First Mission

As the first light of dawn stretched across the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the village, Naoki awoke. He got dressed and made his way to the exclusive Senju training ground, a sanctuary reserved solely for members of the esteemed Senju clan. The Uchiha had their own training ground however, it wasn't exclusively theirs as anyone could use it.

The training ground was a vast, awe-inspiring space, encircled by colossal trees that seemed to pierce the heavens themselves. The ground was blanketed in soft, short green grass, and a crystal-clear river meandered gracefully through the area, its gentle flow creating a soothing ambiance. This impressive training ground was the work of the Shodai Hokage, Hashirama Senju, who had crafted everything from the towering trees to the vibrant grass, and even the river itself. Mito Uzumaki had placed a seal ensuring that only members of the Senju and perhaps the Uzumaki clans could access and use the area. Remarkably, despite not being used for decades, the training ground remained pristine and well-maintained, as if untouched by the passage of time. The seal Mito Uzumaki had placed on the training ground not only ensured exclusivity but also imbued it with a regenerative ability. Whenever the grounds were damaged or demolished, the area would miraculously restore itself, returning to its pristine, original state as if untouched by time or conflict.

Naoki stood in the centre of the training ground, feeling the weight of the history surrounding him and the legends who had trained here before him. He used the shadow clone jutsu to summon eight clones, assigning four of them to practice various water release ninjutsu while the other three honed their fire, wind, and lightning techniques. The remaining clone focused on chakra control, while Naoki himself engaged in rigorous physical conditioning using his gravity seals.

Naoki had an impressive repertoire of jutsu, but his philosophy was rooted in the notion that mastery comes not from practicing a multitude of techniques, but rather from perfecting one technique through dedicated repetition. However, Naoki also recognized the importance of having a backup plan in case his primary technique failed. He realized that relying solely on one jutsu could be risky, as opponents who knew how to counter it could easily defeat him.

To reconcile these two beliefs, Naoki formulated his own personal motto, which he lived by: "I fear the man who has practiced 1,000 jutsu but the man who has practiced 1,000 jutsu 10,000 times." By mastering a variety of techniques and perfecting them, Naoki would become a versatile and adaptable fighter, capable of adjusting his approach to any situation he encountered.

After several hours of intense training, his muscles aching and drenched in sweat, Naoki made his way back home to shower and change. As he walked, he pondered his future training. 'I need guidance from a taijutsu expert,' he thought. 'Shizune-neesan and Tsuna-neesan aren't specialists in that field, and I can only rely on my enhanced strength for now. I also need to visit my grandfather's study. There might be hidden jutsu he never got to share or crucial information that could prove invaluable.'

After showering and donning his shinobi attire, Naoki braced himself for his first mission. Descending the stairs, he found Shizune bustling about the kitchen, humming softly as she prepared breakfast. The tantalizing aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, making Naoki's stomach growl in anticipation.

"Good morning, Shizune-neesan," Naoki greeted her warmly as he made his way to the dining table and took a seat, appreciating the cosy atmosphere of their home.

Hearing Naoki, Shizune turned and beamed at him, her eyes shining with affection. "Morning, Naoki-kun. Are you going to take your first mission today?"

"Yeah, I need to meet my team in 30 minutes," Naoki replied, his excitement palpable. Shizune promptly placed a steaming plate of breakfast in front of him, the sight and smell making his mouth water. He thanked her and quickly devoured his meal, savouring every bite before heading to the door.

"I'm leaving, Shizune-neesan," Naoki called out as he stepped outside, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Take care and be safe," Shizune responded as she heard him leave.

Naoki swiftly made his way to the rendezvous point in front of the Hokage Residence, using his chakra to leap effortlessly across the rooftops. As he moved, the morning sunlight cast a warm, golden hue over the village, and the sounds of its residents beginning their day filled the air. Within minutes, he arrived and spotted Itachi and Shisui waiting for him.

Landing gracefully, he greeted them, "Morning. Did I keep you waiting long?"

Itachi regarded him with a calm, measured expression and replied, "Morning. No, we just got here."

Shisui glanced at both of them and declared, enthusiasm bubbling in his voice, "Alright, let's go and take our first mission together." He led them inside the Hokage Residence, and they walked down the impressive halls towards the Mission Administration Office. Knocking on the door, they entered a spacious room filled with shelves of scrolls and various documents. A large table dominated the room, and seated behind it were Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze, a Chunin, and a handful of other people.

Bowing respectfully, Shisui addressed Minato, "Hokage-sama, we are here to partake in our first mission."

