
Warnings before I say anything?? This is a pretty innocent story, there's just a bit of fear and fantasy violence (not me treating this like a movie) There ain't no age limit cuz I'm not your mom <3

Hi there! I just wanted to introduce myself and tell a little about the story before we get started. It would be nice if you read through this, but you can skip it if you're eager to read :')

You can call me either Pippa or Cheetah. I'm in Middle School, and I absolutely love to read. I loved to write as a kid, but I just never did it much. But then I started this story and I loved it, so I wanted to put it out there. Anyways, there probably won't be many people reading this, but I just wanted to do this for myself. To boost my confidence, yknow? I'd love to talk to the handful of you who read this. You can ask me some questions and I'll try and answer them later on. Also this is one of my books here, so please don't hate me if I do anything wrong. Sorry, sorry, I know I'm babbling. I'll tell you a bit about the story now. So basically, it's a fantasy story, with a little bit of romance and humor. I can't reveal too much, bc "spoilers''. If you find any typos pleaaaase tell me. Be sure to vote, and share this with others!

The characters are:

Lia, the main character. Short curly brown hair, brown/blue eyes. Spontaneous and adventure-loving. Weakness: very emotional and sensitive. 15 years old.

Trish/Trisha, the 'sidekick'. Dark skin and wears her black hair in a braid. Blue eyes. Fun and always has your back. Weakness: Can be bossy and a little cold at some times. 15 years old.

Alex, the 'love interest' (hehe). Light brown wavy hair, blue eyes. Tan skin, has some freckles. Hilarious, and kind. Weakness: His jealousy can sometimes get the better of him. 15 years old.

Ben, one of "The Four". Pale skin and sandy hair. Blue eyes. Cold and distrustful when you first meet him, but after that you can always count on him. Weakness: Doesn't trust people easily. 16 years old.

Jasper, one of "The Four". Dark skinned, shaved head. Is gay, but you can't know that yet so pretend I didn't say anything. Sparkling blue eyes. Friendly to everyone. Weakness: Maybe a bit too friendly. 14 years old.

The Fairy Godmother/ Daphne Willows, 'big boss' of "the Four". Grandmotherly-looking, white hair usually in a bun. Violet eyes. Always there when you need to talk to someone. Weakness: Is a bit too trusting. ??? years old.

The Cloak Keeper, villain. No one has any idea how he looks, as he is always wearing a dark cloak and a black mask. Yeah, he just sucks. Weakness: Children (Yes, it's dumb, shut up) . ??? years old.

Just want to make it clear that this is my first story, and I am hella nervous, so I'd like it if no one posts anything negative. If you don't like it, leave.

I'm not done developing this story, so if there are more characters, I'll edit this. For now, thanks for reading, and I really hope you enjoy! <3
