Turning into ?

Turning into ?

Another person, who does not, want to be identified, gave, the following true tale :

1. My doctors, signed affidavits (legally binding documents), which continuously, absolutely authenticate (verify = Confirmed = This really actually happened) the validity (Truth) of this unique and nightmare type, of report.

2. They also signed affidavits, which continuously authenticate, the solution, to the report.

A Unique Nightmare

(I don't think, that this has happened, in any way, in any story.)

I suddenly, found myself, aboard, a luxurious cruise ship, of insanely impossible immense proportions. I mean, it was larger than 5 regular cruise ships, moving, as a team, through, the ocean. That's, the information, that was announced, over the loudspeaker. I was washing, various items, on this one immense city-ship.

After a while, I noticed huge dried-out, red bumpy rashes, on my arms, which quickly, spread out, all over, everything, from: my clean elbows, to my fingertips. Fortunately, it wasn't anywhere else, on me.

Next thing, I knew, my skin, was pure white, with weird differently colored growths suddenly showing. These horrible things, were on the smooth, part of my arms. They did not materialize (come), on any other parts of me. I checked.

I couldn't find any GIFS, to show you. Probably, just as well.

Well, I was so scared, I was petrified ‼️

I could feel myself 😱 screaming,

yet, I could not, hear anything, at all. It was horrible‼️

These different, forms of plant life, suddenly sprout a surprise, on my arms: The top one, was white, with 2 round thin tiny towers, that were half of a centimeter tall. then, some orange little flower. I couldn't tell, what any of them were, yet there were enough, of these things, to cover the arms, from the elbow, to the palm, on both arms.

I suddenly, saw some ship crew members, who didn't seem phased, by my condition.

Somehow, I went over, to someone, who was sweating, and grim. He said, "Oh yeah. That happens when, plants are mixed with the Vitality River water. Those are harmless. We are carrying vegetables, and other plants, from Vitality, to main land Connecticut, USA.

Don't worry. The mad vaccination nurse, is about to solve all your problems. You will awaken, on them beach, with your sister, a new, fully formed, functional, and rejuvenated, lady, of whatever age, you prefer.

In the meantime, I will catch you, as you lose awareness, from the sedating effects, of the medicine.

After that, everything went dark, and

BAM! An athletic child with long curly golden hair, appeared out of nowhere! She ran so fast, over the sand, that she broke a record for a mile.

Afterward, the nameless girl, said she thought she ran through tall wavy Tiffany Grassess, on a small field of wildflowers, honey bees, butterflies, and a few rabbits.

"Bizarre," I thought. "Oh yeah. This is Vitality. Multiple Dimensions: Not just measurements, ( height, length, width, volume,)