chapter 26

After resting there, for a while, the Megan, who used to dance, went over to her seat, next to Tom. She put her head on the clean table, to sob.

Meanwhile, the other Megan, was compelled to dance.

A warm, large, and gentle hand, rubbed my sister's back, as Tom wanted to comfort her.

Before he thought to say anything, this Megan, piped-up again, "I hate my life! Imagine attacking someone, just to get all of them punches myself! I forgot, that, "she" is actually another version of me! That's my future self"!

Tom never stopped, rubbing her back.

"I suddenly switched again. You were comforting the one who was attacked at first, in case you were confused, again". Megan.

"That's all right. I didn't know, which one was which, anyway. Thanks for the update. I'm sorry, your Aunt Shirley, is doing this to you, and your family".

"Thank You!" I said, with a genuine smile.

"No rest for the weary," the one seated Megan said, as all of our amulets, sounded the alarm. Yet another Megan, was hollering orders, over these multiple use golden gadgets. "Come on, ladies! Let's go!" Megan (by Tom) yelled, as the floor, gave way underneath us! Down we went in various ways. I had a nasty fall, down a shoot! The Megan who was dancing, slid on a crazy slide, under the floor, over to my shoot! Little girl landed on my head! As she wasn't protected with the armor, she was knocked-out. Course she did some spectacular, graceful flips, and acrobatics in midair, after bouncing off of my helmet. Good thing, my crown, fell off of my armor, already. She hit a moving wall, as she landed. I was so angry! What is with this place? It wreaks of movies!

My talisman sounded. I gave that girl an earful, about how: She nearly killed herself again! I explained the whole day, to her. "No wonder, I'm getting "beaten up" all day! I'm not controlling the booby-traps! I'm innocent! I'm in Head Quarters"!

All of the Megans, who were floating in time, suddenly appeared, in the Hospital. Another voice, (That Witch!) intoned, in a horrified voice.

Too late, to repent! YOU WITCH !

I had to soldier on, alone. As always, I had so many adventures, that needed to take place spontaneously, and simultaneously, that I couldn't keep track. I focus, on one one thing, so that I might do it Well !

I was a spy, in some distant land, where, I found a circle of people, who looked scared, till they saw me. I don't think, that they were used, to wearing white turbans, and white loose clothes. It looked like a nativity scene.

Directly behind this group of various races, was the enemy. A group of people, apparently from the middle east, with green camouflage, were "up to something". I spoke a bunch of languages, so I asked questions, of each person, in the first group. They answered, in their own language, which was mostly English, of some sort. The ones, with the natural handsome, brown features, were surprised, that, I knew Etiopía's language, as well as others, in Africa.

The folks from Iran, Iraq, and Afganistán, were equally impressed. I talked with them, about their personal histories, before going on, about mine, and my family's. I told them everything, that I told you. Fortunately, they saw, or heard of all of my references, already. They even had various devises, to play each thing, one at a time. It was fun.

The other group, of people, didn't seem to notice. Strange Course, I am stupid. Since it took so long, for me, to investigate green camouflage, they took out their devices, to watch Empress Stephanie 911 TV ‼️‼️

Everyone seems to know, that I have various TV or video cameras, on me, at all times. Even my amulet, opens up, to capture my environment. I wish I could hide in my own bathroom! That's the only place, where nobody can see me, even if they can monitor my health.

There were other groups, each with a specific type of clothing, scattered around the area.

My watch stopped, right when I got to this spot. How'd They do That!

After all the stories, I finally face-palmed! I noticed, we were stuck in time. I heard the witch's cackle, and my father's groaning.

"It's about time! You Idiot! Get going"! a new evil sounding disembodied voice screeched. All of these "voices came through, on my radio". (Something like the band, Duran Duran).

