Sunday, January 8th, 2023, Part 1: I still don't understand this complex Conundrum.

Sunday, January 8th, 2023

I felt free, young, and agile, as I happily ran through the tall Tiffany Grasses, wildflowers, and clovers. I was wearing my Raggedy-Anne dress. I should have been about 6 years old; as my height; and appearance masked my true age.

If you looked closely, you would have seen the tell-tale weariness, of an ancient woman.

Wait! What?

I froze, as all sorts of strange, conflicting, and random memories assaulted me. It was like I was standing in front of an enormous movie screen, while extra-bright visions flashed across the canvas. I couldn't process anything. I fainted.

The "All Purpose Health... Gold Royal Medallion" sounded the alarm.

"911 Stephanie. Rachel the First speaking. Where are you? You're late for work, Empress"! Shouted my relative, who was supposed to help me.

I know this, as my medallion recorded the tantrum. Plus, Rachel kept screaming until I awoke. That's when I started to talk. At first, I was hoarse. Then, my voice became fuller and fuller: "Rachel! Once again, someone shoved me through time and space. I didn't elect to be an elderly person, trapped in a child's body. I just had another traumatic "chaos of memories from through the space-time continuum". I kept it up until she was silent, for the whole message.

"Oh. I'm sorry! I didn't know! You were here yesterday, in your proper form. This is scary! What should I do? I don't know how to find you if you are in a supernatural state"! the Emergency Dispatcher screamed hysterically.

"I never thought of that. No wonder, nobody rescued me, ..." I said, as an epiphany hit me. Duh.

I looked around the meadow. I saw a familiar tiny red man, who was flying around a flower.

"Hey! Dougie Boy!" I shouted to him.

"Don't call me that! My brother yelled angrily, as he zoomed toward me.

"Oh. Sorry. Do you know what is happening in this absurd place"? I asked the living absurdity.

"Sure. What exactly do you want to know"? he asked me.

"Why do I look like a severely aged 5-year-old child"? I asked.

"Well, someone 'goofed up' your

transition, from your natural existence to this one,".

"A person like you, who drank too much magically mystical water"?

"Well, yeah. It could have been (the following) ...: a bunch of real people, who drank the water or swam in it; the copies of people, who touched the water; or objects that were incarnated by the water. The Specifically Formulated Enriched Sun Beam Infused Water, doesn't make copies; perfect lifeforms; or create life. The people and "life forms" are the microscopic doctors, or inventors, who do that. I don't know how new souls are made.

I swam in the river, and I drank the water. I don't think anyone was there, that first month. I mean, I didn't swallow anyone. Sometimes, we accidentally swallow someone, who is smaller than a baby's tooth. ..."

"Wait. Is it me, or are you talking nonsense"? came Rachel's voice from the charm, I was wearing.

(The Unprofessional Emergency Dispatcher who couldn't find me, in my time-travel mishap).

"No. It is hard to believe; yet; I am very tiny. I can change my size, and I am always dressed. I am bewitched by the Sun Beam, that purified the water,".

"Oh. Okay. Wait. Are you explaining why many different girls look like me; yet; they never get sick"? Rachel suddenly asked.

"Well, yeah. You were dazzled by the water. You fell into it.

That's when a bunch of us, were suddenly microscopic. We saw that you had injuries and problems with your right arm, from the shoulder to your fingertips. We studied your left arm etc. Somehow, the team saw everything like globes, tubes, and bits of electrons. We found the pieces, to transform your right arm, etc, into an exact copy of your left arm, etc. I don't know how long everything took, to perfect you, in this way. I do know, that people who watched, said, 'It was amazing. Rachel kept falling into the river and popping back out again. Each time, she looked healthier than the last time,'.

I think, someone else, played with time, thinking that, no one would notice..."

"I wasn't born like this"? Rachel asked.

