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Training Camp 3

This story is finished on my Pat if you don't want to wait. There are other fics there as well so check it out if you are interested.

[ pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ]

Word Count 2770


Day 3. 6 pm.

The sun had just set half an hour ago.

All of the students were outside. They were talking and having a good time in general.

"""Test of Courage. Test of Courage"""  Mina and her group of knuckleheads were cheerfully dancing around.

"Those who failed the written test will have to retake it" Aizawa came out of nowhere



"No Way!" "Why?"  "Can't we take it later"

The ones who failed started to complain.

"If you wanted to have fun you shouldn't have failed in the first place. And we are here to train" Aizawa stared down at them with his red eyes.


A depressive mood started to spread from those students.

The others were happy that they were going to have some fun. Some were hoping to get closer to the boy/girl they like.

All while the Villians were preparing to attack.

Let's throw a wrench in those plans, shall we. I'm interested to see how this will develop

"Aizawa, Mandalay. Your security sucks" I say bluntly


Everybody turns to me

"What do you mean, Kodo?" Aizawa narrowed his eyes at me

"Nobody knows we are even here" Mandalay assured me

"Really. Then why is there a group of Vilians slowly spreading out through the forest?" I say bluntly

Aizawa and Mandalay dropped their jaws

"How sure are you?!" Aizawa stared at me with his red eyes.

"Hundred percent"

I turn and wave at a certain direction. Then turn back to the teachers "Prepare for battle"

~ Up on the hill

"What the hell!" Spinner cursed out "Kodo just waved at us"

"Hii~" Toga was waving back as she looked through her own binoculars

"WHAT!" Dabi yelled out.

"Our cover is blown. What do we do? Abort mission?" Mr. Compreess

"No. We continue" Dabi growled and he turned to the two men in black "You were paid so go do your job"

"Heh. Snotty brat. You are lucky your sugar daddy pays a lot" Gin smirked as he lit his cigarette

"Let's show them how it's done. Aniki" Tequila the shorter one smiled


"Why did you wave at them?! We could have had the element of surprise!" Vlad yelled at me. I just looked at him blankly

"You are an idiot. Your main priority is to keep the students safe. How would you have taken them by surprise? Go alone and sneak attack them? Go ahead and commit suicide. I won't stop you" I point to the forest with my hand

"Sens- ehem. Shinichi is right. This way they have no other choice than to do a full frontal attack. In which case we have the advantage due to our superior numbers. All we have to do is play the waiting game for backup to arrive." Momo said seriously

Vlad looked at Aizawa who just nodded.

"Everybody back into the building. We will turn that thing into a fortress." Pixie-Bob yelled out  "Ice-man, Manga. QuickSand, Glue with me! We will stall them!"

"How many of them are here?" Tiger looked at me and asked gruffly

"A dozen or so. Want me to go in and take care of them? I'll play nice and just cut off their limbs" I smile as I turn my arm, into a swordfish and wave it around

"No way am I letting the 'Zookeeper' get all the spotlight Again!!" BOOOOM

Bakugo blasts off into the forest to score some 'kills'

But Zookeeper huh? That's a new one. And his inferiority really increased lately. To think he would be dumb enough to attack a group of Vilians by himself.

"Bakugo! Bakugo come back!" Aizawa yelled out but he was ignored. He quickly turned to Mandalay

"Call that fool back"

Mandalay nods and focuses

[Bakugo. Come back. I repeat. Bakugo you are ordered to return]

[ Shut up. I'm more than enough to take care of them. I will show how strong I have gotten] Bakugo snaps back

Mandalay tries a few more times before shaking her head

"It's no use Eraser. He won't listen to me"

"Damn it" Aizawa cursed out loud, which was very unlike him

"Sensei. We can't let him go like that. We have to go bring Katchan back" Deku said to Eraser with a panicked expression

"I don't like the guy. But if he is left alone he will die" Kirishima reluctantly said

Pop. Pop. Pop.

"huh?" Everybody turns to me.

I start to stretch and my bones start to pop. I was sitting down for most of this training camp. Filling up my reserves and running simulations. Solar Power for the win. Even with all the shit I did yesterday in Deika City. I filled most of my reserves up using this forset.

This was such a good idea. Granted I'm an idiot for not figuring it out earlier. But better late than never.

"Calm down. I'm the fastest and the strongest here. And those Vilians decided to split up in a forest of all places. If Bakugo isn't dead I'll bring him back. Though I will probably knock him out"

Aizawa looked conflicted before nodding. "It irks me to send a student in such a dangerous place. But if it's you then odds are that you have the highest chance of surviving this even if you are ripped to pieces. You are practically a living cheat"

True. I already have preprogrammed orders if that happens. Should I be ripped to pieces then the pieces will try and get back together. If that isn't possible then they will scatter and start 'eating' anything they can find. So they regenerate into a full body again.

