Extra notes for chapter 1

I didn't know that my Aunt and Uncle, ruled this Southern Island, years ago

I didn't know that my Aunt and Uncle, ruled this place years ago.

Somehow, Shirley Vitality was my mother's sister. (No one told me back then, who anyone was. I just knew the lady didn't look enough like me, to be my mother. Also, even though Brian was her son, he was always my distant cousin, by 8 generations, if I remember correctly. He looked more like me than Shirley did. Bizarre.

The name, "Vitality" is always added to the history of this place, and some of its people, now, that the name history explains the names, later.

Sudden memory, from another time jump, I guess:

I never noticed, that Aunt Shirley Vitality, had a misshapen hand. I mean, something was wrong, with one of her hands. It looked swollen, spotted, wrinkled, and scarred, with enlarged bony white knuckles. Whoops‼️

Oh no‼️

How could I miss that ❓❓

Wait, how am I getting this mental image of my Auntie Shirley, if I don't remember the scene? Did someone try to erase my memories, so I wouldn't remember, that I was sent back and forth through time?

Now, that I remember this previously deleted scene, I am a mess. "I didn't realize, what was happening to anyone else back then. Was I too selfish, to notice, this, or anything else, about her,"? 😭

Wow ❗

I know now, that, various groups, and individuals, somehow "jumped in know out of the flow of time, and space", to make changes. Then, they tried to erase memories, so that the changes would seem natural. Well, they failed. Too many life forms were doing different things, as they unknowingly created permanently invisible tunnels through the combined space and time dimensions; like a "worm-hole"; in Star Trek Voyager.

(I wish people would stop messing up time! They foolishly think, ... :

"Oh, we solved that problem. Nobody will ever know, that changes were made, to their lives. Now, they will have normal lives, without all the problems,".

It doesn't work like that.

Another memory:

I mention this, as sometimes when I looked at her hands, they were apparently in mint condition. Other times, those hands were suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

A minute ago, I j got a different vision of the lady, than the one I always remembered, which didn't show her hands at all. That's why I interrupted my diary.

Another misplaced memory:

A nanosecond after appearing as an elderly lady; Aunt Shirley vanished. In the same second, 18-year-old Lucy was sitting next to Uncle Henry.

I dropped my spoon, the first time, that I realized: Somehow, Shirley and Lucy, are the same person.

(I suddenly remember something else):

My sister, Lucy, was teaching me a lot of things. I can't remember everything. Sometimes, I think she ran out of time, from teaching "house cleaning", which, is why, she didn't have time, for helping me with ...: compassion; integrity; interests; intriguing input; inspiration; information; ideas; insights; ingenious plans; organization; introductions to people; or interpersonal skills.

(I can't believe, I just said that. Someone is making a fool of me. How is anyone supposed to "reach out" to a kid, about some of the more difficult things listed, in this chapter?)

((Wait. Other memories of mealtimes are also coming into my mind. Woah. Slow down, the works. One thing at a time.))

The reason I was compelled to go down the mountain:

(Years later, I found out, that it was something called, "Summoning submitted successfully succeeded subsequently substantially subsequent submission to some subliminal messaging services system", from which, someone somehow, sentenced me, to attempt to walk through all most all kinds of ...: poisonously polluted and displaced disposable despicable natural items.

Four months earlier, we had a diabolical catastrophe: As I lived upon the mountain, in the farthest inland tower, of a castle (which I thought was a castle) I didn't know, that a group of industrial environmental terrorists, egregiously expelled twenty ten-ton truckloads of an extremely expensive exhaustively experimental engineered earth-ravaging heinous-vicious contaminated complex combination of killer toxins, with horrendous cloudy foaming nauseating and deadly odors and chemical waste; which was flowing down "heavy 30-manned invincible tunnels" and hideously splashing all over our precious Fountain of Youth-Wishing Well.

The encrusted encroaching scorching vile venom ravaged the mountain.

The ground, encapsulating the village, and the city, looked deceptively "untouched". Only the grass, and 3 inches depth, of earth, was okay for walking, or anything.

Another anachronism anomaly

The following odd event occurred decades later, as some mystical force fumbled through the dimensions of the space-time continuum.

It seemed like, as soon as the water was sabotaged:

People suddenly wore gas masks and a strange shimmering shining translucent transparent full-body armor.

A seemingly endlessly and mysteriously re-filled freshly filtered fresh fortified water supply snaked its path through the strange suit, to a place near the person, or creature's mouth.

Also, a separate waste disposal system was cleverly installed, so that, people wouldn't have to go to the bathroom. Another unknown means is simply to remove the "bed pan".

