1 Earliest Mixed-Up Memories

Chapter 1

This diary is written as events happen, and as events are changed through time travel. In other words: Unknown forces meddle with time, so a confused child has a horrible real-life recurring nightmare.

Before  Stephanie is treated as royalty, she was "a wee tiny tyke type of tot".  Even though she was sickly, at the ages of 4 and 5, this very young child could do amazing things‼️

A feisty and cunning wee bonny bairn

Chapter 1

First insane day, of attempting to, go to school part 1

 My rags hung from my frail frame, as I descended, the perilously steep sheer cliff mountain. It was the first time, I wasn't carried, by an older sister. Nobody seemed to notice, that Stephanie, needed to go to the school, which was miles away.  


There were so many obstacles,  hidden in the vines, and bushes like piles of 🍃🍂🍁,  leaves, pine needles, and other things, from 🌳🎋🏡🌲🎄🌴🌳trees.  I also found " I don't know what that is! So gross and horrendously awful and squishy".

Fortunately, there weren't any animals, dead, or alive, in all of this ludicrous, treacherous mountain descent Folly.  

I must have been insane,  to attempt this, at 5 years old.

This is the atrocious alliterative title of what supposedly sent me, on my way: "Summoning submission to some subliminal messaging services system". This was how someone somehow, sentenced me, to attempt to walk through almost, all kinds of poisoned or polluted, displaced, disposable, and despicable natural plant items, down a steep, tall, (and sometimes) rounded mountain  ⛰.

I didn't know it, yet, people kept "erasing" my memories, so that I wouldn't realize, what was happening to me: As it turns out, once I started that day, at 3:00 am, I was doomed to repeat it countless times. Each time was a little bit different. Even so, I almost always tripped over a specific root at a rabbit's hole.

I went back to the beginning of the day, each time.

At least once, someone caught me! An amazing glowing yellow life form, grew to a monstrous size, as he bent me, like a gymnast, through the air! It was painful. I was scared.

Next, I was heading down the cliff again.

  As I stumbled through long prickers, smelly gunk, and knotted roots, I did not have time to think about my life.

Now and then, during this living nightmare, I had many vivid memories, like they were happening right now, one at a time. They were scrambled, so I didn't know how old I was. I also didn't know when anything happened.

That's the trouble with other people who force me to time travel. They also create "new worlds". I don't know why anyone would want to manipulate life. Just let me live a real life.

As for the current state of things: It wasn't anything, that I wanted to think about, anyway. Until that moment, I lived atop a high mountain, in a mansion. I hardly ever saw anyone else in the place. I found out later, why, they were...: missing at times; changing every second; and turning into toad people; among other strange events.

The reasons for, the way our lives panned out, were quite different, than I assumed, or could tell, with my limited experiences.    

Everything hinged, on unbelievably fantastic, {{ fast forward ¹ }} phenomenon. 

I wasn't stupid. I could tell, that I was in a bizarre situation, even if, I didn't get outside of the tower, or kitchen, much. 

I didn't know, that it wasn't  Auntie Shirley, who was making my life miserable. She was a victim like I was.

{{ Flash Back }}

 Previously, when I was supposedly old enough, at 4 years old: I had to do everything for myself! I needed to wash the only dress, and another laundry, I ever had, many times a day. Since nobody else cared, I  had to tailor the items. I also had to bathe myself. I could have died if I hadn't been careful! Guess what, I also had to cook, for myself. Well, after all the housework, for my section of the house, I finally got to eat.

One or two, of my elders, would join me, at the table. They never spoke to me. I knew that the female, spied on me, as she still had her phone in her hand. While the lady looked unwell, 

haggard, (and in all sorts of bad moods), I just figured, that,  like me, she was poor, and starving. 

Whoever was around the kitchen, shared whatever we had. 

Until this memory surfaced, I never noticed, that Aunt Shirley Vitality, had misshapen (Something was wrong, with one of her) hands. Whoops‼️ Oh no‼️   

How could I miss that❓

I didn't realize, that I  was too selfish, to notice, this, or anything else, about her. 😭


Well,  Lucy did teach me a lot of things, which, is why, she didn't have time, to teach me,  about...: compassion; integrity; interests; intriguing input; inspiration; information; ideas; insights;  ingenious plans; organization;  introductions to people; or interpersonal skills. 

I loved everyone, regardless, of what I thought of them. We were very poor. Uncle Henry, and Brian, looked healthier than  Anyone,  That is, when (The Former King, Henry) managed to get to the table. Mostly, he just looked tired, and sad. 

Brian's age changed a lot, as he would be a very healthy slightly chubby infant one day, and a very healthy, slightly muscular 5-year-old, the next day.  

