Uzumaki Secret Technique

Kushina's demonstration of the barrier jutsu served as the commencement of Naoki's resolute pursuit for mastery. It marked his first foray into the fusion of Adamantine Sealing Chains and Fuinjutsu, surpassing the rudimentary knowledge he had amassed from crafting sealing scrolls and explosive tags. As Naoki grappled with the complexity of this new technique, time unveiled its uncanny knack for slipping away unnoticed, and before he knew it, three weeks had gracefully ebbed away.

Throughout this period, Naoki's existence revolved around the barrier jutsu. He lived it, breathed it, and dreamt it; he became one with the jutsu in an almost intimate symphony of focus and dedication. His days were still punctuated with rigorous Taijutsu training sessions under the tutelage of Might Guy, but the mastery of the barrier jutsu sat at the forefront of his consciousness, casting a shadow that towered over all else.

A significant part of Naoki's training involved taming the very notion of time. The sunrise was his starting whistle, the sunset, his finish line. Time no longer was merely a measure of the day's passing; it morphed into an insistent, ever-present mentor that stood witness to his every struggle and triumph.

Two weeks into his journey, Naoki's dedication bore its first fruit. The barrier jutsu, once an elusive ideal, fell into his grasp. Yet the taste of victory only heightened his thirst for perfection. Success was not a destination but a stepping stone to higher plateaus of expertise.

The final week saw Naoki traversing these newfound plateaus, his focus unyielding, and his spirit undaunted. The assistance of his Shadow Clones and the boon of his abnormal regeneration were his allies in this pursuit. This troika—Naoki, his clones, and his regenerative prowess—danced a dance few could hope to emulate. Kushina, perhaps, was one of those few, but at that moment, Naoki was a solitary star, burning bright with resolve, illuminating his path towards mastery.

Each new day was a testament to Naoki's relentless spirit. The barrier jutsu coursed through his veins, seeped into his every pore, and radiated from his very being. He ate, slept, and trained with a single purpose—to master the jutsu that had become his second nature. Sweat, blood, and perseverance were the bricks and mortar in this monument of dedication he was building. Through days that melted into nights and nights that bloomed into days, Naoki embodied the epitome of unwavering determination and hard work, his journey serving as a beacon for all who dared to dream.

The air was quietly humming in the living room, carrying whispers of past trials and achievements. Naoki found himself there with Kushina, basking in the comforting familiarity of the place where they had journeyed together through countless hours of training. While he had technically mastered the technique, the universe of Fuinjutsu was vast and filled with mysteries yet to be unravelled. The rhythm of improvement pulsed steadily with time and experience, and Kushina had guided him towards the threshold of the next chapter in their voyage of discovery.

Kushina's vibrant red hair seemed to catch the light as she turned towards Naoki, her voice filled with a mix of anticipation and solemnity. "Alright, Naoki-kun, we're setting off on a new leg of our journey today," she began. Her words flowed with an infectious enthusiasm that never failed to spark a sense of excitement in Naoki.

"Today, we will be looking into the depths of our heritage, delving into a rare trait that only a chosen few within the Uzumaki Clan possess," she continued. Her hands moved with a mind of their own, painting invisible patterns in the air as she spoke. "This bloodline, it's not a kekkei genkai, but rather it's akin to the Adamantine Sealing Chains. It's a unique gift that has been passed down through our blood."

Her gaze had turned distant, as if she were seeing back through the annals of time. She recounted the notable figures in their lineage who were known to possess this rare ability. There was a tangible pride in her voice as she uttered the names. "Mito Uzumaki, Ashina Uzumaki, our past Clan leader, and even your own mother, Akako Uzumaki. They all held this special lineage within them, just as I do."

The connection to his mother piqued Naoki's interest and he found himself hanging on Kushina's every word, intrigued by the stories of his ancestors and the potential of his own blood.

Naoki's azure eyes widened in intrigue, a glimpse of understanding dancing in their depths. His voice was a blend of curiosity and respect, slightly hushed as if to honour the magnitude of the revelation, "What exactly does this ability do?"

Kushina's lips curved in a tender smile, perhaps reminded of her own days of discovery. Her answer was delicately laced with a mix of pride and melancholy, "This unique lineage we carry doesn't gift us with a devastating power or an attacking technique, Naoki-kun. In fact, it doesn't harm a soul."