{{Another " Flash Back, or rewriting history, or reliving history" }}

When people bathed or swam in the sun-infused water, they were cured of everything, except for mental illness, or maybe it was just me. Come to think of it, no one else needed medicine, on the island. That explains, why no one thought to give me my medicine when I was unable to fend for myself.

Also, when people were in the water, they developed supernatural powers. Not the ones who went back home, like my brother and my original self. I mean, the ones who lingered. My brother's friend, and a few others, may have stayed.

The ones who were created here, whether they were people, animals, or items, that fell into the water, became more sentient. Sentient = A living creature, who can think, and do things for oneself, as a person does. For example, The tree branch, turns into an exact living copy of the original tree, in all its glory, as if it were never damaged, sick, or dead.

Also, it seems to have a brain, which allows it to... : talk; walk; dance; sing; and a whole lot more things, than make its food from the sun; grow towards the light, and feel pain. The extra abilities, especially deep thinking, reasoning, and creating stories, are what make it sentient.

A rock, that starts to learn English, and can speak, is a sentient miracle.

Further Notes:

This autobiography is written, as it happens. Unfortunately, it is a "Quantum Leap" history, which means that I was sent through time, and space, to various points of my life. Other people were propelled as well. Even though someone tried to erase our memories, it didn't always work. I managed to have one consistent memory after the changes began.

After a while, memories returned. Those memories get inserted into the diary, at the points, of my life, when they happened. For example, I had to re-do my plight, from getting up one morning, to get down the mountain, an astounding amount of times. As memories of that repetitiously repulsive day materialize, I have to interrupt the narrative, with the memory.

As this makes it confusing, I cut an addendum to the story, so that I could put it here, for you.

These are the thoughts that came to my mind, when I was discussing the fact, that "I must have been out of my mind, to attempt to struggle down a mountain by myself:

(Years later, I found out, that it was something called, "Summoning submitted successfully succeeded subsequently substantially subsequent submission to some subliminal messaging services system", from which, someone somehow, sentenced me, to attempt to walk through all most all kinds of ...: poisonously polluted and displaced disposable despicable natural items.

Four months earlier, we had a diabolical catastrophe: As I lived upon the mountain, in the farthest inland tower, of a castle (which I thought was a castle) I didn't know, that a group of industrial environmental terrorists, egregiously expelled twenty ten-ton truckloads of an extremely expensive exhaustively experimental engineered earth-ravaging heinous-vicious contaminated complex combination of killer toxins, with horrendous cloudy foaming nauseating and deadly odors and chemical waste; which was flowing down "heavy 30-manned invincible tunnels" and hideously splashing all over our precious Fountain of Youth-Wishing Well.

The encrusted encroaching scorching vile venom ravaged the mountain.

The ground, encapsulating the village, and the city, looked deceptively "untouched". Only the grass, and 3 inches depth, of earth, was okay for walking, or anything.

Another anachronism anomaly

The following odd event occurred decades later, as some mystical force fumbled through the dimensions of the space-time continuum.

People suddenly wore gas masks and a strange shimmering shining translucent transparent full-body armor.

A seemingly endlessly and mysteriously re-filled freshly filtered fresh fortified water supply snaked its path through the strange suit, to a place near the person, or creature's mouth.

Also, a separate waste disposal system was cleverly installed, so that, people wouldn't have to go to the bathroom. Another unknown means is simply to remove the "bed pan".

------- there is at least one difference in these notes...

Long ago, the sun sent a special formula for all good things, to the coast of Connecticut, to form a unique River. When that happened, the Atlantic Ocean disappeared. Two formerly hidden mountains rose higher, towards the sun. Also, the wide Vitality River flowed around them.

The clocks were supposed to be turned back to the dawn of time. A small group of people, found their way, to the Southern Iland.

Some of them were related. Others were not related to anyone else. Nobody realized that they seamlessly walked from Connecticut and their good or bad lives; to a wonderland.

As they swam in the water, strange things happened. First, everyone was duplicated, in a way, that created new people.

I was one of the created people.

(Way in the future, when someone tries to tell me something about all of this, I will explode with seething rage, due to an assumption. I mean, I will suddenly lose all of my composure, over all of the trials and tribulations, of my life, as they hit me, all at once, like a mountain collapsing on me. I will think that the one, who starts to explain the real history of this place, is responsible for everything that happens to me. Well, he was not even born yet, "when my life flipped upside down".

The original person, whom I resemble, except for my hair color, was immediately sent back to her original life. That's why I didn't know about her, for a long time.

