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Picking Internship

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Word Count 1775


Well that was boring.

The entire meeting was related to school stuff. I mean go figure.

But why should I give a damn about the school funds? That's the Treasurers job

(I think it was Treasurer in the Student Council)

And what's up with her Vice President Yukimura? The kid was short, skinny and looked like he was afraid of his own shadow. And he is supposed to support a President like her? A woman who charges head first and is not afraid to use force.

Good luck my man.

Anyway back to the problem at hand.

Who the hell do I pick? What would be the most interesting way to spend this week?

I want to fight Stain. I'm interested in how strong he is and I want his quirk. I already steal tons of blood each day. Having a quirk that can paralyze someone just by consuming some of their blood sounds perfect for me.

But what hero do I choose?

Apparently, All Might is busy with something. So he is out.

Endeavor is also out, I'd probably smash his face in the floor.

I could go to Hawks and have an air race with him. But that would get boring fast.

Edgeshot sounds fun. But only if he agrees to fight me. And he isn't the sort of guy who would just fight against someone.

So Rumi it is then.

Well I could always just tease and annoy her.

She has a quick fuse and she is already looking for a revenge fight. She definitely won't say no to fighting Stain.

And this time I was there when Momo picked someone. I was happy to see that she picked Edgeshot. She wants to learn more about hidden weapons from him.

I do use them. But not a lot, Swordsmanship and Martial Arts are more my thing. She can learn more from him.

~ Class choices

Iida still plans to fight Stain. He is practically committing suicide. Oh well. I'm not going to cry over him.

Deku is with Gran Torino. He has a weird quirk. Jet. It's effective, not going to lie. And it depends on his breath. If he can do stunts like that at his age, he must have been a beast in his prime, when his lungs were fully developed. I might just copy it. It will make an interesting combination with Soru.

Todoroki surprisingly didn't choose Endeavor.

He went to some Mid-Ranked hero with an Ice Quirk. He was named Frostbite or something.

I guess without Deku and his Talk no Jutsu. Todoroki still hated his father. Rightfully.

Kirishima got a lot more offers. He got an offer from Crust the Sheild Hero. The future Number 6 hero.

Good for him. *

Bakugo chose Best Jeanist. HA!

I can't wait to see him when he comes back.

I'm taking a picture and spreading it on the net.

~ Next day

Train Station.

You all have your costumes with you right" Aizawa asked us

How arent these people embarrassed about calling them costumes? At least call them Hero Suits.

"Remember you aren't allowed to wear them in public. Don't drop them or anything" Aizawa reminded us

Oh sure. I'm forbidden to wear a white blouse and dark-blue gi pants. What are they going to do? Arrest me for my fashion statement?

"Yessir!" Mina cheered as she raised her 'case' above her head

"Speak clearly! It's "yes sir" Ashido"

Mina slumped "..yes..sir..."

"Make sure to mind your manners with the heroes at your internships. Off you go"

""""Yes. Sir"""

Me minding my manners? Rumi is a barbarian who only knows how to smash. She is practically the She-Hulk of this world.

~ Rumi's Forest

So this is her forest. Ahh I just rememberd. She came to meet me in my forset. Now I'm going to hers. That's trippy.



Here she comes


A dozen meters away from me the earth exploded

"SHINICHI!! HOW DARE YOU MOLEST ME YOU PERVERT!!!" A Wild Red-faced Miruko appeared and attacked me

She came out of the trees like a bullet and twisted mid-air.

She used Soru.

She aimed a heavy kick to my face.

I raised my arm and blocked it. I redistributed the force of the Kick to the ground below me. The Earth Cracked. It was 15 meters in all directions with me as the center


That's a lot of power

And is she still mad about the tentacle play?

"I thought you enjoyed it. Considering you came so many times. And you loved the bunny version of me. Admit it " I say in a teasing voice

"THAT'S NOT THE POINT!" Her face got redder she used my arm as leverage to twist in an unnatural way and aim a kick to the back of my head.

Kami-e huh?

What about this? Tekkai.

I flex my muscles, hardening them.


I was sent flying forward. I'm sure I flew like 30 meters.

Before I fell on the ground I landed on my palm and pushed myself upwards. I did a Summersault in the air and landed on my feed

"What do you think about that!" She gloated but I could see her leg twitch.

Tekkai on her leg.

She then jumped upwards

*Pop. Pop. Pop. *

And she continued to jump in the air. Geppo as well.