Even back then, someone was having trouble hiding the fact,  that the space-time continuum dimensional manipulation activities occurred simultaneously, or haphazardly. We were in painful discomfort.  

Why was I always malnourished, and in rags? Nobody else was. 

If someone could cure me, instantly, of a different serious ailment; every couple of years;  then why, didn't they cure everything, about our lives? 

The only one who talked to me, at breakfast, and during leisure time, was my remotely related cousin. (unpronounceable, birthday date).

His name, like mine, is from the ancient language, of the mountain's island.  

Since the island is across the river, from Connecticut, my cousin's mother, wrote two names, over the lengthy and unpronounceable birth name: Brian↔️Brandan.

My name is supposed to be something, like Stephanie, so that's what everyone calls me.

As for the old man, and the old woman, who scarcely made appearances; I knew, that, they weren't my parents. I could tell, by their eyes. 

I found out much later, that they were related to me, by marriage. Now, I don't know, who married whom. I just know that I'm talking about Aunt Shirley, Uncle Henry, and their son, Brian. (Also, one of Brian's parents, is 8 generations distant (say, "Great", 8 times) COUSIN. 

[If I never had cousins, who were (or seemed to be,) fully grown-up, when  I was 4 and 5:  I would feel weird, calling them cousins; especially, if they were gray-haired, like Uncle Henry (Vitality Family Realm Islands Empire monarch former king ).]

Now, all the females looked like me. That's because, people, kept having children! Mostly girls. 

 Up until now, at 5 years old, my sister, Lucy, tutored me, in everything. I knew ...: 5 languages; Math, up to 4 place x 4 places multiplication; The history of Connecticut; The ridiculous history, of the 2 island kingdoms, where I lived;  and of course, my name, (which I can describe later).

Today, if I ever survive the arduous journey, I can start real school.

 I finally got down the mountain. 

It was still 7:00 am‼️

Someone stopped time when I left my room‼️

There was a note,  that I could read,  in minuscule writing,  HOVERING  over,  my ⌚watch:

{  Good Morning,  Stephanie Steph Steph 💕💖❤

💘😻🥰😍💋💌💝💗💓💞💕💟❣❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎💯%   A++++++++   My sweetheart  Schatzi 


( Something long,  and interesting,  was inserted here. Oh no ‼️  Before  I could cipher the "Giddy Gaddy Goody" enthusiastically scribbled explanation, it was erased. I had no idea,  what it was. 

Course now,  I'm pretty sure,  that it was about  SECRETS   OF   THE   VITALITY   FAMILY   


The  new  note, which hovered over my  watch:

"Steff :

  I  stopped time,  so you can do everything,  in one day.  It will seem like regular time,  is elapsing, no matter what.  

Please don't hate me.  I'm working hard,  to help you.  I also have to repair many mistakes. it will take time.

Other people are doing things too that sometimes, make my job harder.  

I love you 😍💗💛💓♥💖😍💗💛💓♥💖😍

All of a sudden,  that whole note,  disappeared too.  

Then,  I promptly forgot all about it,  until,  just now,  45 years later.  (Well,  I'm supposed to be a certain age, yet, I'm not sure, how old, I am. People have been manipulating every second, of my life ‼️)

  Supposedly,  it was my father's watch. Up until then, I had never met him. (You will find out why, later.) He didn't write any of the notes. 

Back to Basics (Olivia Newton-John Album)

The road was right there, for me.  Even from this distance, I could see the school, with its gigantic billboard. This is because, they were also on a mountain, somewhere,  on the other side of an extraordinarily wide cleaned Vitality (Family Realm Islands Empire monarchs' )  River.

With unbelievable stamina; despite the grueling journey down the steep, and treacherous mountain mere seconds ago;  I was about to start toward the school; when someone pushed me extraordinarily hardly ‼️

Presto‼️ Suddenly, my pretend mother was standing next to me. She looked healthy, and fresh, in her new dress.  (Shirley) gave instructions, in that blasted ancient language‼️

Before she would let me do anything, I needed to redo, my morning routine. She pointed to a small shack, where I found everything I needed.

 Well, after making myself clean, and, presentable, I came out to see, what the "witch" wanted.  She was gone. 

Firstly, I trudged along the road. It was 4 miles,  according, to the sign ‼️

Although the scenery was breathtakingly gorgeous, I couldn't admire the view, as I  managed to maneuver myself,  along the damaged sidewalk, on the grass, which had a bunny,  gopher, and somebody else's holes and underground dens. At the time, I didn't know, how I managed to tip-toe through the dry earth path. 

Below, is a series of memories,  that suddenly returned to me‼️

{{{{     I said some strange strings, of stirring sounds,  as I tripped,  stumbled,  and even flew through the air. 