Some of the others, like my brother, were duplicated a lot, before the original one, went home, to finish his life, without ever remembering his dream-like Vitality vacation.

By the time my version of me, that I remember the most, was5-year-oldold in Vitality, it would not have even had a name, yet.

Well, here are the thoughts that originally interrupted my narrative, of when I was 5:

I must have been insane to attempt to descend a cliff, at age 5.

(Years later, I found out, that it was something called, "Summoning submitted successfully succeeded subsequently substantially subsequent submission to some subliminal messaging services system", from which, someone somehow, sentenced me, to attempt to walk through all most all kinds of ...: poisonously polluted and displaced disposable despicable natural items.

Four months earlier, we had a diabolical catastrophe: As I lived upon the mountain, in the farthest inland tower, of a castle (which I thought was a castle) I didn't know, that a group of industrial environmental terrorists, egregiously expelled twenty ten-ton truckloads of an extremely expensive exhaustively experimental engineered earth-ravaging heinous-vicious contaminated complex combination of killer toxins, with horrendous cloudy foaming nauseating and deadly odors and chemical waste; which was flowing down "heavy 30-manned invincible tunnels" and hideously splashing all over our precious Fountain of Youth-Wishing Well.

The encrusted encroaching scorching vile venom ravaged the mountain.

The ground, encapsulating the village, and the city, looked deceptively "untouched". Only the grass, and 3 inches depth, of earth, was okay for walking, or anything.

Another anachronism anomaly

The following odd event occurred decades later, as some mystical force fumbled through the dimensions of the space-time continuum.

(When people drank or swam

People suddenly wore gas masks and a strange shimmering shining translucent transparent full-body armor.

A seemingly endlessly and mysteriously re-filled freshly filtered fresh fortified water supply snaked its path through the strange suit, to a place near the person, or creature's mouth.

Also, a separate waste disposal system was cleverly installed, so that, people wouldn't have to go to the bathroom. Another unknown means is simply to remove the "bed pan".

I didn't know that my Aunt and Uncle, ruled this place, years ago.

Somehow, Shirley Vitality was my mother's sister. (No one told me back then, who anyone was. I just knew the lady didn't look enough like me, to be my mother. Also, even though Brian was her son, he was always my distant cousin, by 8 generations, if I remember correctly. He looked more like me than Shirley did. Bizarre.

The name, "Vitality" is always added to the history of this place, and some of its people, now, that the name history explains the names, later.


life in the mansion - meals etc

[Actually, I found out later, that it wasn't a language, after all. It is hard to speak when gagged, and hooded. I mean, something was in a (Royal) mother's mouth, and she had a hood over her whole head when she gave birth. (Reasons of various truthfulness will surface, later in this especially preserved, ever-changing book). Basically; someone misunderstood a lot of communications when it came to my family. (Somebody got the idea, that I wasn't supposed to know, that I was a princess. Surprise. Empress Stephanie is at your service. Over many years of countless different kinds of changing history, and other supernatural things, I received various explanations, which may have been true, at some point.)

As for the old man, and the old woman, who scarcely made appearances; I knew, that, they weren't my parents. I could tell, by their eyes.

I found out much later, that they were related to me, by marriage. Now, I don't know, who married whom. I just know that I'm talking about Aunt Shirley, Uncle Henry, and their son, Brian. {Also, one of Brian's parents is an 8 generations distant cousin. (I would have to say, "Great", 8 times. That's hard for me to do).

[ If I never had cousins, who were ( or seemed to be, ) fully grown-up, when I was 4 and 5: I would feel weird, calling them cousins especially, if they were gray-haired, like Uncle Henry (Vitality Family Realm Islands Empire Monarchs Retired King. I guess, that's why I called them, Aunt Shirley and Uncle Henry).]}


I am initially, from a different lifetime.

In Vitality, my "birth mother", and Aunt Shirley, are sisters.

While I am Stephanie, I seem to have been several different people, in Vitality, as well as in other unrelated places. This is a conundrum. (crazy puzzle) (Clarification comes later, somewhere, in this "living" memory.)

I still have a lot of questions, about, "What is this, "THE TWILIGHT ZONE", with Rod Sterling? (See message section)

(Oh, no. my focus is shifting again.) Sometimes, it seemed like we were flooded with similar-looking people.

Now, all the females looked a lot like me. That's because, people, kept having children! Mostly girls. (That's what I was told, by this weird voice, that frequently yelled through speaker phones, that were placed all over the mansion).

I suddenly remember something vividly, as though, it is happening right now. Here we go again, into the "back in time" business.