Naoki's brow furrowed in confusion as he tried to piece together what Kushina was saying. His thoughts must have been clear on his face as Kushina took his confusion as a cue to continue. "But make no mistake," her tone dipped lower, her voice soft but carrying an undercurrent of strength, "it's this very bloodline that cast a formidable shadow of the Uzumaki Clan. It graced our blood with the ability to bypass any barrier fuinjutsu, making us undetectable, unknown."

Naoki's shock was palpable, the idea sinking into his consciousness like a stone in a placid lake. His eyes darted around, taking a moment to process the weight of the information. "Wait," he exclaimed, his voice echoing his disbelief, "Are you saying that the Uzumaki could virtually bypass any defense, infiltrate other Hidden Villages without even a whisper of their presence? That sounds... it sounds like the Uzumaki were practically invincible!"

As Naoki's words fell into the silence, a palpable change seemed to take place in Kushina. Her eyes, usually a bright, vibrant whirlpool of emotion, dimmed with a layer of sadness that seemed almost incongruous to her fiery spirit. Naoki's naïve understanding of their clan's power triggered a bitter memory, a painful history that was the very antithesis of their peaceful nature.

Kushina bore the legacy of a clan that had been feared for its bloodline, a clan that had been annihilated for their capabilities. This unique bloodline, that allowed the Uzumaki clan to surpass any barrier fuinjutsu undetected, had ironically formed the walls of their downfall. The Uzumaki, a clan that abhorred violence and preferred the serenity of seclusion, found themselves in the crosshairs of the Hidden Villages they had consciously kept at a distance.

Their isolated existence in a corner of the world was a reflection of their values - harmony within and a distance from the chaos without. Their only link to the outside world had been through Konoha, a bond born of marriage between Mito Uzumaki and Hashirama Senju, reinforcing the unspoken kinship between the Senju and Uzumaki clans.

However, this harmonious life they had carefully built was shattered into a million pieces. The Hidden Villages, ensnared in the web of fear and paranoia spun by the Uzumaki's unique abilities, united in a devastating alliance against them. It was a fear born not from any act of aggression from the Uzumaki, but the simple fact that they wouldn't even know if the Uzumaki had infiltrated their village until an attack was launched.

The violence that ensued was brutal and relentless, a stark contrast to the peace-loving nature of the Uzumaki clan. Their world was torn asunder, not by the volatile forces of nature, but by the treachery of fear and misunderstanding. And thus, the Uzumaki, a clan that detested violence and prioritized family above all, were brought to their knees, their dream of peaceful existence shattered, leaving behind an echo of what once was a proud and peaceful clan.

A tender resilience filled Kushina's eyes as she wove a reassuring smile onto her lips. "Listen, Naoki-kun," she began, her tone filled with the sort of warmth that could dissipate the chills of a harsh winter. "No one in this world is invincible, just as nobody is flawless. That's our beauty as humans, our imperfections make us real."

Naoki nodded, processing her words. Sensing his receptivity, Kushina gently embarked on the next part of the explanation. "And it's no different with this bloodline technique. It's got its own share of imperfections, love. For instance, when you're trying to bypass a barrier, your chakra needs to exceed the barrier's creator. Now, this is usually not a problem for us Uzumakis, given our naturally large chakra reserves. But even I, or anyone else gifted with this bloodline, can't breach something as formidable as the Four Red Yang Formation."

She paused a moment, then added with a soft chuckle, "But there was one exception. Ashina Uzumaki, he was something else. The only one who was able to slip through that barrier."

As Kushina talked, Naoki soaked in every word. There was a genuine fascination in his gaze, not for the power of the bloodline, but for the history and the connection it brought. It was his family, his lineage, and that held a unique charm. Over time, his sense of family had extended to include others, too, including Shisui and Itachi. He considered them, and even Itachi's family, as part of his own. In the end, what mattered most to him was family, a value that was deeply ingrained in him and nurtured by his time with Kushina.

At the conclusion of Kushina's reminiscence, Naoki, curiosity brimming in his eyes, asked, "So, how does this bloodline actually work? And is there a way to test if I have it?"