I could feel the ...: unusually large,  muscular, sunshine  hands; as they manipulated me;  so that,  I looked like a gymnast;  or a ballerina; as,  I was  dancing,  breakdancing,  tumbling,  twisting,  vaulting, and  whatever;  gracefully; As  though I were,  in:

 the stratosphere Olympics‼️

No matter how long,  that  "Fountain of Youth" drank "God" (Well, he thought he was a God, with everything that happened, to him, whenever he drank the pure Vitality ... River Water 🌊💧,  which was saved,  from before it got contaminated.)

 No matter how long, that  Sun-Man, helped me, to do things,  gracefully,  that  I cannot do on my own, it was still 7:00 am, that day.  

Also,  when Sun-Man, finally stopped having fun,  I was right back,  at the first bunny burrow.  

I promptly forgot this adventure, too. 

Somehow, I thought, that  I had come down the ⛰mountain, in one journey,  without interruptions, like tripping, and falling face-first,  into someone's empty home,  under that murderous sort of braided root, that caught my foot‼️


I remember,  so many things now ‼️

1. It was worse, than daydreaming,  and having to reiterate the storyline,  to new characters,  in the story; This was a real-life repeating nightmare‼️

2. I had to keep getting up,  and going about this day,  until,  I got it right,  in someone's private nefarious opinion.  

3. No matter how many times I nearly killed myself,  or maybe,  I did die,  I was restored,  to the little malnourished child, in rags. 

At some point, they gave me,  some kind of thin, flimsy armor, that was sort of like pulling a thick, gray, and scaly panty house. After putting them on, the regular way, the part for my shirt, and hood appeared, it was suddenly attached to my stockings. I just put my arms through the sleeves. the whole thing fit just right, over my rags. Also, a face shield was suddenly attached,  to the strange armor, as well.  

 That armor is how I finally managed to get down the mountain, as I first remembered the arduous journey of tripping, but not falling, as I navigated that "monster" ‼️  }}}}

Back to Basics,

Secondly, I had to climb some steps, to get to the sidewalk, for the bridge. There was a statue of a supercilious King, next to me. If I were taller, I would have seen my father's face, for the first time! I would have recognized him. He just looks like a much older, male version of me! I would have spit nails! I didn't know, that my day would become worse, as everyone else, already knew, he was my father. I'm still furious!

Back then, I still had to cross the bridge. I came to another statue, of my absent parent. Again, I was about to follow the road, to the school, when that witch pushed me down the steps. 

If I weren't malnourished, I would have fought back, somehow. As it was, she was too much for me. 

 Again, she gave me instructions. I went to yet another hut, to "take care of myself". This time, I wasn't surprised, when the witch wasn't waiting for me. 

After hours of slowly inching my way to the foot of the other mountain, the witch pushed me again. This time, a whole medical team sprinted toward me. All I know is the new people glared at the witch. That was the first time, I saw "daggers" launch from someone's eyes. I fainted after that.


 [ (At the time, everyone blamed "Auntie Shirley Vitality Family Realm Islands Empire monarchs forever Queen", for everything, even though, it was obvious, that, she couldn't do anything. She was very 😷sickly, despite, how I thought she looked, at any time, in my lifetime, thus far. )

 (Shirley and Henry, were King and Queen, of our Southern Vitality Family Realm Islands Empire Monarchs Domaine,  before my secret parents. I'll explain about my  poor parents later, as well) ]


By the time I awoke, in the hospital under the elementary school, it was a month later. Even so, I was still a week early, for first grade. The witch knew, it would take a long time, for me to get to school if I survived the ordeal. 

 Another new thing was that my remotely distant cousin, Brian, and I would live with Lucy and my other downtrodden sisters, as well as Uncle Henry and Auntie Shirley. To do this, a team of people would renovate, the part of the mansion, where we lived. This would include an elevator, and stairs, so nobody needed to scale the mountain. (I don't know how the "witch" got around the place. Maybe, she is a witch. She gives a bad name, to people.) I was still blaming Auntie Shirley, for the haunted estate.

 I haven't even gotten to the first day of school, which started badly, for me. 


❤ Dulcinea del Toboso is a fictional character who is unseen in Miguel de Cervantes' novel Don Quijote. Don Quijote believes he must have a lady, under the mistaken view that chivalry requires it. Wikipedia


(father); Lorenzo Gonzalo (mother)Aldonza Nogales

Wikipedia.  You should see the pictures.  

⛰End Chapter 1 ⛰⛰⛰⛰⛰⛰



Chapter 2

First Insane Day of Attempting to Get to School Part 2

Well, after my recovery, my family and I went to live in a temporary home, which was also in the mountain, of the school, and the hospital. 

 At some point, a nurse told me, that the King and Queen, were notified, about me. I didn't know, whom she meant. They never came, to see me, anyway.