I asked the gentlemen and lady, in front of me, if I was supposed to do something. They didn't know, although, each one had something for me, which they put in a wonderful, tastefully, thoughtfully embellished bag, fitting an Excellent Exhilarating Extremely Extraordinary Elegant Exalted Empress Stephanie Superior. I love alliteration. I'm just not that special. Anyway, I didn't object to their praise. I gave them each, a blanket, which could be formed into any garment. It was made out of a soft, heavenly blanket, sealed in the same translucent transparent body, and everything, armor, that I wore. I always carry these, as I never know, when I'm going to be in a war zone. the blankets, have built-in luxurious items. There's plenty of air, constantly "deep cleaned" filtered, and adjusted, according, to one's needs. Plus, a cooling system. Insulation. Regulates heat. Supplies nourishment, too. I gave them, food supplies, of vegan fresh and fancy meals, with protein and everything.

I also gave everyone, a solid gold, talisman, that was ... A : Heart monitor ; an incredible, intricate, and highly accurate health monitor, for everything, in a creature (circulatory system, fingers, toes, limbs - For example - arms and legs) as well as all of the other systems, and cells, of anyone). It also has a special video message, from one's own Grandma and Grandpa. Plus, it's like a radio, telephone, TV, etc.

Aside from being a hospital on your chest, it is also a unique keepsake. I carve a likeness, of your face on each one, that I give to you, as you age.

Well, it can do more than that! ... .

The different groups, would have grown restless, if time didn't actually stand still, so that they could spend the time doing what they wanted to do. Well, it stood still, for them, so they didn't get hungry, or have to find a bathroom.

For me, I didn't have those needs either, as I had to keep moving back and forth, from one spot to the other. I'm glad, I didn't have to jump through time. I just had to jump through space. No body saw me leave, to go get my supplies, to make the amazing amulets. I was yanked out of the African clearing, seamlessly. It really felt like a jump. I don't know, how the witch knew, when, and how to do things.

The people were surprised, when the bag, that they gave to me, was suddenly filled with ... "No Way!" Personalized all purpose amazing amulets. I enjoyed presenting each talisman, like a medal, for each person, and their dog too.

I was glad, that I didn't have to keep them waiting, for me, while I took care of business.

I finally got to the next group of people. As no time actually passed, they didn't mind the wait. they looked up, from, what they were doing. Brian, Megan, and three more of our strong sisters soldiers suddenly spontaneously materialized. Good Grief, Charlie Goldendoodle Nicoll

(Peanuts comics and animated movies, from Charles M Shultz. Good Grief Charlie Brown)

(I didn't know, that one of my family's dogs, was registered, on this phone. They live in another state).

I went a short distance, to where the soldiers, sat. They were sitting "round" a huge solid square oak table. I spoke, to the assembly.

Well, the green camouflage group, surrendered, when they heard me talking clearly to them in their own language, too. A they had gifts for me, I wanted to give gifts to them. I did. They enjoyed the victory celebration.

As everything happened in the same second, I didn't have to do things, in any order. This way, the citizens of Afganistán, could concentrate, on conducting us, to their local leader, who bowed before me. Someone roused President Obama, for this one.

They 📧 e-mailed something to him, which he received. The leader gave the same information, to me. I'm the one with the crown 👑. (The Afghan leadership camp, was near the large oak table).

I also remember spending time, with a group of people who looked like the cardinal bird, in their red hooded cloaks, complete, with the black markings (almost like a tattoo), on their faces. (Whatever these people used, was cool. It was not, like that black tar, or whatever it is, that soldiers, or base ball players, use on their faces.

Well, I spoke with them. They had a lot to tell me, about themselves as well. Fortunately, I didn't have to say anything about myself, or my group of people, or my goals. They already got all they ever never ever, wanted to know. At least that's what I call my "wind bag" communication.

They "were up to something", until they, started to pour over my Fast Forward Stephanie TV.

Well, I received more gifts, and another gorgeous bag fitting fast forward Stephanie. I also held another Vitality Victory Celebration. President Barack Hussein Obama, just got up, and was presidential, for the rest of the elongated second. I had a total, of 16 groups, to deal with, in that second. Finally, we could all go to our respective homes. Course, The President, just went back upstairs, to his master bedroom. As it was only a second, His wife, Michelle, slept through the whole thing.

For me, it was more like several years, to accomplish everything. Well, it also kept that old bat, Aunt Witch Shirley, busy, too.