Kushina's eyes twinkled as she responded, her enthusiasm infectious. "Well, Naoki-kun, the bloodline on its own isn't much. What gives it its power is a unique jutsu we perform, one that utilizes our blood to form a link with the barrier. It's somewhat akin to the Summoning Jutsu where a user's blood is used to form a connection with the summoned creature's realm."

Pausing for a moment, Kushina then unveiled a bit more of the Uzumaki's mystery. "As for determining if you carry this bloodline, it's straightforward. Our ancestors created a special seal for this purpose. When your blood is applied to it, the seal can evaluate if your blood holds the distinctive qualities needed to pierce barriers."

Her gaze softened, as if distant memories were being roused. "This seal was lost to us for a long time. But your mother, your precious mother Akako, had rediscovered the art of creating it, and it's from her that I learned it. So, we do have a way to test you, Naoki-kun." Her smile held a hint of something – pride, perhaps, or anticipation, as she prepared to delve into this lost aspect of their shared heritage.

Following the revelations, Naoki promptly turned his attention to the technicalities, "Oh, one more thing, Kushina-neechan. What is this jutsu referred to as?"

Caught off guard, Kushina chuckled at the oversight, "Aha, my bad Naoki-kun, I almost skipped that crucial bit, didn't I? It's called the 'Uzumaki Secret Technique: Barrier Opening Formation'."

With that stated, Kushina, embodying the resilience of the Uzumaki clan, rose from her seat. Her vibrant red hair seemed to glow with a unique determination as she ventured to find the seal.

After an intensive search, Kushina finally returned, clutching the long-lost seal with a sense of accomplishment. Her fiery hair trailed behind her as she weaved her way back to the living room, her hands deftly cradling the ancient relic. Naoki waited patiently, his eyes fixed on the fascinating object his mentor brought forth.

"There you go, Naoki," Kushina said, her tone blending seriousness with an undertone of anticipation. She extended her palm to reveal the seal - an intricate labyrinth of calligraphy inked onto an aged parchment, brimming with untapped potential. "This is it. Drop your blood on the seal. If you truly possess our unique lineage, it'll respond. The seal will glow with a warm radiance, and the kanji for 'confirmed' will emerge."

Taking her words to heart, Naoki bit his thumb, drawing a bead of crimson. As the blood droplet fell onto the seal, the air seemed to hum with anticipation. A drawn-out minute trickled by, and then, like a star being born, the seal burst into a soft glow. The once intricate labyrinth of ink morphed and coalesced into a single, powerful kanji - confirmed. The air bristled with electric elation. It was proof. He truly was an Uzumaki.

Joy coursed through Naoki, his heart pounding in sync with the rhythm of his lineage. The revelation was overwhelming - to know he carried the distinctive traits of his mother and his clan, that he was undeniably a part of something larger than himself. His eyes shone with triumph and pride, his lips curving into a broad, victorious smile.

Kushina chuckled heartily, her azure eyes glimmering with pride, her heart warmed by Naoki's innocent joy. She ruffled his hair affectionately, her voice dancing with laughter as she remarked, "Well, Naoki-kun, whether it's from your mother's side or your unique half Uzumaki, half Senju lineage, one thing's clear - you've inherited both clans' unique traits in full measure. I couldn't be prouder."


A/N: Yo, sorry I took so long to upload a chapter. I was on vacation. I still am on vacation, however, I will try to upload the next few chapters as they aren't that long and is a preparation to the next phase of the story.

The unique lineage is of course not cannon, however this is a fanfic and we never even knew the extent of the Uzumaki clan, so why not add it to the equation.

Also, the Kyuubi attack is now approaching. Be on the lookout for that.

Also, if you have any critiques or suggestions for the story like a certain mission or arc you wish me to write, please comment. I'm only a single entity and cannot come with a lot of ideas by myself, which is why I tend to change the story as it goes on, since I think of better ideas. The plot itself is kinda concrete, however, the journey there is not. So do give some ideas. Also do comment information about events that occurred during this time, such as missions.

So do comment and send powerstones as it feels like people are truly engaging with the story and it's a massive motivation factor for me.

Next 2 chapters:

Earth Release & Genjutsu

Naoki Senju vs Tsunade Senju

If you join the discord you can write any ideas you have for this fanfic, and perhaps future fanfics I will write. I'm pretty active, so if you want to chat, feel free to join.

Hope you enjoyed, see you next chapter~