"TAKE THIS! LUNA RING V2!!" She leaned forward and started to spin rapidly. She looked like a White Wheel in the sky

"HAAAAA" And when she gathered enough momentum she threw a Rankyaku. A white Air Slash 15 meters big, quickly closed the distance and was upon me.

It wasn't very big, but the strenght contained in it was quite a lot.

That's 5 out of The 6. And Shigan is completely useless to her. Otherwise, I guess she would have learned it as well.

I kicked the air in front of me. 'Rankyaku'

My air slash met hers. The pushed each other for a few seconds before hers gave out. Mine traveled a bit before dissipating as well.

"Tsk. I was sure that would work" Rumi clicked her tongue. Disappointed at the lack of damage.

"You got stronger Rumi. A lot Stronger" I smile at her. causing her lips to rise a bit as well.

She lifted her leg slightly and stomped the ground. Causing it to crack all around her. " I swore to myself that I would catch up to you. Ever since you beat me into the ground the last time we fought. I have spent every single moment training. Don't you dare hold back on me now!" She growled out the last part

Hmmm. Holding back might just ruin our relationship. And it's already shaky at best

"Fine you asked for it" I shrug my shoulders

I started to shift into one of my hybrid forms. Ram Horns grew on my head. My nails turned to claws. Then everything from my forearm to the ends of my fingers grew green scales. My legs shifted into that of Big Cats. Around my Torso, Pangolin Armor started to form. I also grew a Raptor Tail.

My muscles got a bit bulkier. I changed the internal structure

This was a purely physical Form. When I want to Duke it out with someone.

"That's more like it!" Rumi grinned when she saw me and used Soru to close the distance.

I did the same and the brawling commenced.

We traded Kicks. Threw out Rankyaku's. Even punched each other. I made sure not to go too far. But there were a few bruises forming on her body. She didn't mind as she continued to aggressively attack me.

A nonstop high pace battle. This went on for about an hour.

*Huff Huff Huff*

Rumi was panting hard. "Damn it"

She cursed out loud. To be fair it was like she didn't do any damage. Some of my scales were ripped off. And there were cracks in my Armor. Pieces of it falling off.

She has come a long way from the Bunny who could only smash things. It took me minimal effort to beat her last time.

This time she was stronger. More skilled. Moved with even more efficiency and grace than ever.

She took a deep breath before taking another step forward. But her knee buckled. She started to fall.


I appear in front of her and stop her from falling.

"Well Done" and I meant it sincerely.

Rumi scoffed "Yeah Right. You beat the shit out of me" she said dejectedly

"Fighting me with Physical Strenght is suicide. I spared with All Might. Back then I could reflect 70% of his total strenght. As I am right now I am sure I can beat him. So there is no need to put yourself down. You really did a great Rumi. I am impressed. You have come a long way in only a year"

Her ears perked up a bit "Thanks.."

I kneeled down a bit and lifted her in a princess carry

"HEY! Put me DOWN!" She yelled at me. She tried to struggle but was too tired to move.

"Nope~ Plus you can't walk right now so you can barely complain. Don't tell me the great Miruko is embarrassed by a princess carry" I started to walk toward her house.

"Of course I'm embarrassed. I'm not some weak woman that needs to be carried around like she is made of glass" Rumi growled but there was a slight blush on her face

"I thought women liked it when they are treated like a princess?" I point out

"Do I look like a damn princess to ya?"

"Let's see. Long silver hair. Pretty red eyes. We only need to put you in a dress and bam. A gorgeous Bunny Princess appears. Hahahah" I laughed a my own shitty joke while Rumi smacked my shoulder

I could hear water

"Rumi do you have a pool or something? I can hear water. Lots of it"

"Oh. That's my private onsen. I forgot that you have enhanced senses even without activating your quirk"

Onsen huh.

"Wana go take a dip together," I say jokingly

Rumi's face froze for a second before she grinned mischievously

"Sure. That's a great idea, it's exactly what I need to relax after the beatdown that I got."

Does she think I'm bluffing? Wrong move rabbit.

I use Soru to appear in front of her house

" Great. I'm super tired. I assume you have sake. That would hit the spot right now" She just looked at me with a shocked expression not believing that I was serious

Messing with her is so much fun~



Pat's have voted Momo + Rumi. By a landslide actually. Wasn't even close

Oh and there won't be any smut. There hasn't been any, no actually need to start now.