Then I can just fuse my copies back together. It's honestly incredible how ridiculous I have gotten. If I can just make 'Energy Absorption' Quirk I got from the statue. Even a nuke won't be able to kill me,

"What about me?" Momo steps up as she looks at me

"You are needed here. Help them with barricading. then go to the top and start sniping. Use real bullets. If possible avoid making the kill shot. But near-death is fine"

Some of the students paled at my words. Wimps.

"Wait, I can go too. I want to save Katch- TAK" I quickly do a neck-chop on Deku. Rendering him unconscious

"Deku-kun" "Midoriya" Ochako and Iida quickly go to him

The teachers just give me a dirty look "What? He was annoying. He definitely would have gone into the forest like an idiot."

Vlad facepalmed and Aizawa started to rub his temples "Just go already"

I give a two-finger salute and vanish using 'Soru'

Mandalay puts her hand on Aizawa's shoulder "Hey, pull yourself together, we are going to be fine"

Aizawa just nodded "Right" The students thought she was talking about everyone. But the last part of the sentence was meant for him 'We are going to be fine'

Heroes are always risking their lives. Her cousin and her husband, Kota's parents are proof that life is short.

Heroes should not wait to form a family or find happiness. Because if the worst did happen, then its better not to leave any regrets.


Whoosh. Whoosh,

Ahhh. I missed this feeling. The feeling of the Hunt.

There is a reason I love to change into Garou.

A shame, I won't be able to kill them. But crippling them for life works just as well.

Now, where is Muscular? I want to cut him open and see if I can learn anything new.

Sniff. Sniff.

I smell beer. And the person drinking it.

The others masked their scent somewhat. Probably to try and hide from me.

This one was blatantly drinking beer. And pissing near his 'hiding spot'.

What a moron. They obviously agreed on masking their locations and he did this.

7 out of 10 chance that it's Muscular.

Well, his funeral. Quite literally.

~ 3rd Pov

Glug, Glug, Glug.

"Ahhhh~" A man with blond hair and one eye was casually drinking beer on top of a hill.

[Muscular. Muscular. Pick up the radio damn it!] Dabi yelled out through the radio.

"Sigh what a pain"

[What do you want?] Muscular scowled

[Kodo knows we are here. Head to the main Building. We are entering through the front. Try and sneak in if possible]

Muscular started to laugh [ I dont sneak. I'm not a wuss like you guys. Just let me finish my beer]

[..Finish your beer... ARE YOU STUPID! I warned everybody about his powerful sense of smell. He can easily locate you! YOU MORON!]

Muscular smiled [Bah! So what if he finds me. I'm Muscular I can take hi-]


"Hmmm. I stepped on a very ugly bug. Oh well, not important"

Kodo was standing above a crater where Muscular was buried in

"Get off you fucker!" Muscular swings his arms.

Kodo calmly jumps off his back before he gets hit.

"Stay still you fuck" Muscular waves his arm but doesn't feel the same weight on it anymore

"Huh?" He looks at his arm only to see a bleeding stump in the middle of his biceps.

Kodo had cut his arm off with his Sword arm (Swordfish)


Slash x3

His remaining arm and legs were also cut off. 

"Well Muscular. Let's see what your quirk can do now that you are just a Troso. I'm curious on how your muscles grow" Kodo smiled with a malicious smile

"Noo! NOO!! STAY BACK" Muscular actually started to move backward with his torso by using his head and the remainder of his thighs.

"Dont be sych a crybaby. You are supposed to be some serial killer. IT will only hurt... A lot" 


"What the fuck are you?" Kodo stares blankly at Moonfish.

"He..he.. new pray" the man in a full-body straight jacket was swaying slightly

"Work.. work.. I have to WORK!" His teeth turned into blades that started to expand and multiply

"Flesh!!" Moonfish yelled out

Kodo grinned


He vanishes using Soru and appears right next to Moonfish

His right arm turned gray, It looked like toughened skin from some sort of animal

"Tekkai." The muscles in his arms started to wiggle, all of them stiffening and hardening


Kodo slammed his fist in Moonfish's mouth. Breaking the blades. He pulls back and punches again.


He kept going until Moonfish didn't have any teeth left. His entire mouth was bloody. His jaw was broken to pieces. It looked like a hydraulic press has been used on his mouth.

"Ahhh. That was strangely fun. It's not every day that you get to knock all the teeth out of someone. Well onto the next Villian"


"A Kid? You have a name?" Kodo looks confused as he looked at his opponent

"Mustard" the kid pulled out a revolver and started shooting. purple gas started to appear behind him

But Kodo calmly caught each and every bullet with his bare hands

"Mustaard.. Gas. I see. The one that melts skin. Catchy." Kodo nodded to himself then pointed his hand at him


A spider web shot out from his hand and stuck itself to Mustard's chest.