Minato smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with encouragement, and replied, "Since it's your first mission, you'll be taking a D-rank mission." He sifted through various mission papers before selecting one and continued, "You can take this one. The mission is to find a missing cat. Here's the picture." Shisui stepped forward and took the picture as Minato went on, "The cat's name is Tora and has a ribbon, as you can see. The cat belongs to the Fire Daimyo's wife, so make sure no harm is done to it."

Upon accepting the mission, the trio ventured outside, with Naoki examining the picture of Tora. The feline sported brown fur and a distinctive marking running down her forehead, intersected by two horizontal lines, and amber-coloured eyes. Tora's most prominent feature was the elegant red ribbon adorning her right ear.

Once they were outside, Itachi observed the surroundings thoughtfully and said, "We should split up to gather information more efficiently. Let's meet back here in ten minutes."

Naoki agreed, "That's a good plan, Itachi."

Shisui stood by, approving of their decision-making skills. Many new Genin would simply search aimlessly for the cat instead of asking residents for information. With their plan in place, Naoki and Itachi began questioning nearby villagers.

After ten minutes, they reconvened and shared what they had learned.

Itachi reported, "One of the residents mentioned seeing the cat heading towards the east side of the village."

Naoki nodded, "That's consistent with what I heard. Someone spotted the cat near the outskirts of the village, close to one of the training grounds."

Shisui listened attentively, "Good job, you two. Now that we have a general direction, we should head that way and keep an eye out for any clues or tracks the cat may have left behind."

As they made their way to the eastern outskirts, they continued to ask residents if they had seen the elusive feline.

Naoki approached a woman tending to her garden and inquired, "Excuse me, ma'am, have you seen this cat?"

The woman glanced at the picture and replied, "Yes, I saw it scampering by earlier, heading towards the forest near the training ground."

Itachi questioned a shopkeeper, who confirmed the cat's presence in the area, "It darted past my shop not too long ago. It seemed to be heading towards the forest."

Armed with this information, the trio ventured deeper into the enchanting forest. The sunlight streamed through the dense canopy of leaves above, casting mesmerizing patterns of light and shadow onto the lush forest floor. The vibrant hues of green from the foliage and the earthy scent of damp soil created an atmosphere of serenity and mystique. They kept their senses sharp, attuned to the slightest rustle or movement that could indicate the cat's presence.

As they progressed, their keen eyes spotted paw prints and signs of a small creature's passage. The tracks led them through a labyrinth of towering trees, their gnarled roots snaking across the ground, and past verdant bushes adorned with delicate flowers. The sounds of birdsong and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze accompanied their journey, while the occasional glimpse of a darting woodland creature added to the forest's enchanting allure.

The trio soon came to a stop, as the footprints seemed to abruptly end.

"The footprints seem to stop," Itachi observed. "Should we look around?"

Naoki contemplated for a moment and responded, "I'm a sensor, so I could try sensing Tora. However, my radius isn't very large."

"That's a good idea," Itachi agreed. "It will save us more time."

Naoki nodded and knelt on the ground, closing his eyes as he channelled his chakra. As his senses expanded, he became aware of the many life forms surrounding them - trees, plants, insects, and more. He honed in on a presence with slightly larger chakra and, upon closer examination, identified it as Tora the cat.

Naoki looked at Itachi and said softly, "I can sense her. She's 12 metres west of here." Itachi nodded, and they both made their way towards Tora, moving quietly so as not to alert the cat.

Naoki whispered to Itachi, "I'll go to the other side, so if it tries to run, I'll block its path." Naoki then proceeded to carefully make his way to the other side.

Once Naoki was in position, he signalled to Itachi to proceed and grab the cat. Itachi nodded and executed the Body Flicker Jutsu. However, Tora was an experienced cat with countless encounters with shinobi. Just as Itachi was about to grab her, she jumped back, scratching him before attempting to flee. But before she could get far, Naoki quickly grabbed her and tried to calm her down.

Shisui appeared in front of them, grinning. "Well done! That completes your first mission. Now let's return the cat to the Daimyo's wife."

They made their way back to the Hokage Residence and entered the Mission Administration office. Shisui bowed and announced, "Hokage-sama, we have successfully completed the mission."

Minato was about to respond when a corpulent woman with dark brown hair separated into three poofs, pink lipstick, pink nail polish, and purple eyeshadow, squealed with delight. She snatched the cat from Naoki's hands, hugging it so tightly it seemed to be gasping for air.

"My precious Tora, where were you? I was so worried..." Madam Shijimi cried, her embrace only tightening around the unfortunate feline.

