabbed her hair

Deku dashed past all of them heading to the infirmary. Everybody looks at each other sharing the same thoughts 'Definitely gay for Bakugo'

~Kirishima vs Kodo

"Man I am so stoked to have a chance to fight against you" Kirishima grinned wildly, he was practically skipping.

"I could say the same about you honestly. You are one of the few people that practice my hellish training program.'Tekkai' suits you quite well. It would be interesting to see if you can improve it" Kodo smiles as he crossed his arms

Kirishima's eyes widened "You really think could do that? Improve 'Tekkai'?"

"Why not. That's unless you don't have the guts to try" Kodo smirked making Kirishima grin even wider

"My man, all I have is GUTS!" Kirishima hardened both of his arms


"Red Riot Unbreakable"

Kirishima immediately used his quirk to the max in combination with Tekkai.

Kodo much to everyone's surprise. Ran towards Kirishima. He only did this for his student.

He started off by using Rakashas Palm on Kirishima. That attack grabs something and twits the writs 360 degrees. The twisting motion caused minor cracks to appear on Kirishima's body

"Whoa. Dude how the hell?" Kirishima jumped back a bit while looking at his shoulder. He had a few cracks but was otherwise unharmed

"When trained to the fullest Rakashas Palm can tear apart anything in its way. I have used this move to tear apart a steel wall. I'm impressed by your defense Kirishima" Kodo praised slightly

"Steel Wall? Man, you are scary" Kirishima wasted no time and dashed toward Kodo. Close Combat was his only choice. But considering he was up against a Grandmaster his odds were very low.

"Shigan" Kirishima tried to use his hardened fingers to pierce Kodo.

Redirection Kata: Weeping Willow

Kodo quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled down, at same time he swept at Kiri's feet, taking him to the air.

"Eh" Kirishima couldn't process fast enough. He was seeing the world upside down

Kodo quickly did a palm strike to his stomach and sent him flying backward. Kirishima tumbled a bit before he stopped himself. He was clutching his stomach

"That HURTS!" He yelled out

"If your opponent has a strong defense, go for internal damage. It's common sense."

"How do I protect myself from that?!" Kirishima grumbled out

"You dodge... Start practicing" Kodo disappeared using Soru

"Shit." Kirishima crossed his arms and blocked a blow to the head. But Kodo, kneed him in the stomach. After each hit, the next one came right after.

[Water Crushing Fist. Another Martial art that Kodo invented. Offense and Defence all at once. The attacks never stop, they continue to come like flowing water.] Mic explained for the crowd

After 1 minute Kirishima was full of cracks. He quickly dropped the Unbreakable and reverted back to normal. Only for his legs to give out and land on his ass

*Huff, Huff, Huff*

"I can't move a muscle. Hey can I ask for a favor?" Kirishima asked hopefully

Kodo raised his eyebrow "Go ahead"

"Can you show me your coolest transformation? I mean a lof of us were hoping you would use your animal transformations. They are just so cool to watch" A lot of yells and cheers from the crowd followed. Showing how much they also wanted to see it.

"Hmmm. My coolest? Sure why not" Kodo shrugged his shoulders

This got a lot more cheers. people were getting excited. They were finally going to see a cool transformation. Many of them were dying to see his dinosaur forms.

Kodo exhaled and a lot of purple smoke came out of his mouth and covered the area around him. Everybody got even more excited, not being able to see the transformation happen increased their curiosity further

"GRRRRRR" A deep rumbling growl was heard. It was like a deep bass. The people nearest to Kodo felt it in their chests, like if they were standing next to a big speaker.

"Look" someone pointed at the top of the smoke they saw his back. Dark blue scales ran along his spine.


The smoke was dispersed and everybody's caught their breath. In front of Kirishima was a Huge Dragon. He was more than 30 feet long, had dark blue scales and had sharp spikes and horns all over on his back. He had bat-like wings under his arms with the same dark blue color.

(This description sucks. Basically, a Harry Potter Dragon with this face https://www.pinterest.at/pin/768356386424376425/ )

[A DRAGON!! WHAT THE HELL? How is that FAIR!!]

"Awesome" Kirishima said in awe. The people in the crowd had different opinions. Some were in awe, others were afraid, some were thinking about how they could use this information.

The Dragon huffed. He raised his tail and coiled around Kirishima.

"Hey let me Down!" Kirishima struggled as the Dragon raised him in the air, then turned him upside down

"Not Cool BRO!"

The Dragon moved him out of the stage before dropping him down. Kirishima quickly used his quirk.


Like a rock the Hardened Kirishima dug a bit in the ground. "I'm okay!" I raised his hand

"Contestant Kodo is the Winner!!.. finally it's over" Midnight sighed out.

"Now for the medals. Can Kodo, Yaorozu and Juzo please come to the podium. Huh, where is Kodo?" Midnight looked around, trying to find him.

"Umm. please read this" Momo handed her a note

Midnight took it and started to read out loud "

'I got an urgent call from a friend. People need saving. Give the medal to Momo. Bye~'




"Now for the medals. The one presenting these will be of course this MAN!" Midnight continued like nothing was wrong

"HA HA HA HA" A siluete spread on the top of the Stadium

"IT ALL MIGHT!" The crowd started to cheer loudly. Seemingly forgetting about Kodo

All Might look at the crowd with a smile, but his thoughts were the opposite 'Damn you Kodo shonen. Now I have to deal with the empty first place. You did this on purpose! The awkwardness will be soo embarrassing. I'll get you back for this!'