"Well, you were pretty much the same at birth, as you are, now, except for being older, and taller. We erased the evidence, of your physical traumas, over the years. Oh, and we gave you near-perfect vision, hearing, and more. The nutrients in the water provided everything we needed for you,"

"Thank you"! Rachel shouted.

"You're welcome". Doug Vitality grew into a happy handsome man of 50+ years old, who wore a regular tuxedo.

He's still only an inch taller than I am.

I forgot to mention that, everyone has an all-powerful, all-purpose royal gold charm. I supposedly carved each person's face, on the door, to the locket. I don't remember. People have videos, from these hidden cameras.

Anyway, our talismans recorded this whole scene.

"Well, what may I do for you, My Lady"? Doug asked.

"Who, me"? I asked. I don't need such formality.

"Yeah, you," both of them said.

"Restore me, to my proper form, and my time," I said softly, So I wouldn't yell.

"Oh, yeah. Right.

On a different topic, my name was supposed to be, "Dave"; except; my mother was hooded and gagged, when I was born. I never found out, 'Why'"?

"I was told, a guy in red, was sick. When he went to the hospital for help, he was misunderstood. The hospital representative said, that this man gave all sorts of orders, which led to the inexcusable mistreatment of my family, as they were royalty.

My age kept changing, so, I went from 5 years old, to 12 years old, in a second. That was creepy. I remember re-doing a moment, when I got people to unmask, and un-gag the mothers. I thought that 8 of them were sisters. One of them was my mother. Incredibly, they were all my mother, who was somehow forced to time-travel multiple times," I finally finished.

"Now, let's restore me to my proper physiology," I worked to keep calm, as I said this.

"Wait. What is "physiology"? Rachel asked.

"Since I'm a person: Physiology is my human form. It is my body and everything, that is solid,"

"Oh, I forgot your appearance was in chaos. Your soul, mind, and face, are very old, while the rest of you is about 5 years old. I can't see you. I just realized what you said about yourself earlier today," Rachel said. "How are we supposed to help you with the absurd dilemma"? She asked.

"Doug, if you can reform a person's arm, to make it a perfect working replica, of the other arm..." I started to ramble anxiously.

Doug carried me to the river. There was a large swimming pool, with carefully filtered Sun Water. No objects or life forms were in the basin. He lowered me into the heavenly liquid. Then, a multitude of ... microscopic entities surrounded me. I fell asleep.

When I awoke, I was lying on a soft bed, on the beach. The females finally came to hide me, as they changed my clothes. Also, only females worked with my body. I don't care if they can see the big picture. I'm not letting males see my atoms!

As always, I was wearing my "indescribable" translucent sparkling armor, which has pure water, air, and even food. I put the adjective in quotes, as it is a heavy thing that can fall apart from the inside of it. Otherwise, like Batman, I can survive a car fire or a bomb. I don't think the material will withstand an atomic bomb. We're not going to test it.

Sorry. I digress (ramble and babble) like a river flowing in weird directions.

Oh, yeah. When I awoke, everything about me, (except my chaotic memories) was 25 years old. I was happy. I could go home, to my husband, for a while. Well, that's what I thought until the hospital staff of "normal people" came running up to me. They were shouting conflicting orders.

I realized I needed to take charge of this mess. As I got up, everyone froze in place. I wanted to laugh.

"I'm fine. I'm glowing more than usual. I'm not a Goddess, even if I look like one. The water, and the "mini doctors" fixed my problems, which is astounding.

Well, everyone, go back to what you were doing. You still have patients, after all,".

"The Nearly Goddess-Level Empress Stefanie hath spoken"! Douglas yelled, in an unnatural megaphone-type voice, to completely annoy me.

I didn't show any emotion. I let myself relax, as I got back on the bed.

Doug laughed heartily anyway. He fell. He was sort-of "break dancing", on his back, as he enjoyed his joke.

End chapter #? which started on Sunday, January 8th, 2023.

It is now, Monday, January 9th, 2023.