Minato, Shisui, Itachi, and Naoki exchanged uneasy glances, silently thinking, 'It's no wonder it runs away.' Minato cleared his throat and said, "Well done on completing your mission. Here's your pay. You can go now." Shisui nodded, grabbed their payment and distributed it among Itachi and Naoki, he then bowed, and left with Naoki and Itachi.

After exiting the Hokage Residence, Shisui asked with a smile, "Do you guys want to go to Yakiniku Q in a few hours?"

Naoki nodded and replied, "Yeah, I don't mind." Itachi also nodded in agreement.

"Alright, I'll see you then." Shisui and Itachi left, and Naoki made his way to Kushina's house.

After a few minutes of walking Naoki made his way to Kushina's door and knocked on it. After a few seconds Kushina opened the door and smiled at him, "Naoki-kun, have you just finished your mission?"

Naoki nodded and said, "Yeah. Just finished, and have some time before meeting my team, so I came to learn sealing."

Kushina smiled and said, "I see, come inside." She then opened the door and Naoki walked inside.

They both made their way to the living room, once they were seated Kushina said, "Alright, since today is your first lesson, we won't go into the practical aspect as of yet. Do you have your water scroll on you?" Naoki nodded, Kushina then said, "Ok, here give it to me."

Naoki grabbed the scroll from his pouch and gave it to Kushina. Kushina unrolled the scroll and looked at Naoki and said, "Alright, tell me what you can see."

Naoki looked at the scroll and said, "I just see the kanji for storage inside a circle and a lot of weird lines."

Kushina chuckled and said, "Those aren't weird lines. Let me explain to you how seals work. The Kanji inside the circle is the main function of the seal, so in this case it's for storage. The lines are like classes which contain functions inside the main function." Kushina then pointed to a specific part of the seal and said, "This class here is outlining that the thing we are storing is water, thus the kanji for water connecting to this line."

Naoki nodded then asked, "So sealing has a primary function and the rest are 'classes' which contain other functions that connect to the main function."

Kushina nodded and said, "Yes, however when it comes to more complicated seals, there can be many primary functions, and there are classes linked to those functions. However, you don't need to worry about those for now, as you are a long way from there.

Time flew by as Kushina explained more about sealing and how they work, she made it easier by demonstrating it in person. Naoki absorbed the knowledge and asked different questions. And soon it was the end of the lesson, so Naoki made his way out and went to his home to get changed and meet his teammates. Naoki opened the door and walked inside and found Shizune and Tsunade sitting down on the couch.

[A/N: If you want more information check my author note at the bottom of the chapter.]

Tsunade looked at Naoki and said, "Did you just finish your mission? Because that took a long time."

Naoki looked at Tsunade and said, "No, I finished my mission a while back, I was at Kushina-neechan's place learning sealing."

"I see. Do you want anything to eat?" Tsunade asked.

"No, I'm going to Yakiniku Q to meet with my team. I'm going to get changed and go meet them." Naoki said.

Tsunade nodded, and Naoki made his way upstairs to get changed. Naoki dressed up in a black long sleeve turtleneck sweater, with the Senju Clan logo engraved on the back and the Uzumaki Clan logo on both sides of his upper arm. He wore black Shinobi pants with his weapons pouch on his hip and black shinobi sandals with bandages around his ankles. Naoki then made his way outside and waved goodbye to Shizune and Tsunade.

Seeing Naoki leave, Tsunade sighed as she said, "I guess everyone eventually grows, I still remember when he needed us to go places."

Shizune smiled and said, "At least he's finally making friends."

Tsunade nodded and smiled warmly as she said, "Yeah, I guess so."

The conversation between Shizune and Tsunade continued as they discussed the changes they'd witnessed in Naoki over time. They remembered his first steps as a young shinobi and how he had developed into the strong, determined, and skilled individual he was now. They felt immense pride in his growth and accomplishments.

As Naoki strolled towards Yakiniku Q, his thoughts were filled with excitement about the sealing techniques he'd learned from Kushina..

Upon reaching Yakiniku Q, he spotted his teammates, Itachi and Shisui, waiting outside and engaged in a lively conversation.

"Am I late?" Naoki inquired, joining them.

"No, you're just in time," Itachi replied, his voice calm and collected.

"Great, let's head inside. I already reserved a table for us," Shisui said, his tone friendly and enthusiastic.

The trio entered the restaurant, immediately greeted by the mouth-watering aroma of sizzling beef. The cheerful chatter of patrons filled the air, creating a cosy and inviting atmosphere. They found their reserved table and sat down, signalling a waiter to come and take their order. The waiter soon arrived with a warm smile, asking, "What can I get for you today?"

Shisui responded, "I'll have your salted beef tongue. How about you guys?"