     A lot of things happened that summer, before I started my descent, from the Mountain: Some huge factory, which contained all kinds of poison, polluted the river, and miles of land, as well. Miraculously, everyone, except the king, was "cured", instantly.   As for the king, he was not allowed to get treated. Some wild man, dressed in red medieval clothes, with big pointy colors, and forked tail coats, was responsible. Why anyone would listen to him, is insane. The king, like a cousin, who ruled the other island, was ...: Kind; Lovable; Just; Modest (He never wore royal clothing. It was the sculptor, who embellished the king's attire, for the statues.) 

 The joint kingdom was peaceful, prosperous, and fun, until the crazy man came, to the one island. 

 This stranger wasn't powerful, or anything. He had a half-baked plan, that shouldn't have worked.

 As I was saying, the king was incredibly sick, and no one would help him. On top of that, some weirdo went to all their homes, on the island, to declare: "The King, Jimmy "will 

come weekly, to collect all the gold you mined, from his mountain!"

 As this was bizarre, nobody knew what to do. The king himself, already told them, that they, could keep the precious items, that they mined. The king needed more room for the mansion. Even so, the barely alive king appeared at every home, with huge wagons. He was helped by 2 strong men, who had to carry him, to the doors. Two more strong men, with inflatable fake spears, were on either side of them. The people got angry at the king, even though, they could tell ...: 1. He's almost dead; 2. This isn't his idea ; 3. He is telling us, to keep our gold and other precious items.

 Nonetheless, the townspeople, filled the wagons, with all of their money. 

 Fortunately, one of my sisters, Andrea, was in our mansion. she could see where the huge wagons were going. She didn't know, where they originated. 

 As I was saying, all of this ludicrous activity, happened, before I started school. 

 Also, when the king was well, he didn't want his "surviving" children, to know, that they were royalty. He never came to his wife, when she gave birth. She also had a hood over her head. Nobody was supposed to know whose child this was. The hospital folk thought that the king had too many children. That's why they never complained, about the weird birthing conditions. They said one thing to the mother and then gave the children, to her relatives. These relatives didn't know who the children were. 

 Okay. Even with all of the secrecy, the school still knew, which royalty lived in the mansion.

 The king would visit the principal, on the day before school started. "Jimmy" wanted everyone to bow, or curtsy, to his children, without telling his children why they were given special treatment. Normally, nobody minded. Lucy and her sisters, just thought that it was nice. They did the same, for everyone, so everyone competed, to be the most polite.

 Next, the summer came, when people gave all their money (grudgingly), to the pathetic king. 

 Finally, I can get to my first day at school. Naturally, as the townsfolk were needlessly angry at the king, they spilled their bile on me!

 I went to school alone. People greeted me, with grated teeth, grimaces, and glares, as they pretended to bow, curtsy, or whatever. I was so scared. This nightmare kept getting worse. I was still wearing my rags, as I was clutching my books. These demons were swooping around everywhere! I got to my classroom, where, I thought I'd be safe, ...! The teacher "flew" at me, and was yelling something incomprehensible, when suddenly, the lights flashed off, and on, again. I heard Lucy demand to see the principal. The next thing I knew, the principal made an announcement. He said, that after meeting with several people, he had clarifying news. He preceded to explain, everything, that I just told you. Of course, he gave a much better presentation, than I did.

 Once everyone understood, what happened, they were chagrined

 (Embarrassed nearly to death). When they found out, that all of my generations, were siblings, or cousins, they were floored! 

   My teacher was my mother's sister. No one knew why I had only one dress, for my whole life. 

My brother, Evan, was the worst student, before the principal's shocking announcement.

Well, afterward, Evan took us shopping, for new clothes, and things.

Luckily, Andrea knew where to find all those wagons of gold!

We followed a side road, that ran along the river until it went underground. There, complete with dummy spears, and nameplates, were all the town's mined gold. 

 Since I also had to mine, for all this, I knew I would be furious, if I had to part with the rewards.

 I wasn't feeling well, so I was taken back to the hospital.

On the way, I was told why the people gave their gold, to a sickly king, who didn't want the gold.

A "wild devil" -- a man who was dressed kind of like the Devil, came to the hospital for help. he couldn't speak clearly due to the poisoned water, so the staff assumed what the guy wanted! -- He told us not to help King Jimmy. He masterminded the whole "Give ... to ... Jimmy" thing. "Now we know, that 'The Devil', was a harmless lunatic, who didn't know what he was doing. The stranger, just went away, with his strange walk.  Nobody knew where he went, afterward", said the hospital staff.

They were dead wrong.

 Even so, the people who claimed to help the stranger, with everything, were properly arrested and sentenced. None of them will ever get out of jail.

  End  Chapter 2