"Huh. Wai-"

Kodo pulled hard and Mustard was sent flying to him.  Kodo pulled his arm back and punched him in the gut

"GUH"  Mustard immediately lost conciseness

"Well that was disappointing"

Crash! Thud. Thud

A Nomu?

Hmm this gives me an interesting idea

~League POV

The league and the Nomus were hidden in the trees near the Heroes

"What the hell..." Dabi looked at the building where the heroes were holed up. Or what used to be a building.

Giant Earth and Ice walls along with Giant Manga Words used as additional walls. Beyond the walls, mud and glue were made like a moat around it. Dozens of Sharp, Spiky Earth Animals. 

Students and teachers were ready to react to any breach.

"Man there is no way we are breaking through that" Spinner pointed out

"Sadly I agree. It's too much even for the Nomus" Magne says in a girly voice

"So we won't be stabbing anyone?" Toga whined

[Oi! Dabi] Gin's voice was heard over the microphone

[What is it? You'd better have good news] Dabi snaped back. He was feeling really stressed out

[Hear for yourself.] Gin smirked then moved the radio [ COME BACK HERE! DIE YOU FEDORA WEARING LOSERS] Bakguo was screaming out as explosions sounded out behind Gin 

[We are leading the idiot right too you. Tell Compress to get ready] Teguila said happily

The League members looked at eachoter " Well this is a surprise" Magne crossed his/her arms

"The idiot is out there alone?" Spinner facepalmed 

"So.. what are we doing here then?" Toga tilted her head

"Doest matter" Dabi quickly cut them off "I haven't been able to contact Muscular, Moonfish and Mustard.  So its likely that they have already been defeated. Lets just grab the little terrorist and go"

The League pulled back and started to head back in the building

~ Heroes Pov

"Huh?" Jiro stood up 

"What is it?" Aizawa quickly looked at her

"They are leaving and going back into the forest" Jiro said with a confused look on her face

"Are they retreating?" Kendo asked nervously. She was ready to throw boulders at the vilians. So were a lot of other students. 

"No, these guys are tenacious. They are after something else" Vlad frowned

Todoroki's eyes widened "It's not something, it's someone!" 

Everybody was shocked by the revelation """Bakugo!!"""

"Mandalay!" Aizawa yelled out

She quickly nodded and linked to Kodo and Bakugo. She had been contacting to Bakugo every 5 minutes but he would listen

[Their target is Bakugo! Bakugo come back right now!] 

[Hoo, so they are after the BoomBoom boy. Oh and I already took care of 3 vilians] Kodo said with a chuckle

[I don't care if they are after me. I won't lose to anim-] Bakugo was cut off

[Bakugo! Bakugo!!] Mandalay screamed in her mind

"I lost the link to Bakugo" She said with a worried expression

"SENSEI!!" Uraraka stormed in " Deku-kun isn't here!" 

Aizawa looked like he wanted to collapse and sleep for a week 'Why me..'

~ 3rd Pov

*Huff. Huff.*

Deku was running through the forest  'Katchan. I have to save Katchan'

Boom Boom.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME" Bakugo yelled out. (off of, shortened, this is intentional)

The Nomus were holding Bakugo by his arms

"Well I had my doubts, but you two came in handy." Dabi looked at Gin and Tequila

"We just did the job we were paid to do" Gin says in a cold stone voice


A big portal opened up behind them. Enough for all of them to go through 

"That's our ride home" Spinner smiled as he walked into the portal. 

Half of the League went through. Then the Nomus started to move

"KATCHAN!!" Deku yelled out as her ran forward

"Hmm, one of the kids?" Gin looked at the teen who was running straight at them.

"You guys go in. I can handle him" Dabi says casually as he steps up. 

Gin and Tequila looked at each other before they walk through

"Deku! Why did you COME!" Bakugo yelled out. He had a conflicted look on his face. The last person he wanted to see was here to save him.

"TO RESCUE YOU!" Deku screamed out

"How cute" Dabi smiled and waved his arms.

Blue Flames engulfed their surroundings. A fire wall appeared in front of Deku who had reached the halfway point. He wanted to dash through. But his survival instincts kicked in and stoped him from jumping in the flames

The Nomus quickly went through while carrying Bakugo. 

"Nice try. Hero" Dabi said mockingly, and with those last words he went through the portal and it closed behind him

Deku looks at where the portal was with a lost look on his face.

"Rahhhhhhhhh" He screamed out as tears started to fall down. Forget tears, more like waterfalls.

A few minutes later everybody gathered around the crying Deku. I already informed them that the Vilians were gone

"Sensei" Momo comes to my side "I planted a tracker"

I look at her with a raised eyebrow "How"

Momo smiled "Tiny drone, dropped it on the Nomu"

I nod at her "Good Job. I also marked those fools with some special tracking scent that I made. That thing won't wash off for three weeks I can follow them through Japan."

Momo nodded.

~  A/N

Twice is dead for those that forgot. Which includes me, had to rewrite this chapter