"I'll take the same thing," Naoki chimed in.

"Same here," Itachi agreed.

"Alright, we'll all have the salted beef tongue," Shisui confirmed.

The waiter jotted down their order and reassured them, "I'll bring your food out shortly."

Within minutes, the waiter returned with their beef tongue dishes. Shisui expertly used his chopsticks to place one of the pieces on the charcoal brazier. Turning to his teammates, he asked, "Would you like me to cook yours too?" Both Itachi and Naoki nodded gratefully, and Shisui added two more pieces to the brazier.

Once the beef tongue was cooked to perfection, they eagerly savoured the tender, juicy meat while Shisui recounted tales of his experiences and missions. Itachi and Naoki listened attentively, their curiosity piqued by Shisui's captivating stories.

After they finished eating, Shisui addressed his team. "Since I'm your Jonin Instructor, I want to help you improve in areas you may be struggling with," he began. Turning to Itachi, he continued, "You're exceptionally skilled in shurikenjutsu and the fireball jutsu. However, I suggest expanding your arsenal and focusing on genjutsu, a field in which most Uchiha excel. Additionally, work on enhancing your stamina and taijutsu." Itachi nodded, taking Shisui's advice to heart.

Next, Shisui focused on Naoki. "You're incredibly talented for your age, and your skills surpass many Genin and Chunin. You have an abundance of chakra, excellent chakra control, and a knack for ninjutsu. Most of your improvement will come with time and experience. Nevertheless, there are some aspects you could work on now. Your taijutsu needs refinement; while you have impressive power, it's essential to land hits with precision and technique. Also consider learning genjutsu and possibly incorporating a weapon into your repertoire. What do you think?"

Naoki pondered Shisui's suggestions and responded, "I'm aware of my taijutsu weaknesses and hope to find a taijutsu expert to guide me. I plan to ask Tsuna-neesan to help me find someone."

"You mean Lady Tsunade?" Shisui inquired.

Naoki nodded, continuing, "As for a weapon, my grandfather created a sword called 'The Sword of the Thunder God.' However, it's complex to use and made of lightning, and I have no prior kenjutsu experience."

Shisui grinned and confidently pointed to himself, saying, "Well, I happen to be proficient in lightning release and skilled with a sword. I could help you learn how to use it."

Naoki's face lit up, and he exclaimed, "Really?! Thanks, Shisui!"

Shisui laughed at Naoki's enthusiasm, thinking to himself, 'He may be a fearsome and talented young ninja, but he's still a child at heart.'

The trio continued to chat and bond, sharing stories and laughter. The atmosphere in Yakiniku Q was filled with warmth and happiness, reflecting the strong camaraderie between the teammates. As they enjoyed their time together, the interior of the restaurant seemed to be filled with a warm glow, further enhancing the already cosy setting. The wooden tables and walls were decorated with traditional Japanese ornaments, while the charcoal braziers added a touch of authenticity to their dining experience.

Throughout the evening, they indulged in various dishes from the menu, each bursting with rich and savoury flavours that delighted their taste buds. The salted beef tongue was tender and juicy, while the smoky aroma from the charcoal grill infused the meat with an irresistible taste. The combination of good food and great company made their time together all the more enjoyable.

As the night came to an end, the three left the restaurant, their bellies full and their spirits high. They said their goodbyes and parted ways, each heading home with a renewed sense of friendship and motivation to grow as individuals and as a team.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter, this took me a while to make as I had to remake the entire chapter 3 times because I thought it wasn't satisfactory.

Writing the mission was pretty hard, as I had what I wanted in my head but conveying it into words was hard, while also including dialogue.

If you have any critiques or suggestions for the story please comment so I can improve my writing or add certain things to the story.

Also, another important thing, is there a specific arc or mission you want me write about, it can be filler or cannon. I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to this specific part of the timeline.



So, if anyone is wondering sealing is going to work similar to how coding works. Although, I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to codding, I have some experience.

So in coding, everything is made out of commands and functions.

-So, you have your main function, let's say its storage.

-within that function you are going to have your subfunction, so lets say the capacity of the storage or what you will store, so in Naoki's scroll, it just stores water.

-You can also have subfunctions inside your subfunctions, so realistically you could have an infinite amount of functions, which will all be within the main function, so lets say storage in this case.


I hope that cleared up somethings, if it didn't I could write an auxiliary chapter about it, however I won't dive too deep into the technicality of seals. I just like to explain how I view it as at the beginning.


Please send power stones and please comment as I like to interact and I feel people are truly interacting with this fanfic, and it is a massive motivation for me.

Hope you enjoyed, see you next chapter~