Instead of letting me participate, in their impromptu celebration, those people, sent me off, on another mission, saying, "Well, you are refreshed now, and you're the only one for the job".


Back peddling, a little bit. Elsewhere, This morning, a young 24-year-old lady, answered an ad, for a student, to learn Chinese. She went to this building, where guards, helped her, to find the right room. It was the old University, and all, so it made sense, to have campus police.

When the young lady, walked into the room, she was immediately petrified! Who would have thought, that a large study, with all-male occupants, would scare her, nearly to death❔❓❓

Most of them didn't look up, from their books. They were in comfortable chairs, either at tables or with an Ottoman. The kind professor was watching the door, excitedly awaiting his student. He had too few girls at home, who might need a new babysitter, who spoke both English and Chinese. He also thought that he could protect the new student.

When she did come inside, the classroom, He immediately got up, to welcome her. As she froze, with horror, written all over her face, and her amulet sounding, the man was surprised and scared. "911 Stephanie", voices sounded from the amulets. "Megan and Lisa speaking, what's happening? Leo"!

Leo came forward. " The new lady student just arrived. She looks like someone in a scary movie, only she's not making a noise. She's standing, there, petrified! Likewise, the teacher, is in a strange bow, like he's silently screaming!" Well, The woman, was shorter, than the gentlemen.

Suddenly, I found myself, in my old school, with them. I picked-up the 24-year-old, and suddenly, in a cloud of dust, we were gone. I cradled the girl. She recovered nicely, yet we still had to make sure, that she didn't hurt herself, in her panic.

As I looked around, I saw that Brian was tending to the Chinese Professor.

My husband and I just nodded our heads at each other. It looked like he was struggling. He doesn't have his mother's magic, for teleporting people, and whatever. (Well, I take him over her any day, even though, she and I made peace).

I digress, as usual. Sorry.

Once our mysteriously mystical family, sensed that the patients, didn't need us anymore, albeit hours later, Brian and I were back, in our expanded room, as if we never left. We had thick, well-made strawberry soufflé, and other cool stuff.

Then, since these partiers, overtook our room, Brian and I each crashed in a different room. My exhaustion knew no bounds. I got to sleep, uninterruptedly, for 8 hours straight.

When I awoke, I went back to my bedroom, which was restored, to its regular small size. Brian's side, was still pretty big, as he was trying to have a serious conversation, with a strangely dressed politician, with an exaggerated wide and tall top hat, (Bigger than Lincoln's hat) and brightly orange colored sweater, which clashed, with the rest of his suit, with tails. I think he was trying to look like some character.

I took refuge, in my bathroom, where, I could laugh, while getting myself ready for the day.

I went to the Royal Office, where my father. was working on something important.

Although he was glad to see me and was unwilling to stop hugging me, he had to go to his bed. It seemed, he had done a lot, while I took my nap, just now.

That's why, he told me about everything he did, done in the last several hours, and finally left. Despite our crazy hysterical history, we can't always be in the same room together.

I noticed, that I not only had tons of paperwork to do, (why can't people use a computer, in this place? Dad certainly knows how to do work one! He taught computers, before he became king, the first time). Grr! Sorry, I interrupted myself. Common error.

Again, what with forms, and reports, all over the desk, in Dad's organized, and precise piles, I also had to learn many more different languages. Ugh. Grrrr. Growl. Growl. Grrrr. (My nieces and their folks, taught me that one. They got it from "Sesame Street".

Well, if it works!

Well, if I annex fully-fledged, pledged, and hurting, countries, I need to speak, with each person, from each of those places. I also hate when things are lost in translation. (Not the movie. I never saw it, so I wouldn't know, about it).

I got comfortable, as I went through, each stack of paperwork, sagely, sanely, seriously, and precisely, to make sure, that I did it without paper cuts, mistakes, or messiness. I had to make sure, that all of the papers were exactly stacked, to resemble a well-edged lawn. That part was kind of fun. I could let loose, with my meticulously scrutinizing, of everything.

Then, I scanned everything, into the computer. If anyone needed to review my masterpieces, so be it.

After a while, I looked at the clock. I got through a full day's work without interruption. Time to go back to the bathroom!

When I opened the door, Aunt Shirley, and a bunch of mini-mes, were in distress. Someone locked them out of the room so that they couldn't visit me. No wonder, I wasn't disturbed. Thanks, Dad! I was sure to look at the room again. What if, someone messed-up the stacks of paper? Or play with the computer?

No! All that work! + Whoever needs to deal with all of that next, needs a neat and orderly workplace.

After taking care of myself, I was off, to my first new language class.

I never did well, in geography. + Many places change names and or borders, anyway. I never heard of the 2 countries, which I miraculously brought, into the Vitality Realm.

Once "my people" dug up the whole war zone, to get all of the shrapnel, ashes, and debris, the group, "rejuvenated" the vast double empire, with freshly filtered, and treated soil, which was several feet deep. Now, How did they do that? They also "recycled" everything, nonliving, from the area. We repeat, "How did they do that"?

Also, I think that I already mentioned, at some point, that I have a larger than, an Olympic Sized stadium, "Multipurpose Airplane", which completely "Rejuvenates, recycles, and renews air, for several miles around it? Anyway, it did all of that, while transporting almost all forms of life, anywhere, it or one, needed to be. Course it cured everyone, from all sorts of diseases, and allergies, as it cleaned inside the stupidly massive compartments. people made it happen. How did they do that? (This sounds even better, during, all of the mask years, of the pandemic of Covid - 19 and its various variants.)

Well, as I said, President Barack Obama was in office, back then. Brian and I enjoyed family dinners, with our crew, and the Obamas, in the White House. You can do the "chorus"

from the previous story, if you want.

What else?