4 Year Time-Skip

As they journeyed towards the southeast of the Fire Country, a trio of travellers eagerly anticipated their arrival at Onshimoto village. The small town, nestled near the Land of Tea, was renowned for its delectable sushi and unparalleled sake, making it a favoured destination for food enthusiasts and weary travellers alike within the Land of Fire.

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the dusty road. Tsunade led the way, her blonde pigtails swaying with each determined step. Shizune followed close behind, Tonton nestled safely in her arms. Between them bounced young Naoki, his silver hair catching the light as he practically vibrated with excitement.

"Hey, Tsuna-nee!" Naoki's voice piped up, breaking the comfortable silence. "Can you help me learn how to use chakra? I wanna be a ninja and do all sorts of amazing jutsu!" His eyes sparkled with unbridled enthusiasm as he looked up at Tsunade, hope written across his face.

Tsunade's brow furrowed, a mixture of concern and exasperation crossing her features. She'd lost count of how many times they'd had this conversation. "Listen, kid," she began, her tone firm but not unkind. "Your body simply can't withstand the immense pressure of the chakra you possess right now. It's like trying to pour a lake into a teacup – it just won't work."

"But Tsuna-nee!" Naoki whined, his lower lip jutting out in a pout. "You said when I'm four, you'd help me use my chakra! Pleeease, can we try it now? I'm almost four!"

Tsunade pinched the bridge of her nose, feeling a headache coming on. Before she could respond, Shizune chimed in, her voice gentle but thoughtful.

"Excuse me, Tsunade-sama, but have you considered that Naoki's body might actually be capable of handling his chakra reserves? He does come from both the Uzumaki and Senju clans, after all."

Tsunade shot Shizune a look that clearly said 'whose side are you on?' but the younger woman held her ground, offering a small, apologetic smile.

"Ugh, fine," Tsunade grumbled, throwing her hands up in defeat. "We'll check his body and chakra network for any abnormalities when we reach Onshimoto. But don't get your hopes up, brat," she added, fixing Naoki with a stern glare that did little to dampen his excitement.

"Yay! Tsuna-neechan and Shizune-neechan are the best!" Naoki cheered, his face splitting into a wide grin. He bounced ahead of them on the path, his earlier fatigue forgotten in the wake of this promise.

As they crested a hill, the village of Onshimoto came into view. Lush green rice fields stretched out as far as the eye could see, swaying gently in the breeze. The village itself was a hive of activity, with visitors from all over the Fire Country exploring its winding streets and alleys. The air was thick with the aroma of sizzling street food and the sweet scent of sake.

"Wow," Naoki breathed, his eyes wide as he took in the sight. "It's so big!"

Tsunade chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Not as big as Konoha, kid. But it's got its charms."

They made their way through the bustling streets, the glow of paper lanterns casting a warm light as evening began to fall. Soon, they found themselves in front of a charming pub, its wooden doors adorned with colorful decorations.

"Tsuna-neechan," Naoki tugged at her sleeve, confusion evident in his voice. "Why are we at a pub? I thought you were going to help me unlock my chakra."

Tsunade smirked, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Patience, Naoki. We'll get to it soon enough. But first, let's grab some food. You must be starving after all that pestering."

"I wasn't pestering!" Naoki protested, his cheeks puffing out indignantly. "I was just... uhh... persistently requesting your assistance!"

Tsunade barked out a laugh, genuine amusement softening her features. "Ha! Nice try, brat. Come on, let's eat."

As they entered the pub, the warm atmosphere enveloped them. The air was thick with the smell of grilled meat and the sound of laughter. They found a table in the corner, and a waitress quickly approached.

"Good evening!" she greeted them cheerfully. "What can I get for you?"

Tsunade didn't hesitate. "We'll take three platters of your finest sushi, some top-shelf sake, and juice for the kid." She paused, then added with a wink, "And make it snappy, we're famished."

The meal passed in a blur of delicious food and comfortable conversation. As they stepped back out into the cooling evening air, Tsunade stretched, a contented sigh escaping her lips.

"Alright," she said, her voice taking on a more serious tone. "Shizune, take Naoki and pick up some chakra paper and absorption paper. I'll secure us a room at the inn. Meet me in the eastern forest outside the village in an hour."

As Tsunade strode off, Naoki turned to Shizune, curiosity evident in his eyes. "Shizune-neechan, what's chakra paper?"

Shizune smiled, always happy to share her knowledge. "Well, Naoki-kun, chakra paper is a special tool ninja use to identify their chakra nature. When you channel chakra into it, the paper reacts differently based on your affinity. For example, it might turn to ash for fire, or get wet for water."

"And the absorption paper?" Naoki pressed, eager to learn more.

"That's a safety precaution," Shizune explained. "It helps absorb excess chakra when we're working on unlocking your pathways. It's not common, but it's essential in your case, given your unique chakra reserves."

Naoki's eyes widened with excitement. "So we really are going to unlock my chakra?"

Shizune nodded, but her expression turned serious. "Yes, but remember what Tsunade-sama said. It won't be easy, and there are risks involved. We need to be careful."

"I understand," Naoki said, his voice filled with determination. "I'll do whatever it takes!"

As they made their way to the ninja supply shop, Shizune couldn't help but smile. Naoki's enthusiasm was infectious, reminding her of another blonde-haired troublemaker from Konoha. She just hoped that this time, things would turn out differently.

The shop was tucked away in a quiet corner of the village, its windows displaying an array of weapons and tools that made Naoki's eyes sparkle with wonder. As they stepped inside, the smell of metal and leather filled the air, and Naoki knew that this was just the beginning of his journey to become a true shinobi.

