28 marriage law cut chapter

28 Empress Stephanie

We have a harsh Law, For the People Who Cheat, on Their SPOUSES

The basic Wedding Law, of the USA, ...: Only 2 people; They both have to be over 18; They both need to agree, on things like, whether or not to have children of their own, or to adopt children; No abuse; and more, depending on the state.

Well, people are arrested, for having more than one spouse. They obviously, can't abuse one another, either.

In my growing Realm, we also prosecute people who cheat, on their spouses.

As we have the same secret surveillance, in the bedroom, like the bathroom, cameras, are turned on, if someone is ...: Harming oneself, or other(s); Making dangerous items; With someone dangerous; To close physically, to someone, who is not the spouse; Using a communications device, to talk dirty, or abuse someone. We have the amulets and other nifty ways!

(Children, and pets, would be removed, from the place, before anything was done about the crime, of breaking wedding vows, or whatever the crime was.)

When our sneaky surveillance systems, found someone cheating, on one's spouse, the culprit and the partner, suffered a living nightmare!

Most importantly: Immediate divorce ‼️‼️ This cost was: one, "all of the gold, that could fit into the old enormous wagons, from the old days, when a mad-man told everyone, to 'give all of your gold' to the nearly dead, emaciated, haggard, clueless, and sickly king, who is telling you, to keep your possessions. Big Time Maladies❗

Big Time Manipulation❗

(The scenes of the broken Matrimonial Vows Intense Laws)

1. ) People barged into the room, by doors, windows, and newly-made trap doors, on the floor, ceiling, and even the walls. (Any children, and or pets, were removed, from the home, first.)

9. ) ... Brought aboard my stupendously Stupidly Enormous Multipurpose Airplane ...: Full Hospital, for almost any malady, mental, or physical; Full educational system from pregnant women, and their unborn children, to the oldest person, we could find, with all languages, and academics, as well as Behavioral Heath (Feeling well, and being able to cope with "WHATEVER LIFE THROWS AT YOU", and coping with people, and oneself); A lot of passenger space complete with bedrooms.

It also perfectly sanitized, filtered, and fortified, all the air within it, as well as up to 15 miles, all around it, like a gigantic air cleaner, that didn't even have any waste, or dust, when it worked.

How'd They Do That❓❓‼️‼️

10. ) The suspects, could even go through the judicial system, and various types of incarceration.